

  • what he said
    in A thought Comment by setaseba March 2013
  • Nuts...definitely nuts once I start I just can't stop :(
  • I took the sugar option off my tracker too. My tracker was always in the red for sugar. I love fruit and while I try to use moderation (as with everything) I can easily wolf down 4-5 portions a day or more. I also found that I wasn't getting enough veggies because after eating all that fruit I didn't have the calories…
  • I use vega one berry every morning and mix it with the vega antioxidant plant oil, cherry concentrate and benefibre along with a 1/2 scoop of veggie protein powder I get a huge start on my day protein, nutrient and fibre wise and it's pretty filling so I don't go on a snack binge halfway through the morning at work plus it…
    in vega one Comment by setaseba March 2013
  • a lot of people start with a 5 or 10% goal. so 10% for you is 138 - 13.8 = 124-125 lbs so yes, this is probably a good goal weight for you as long as you also work on getting toned and in shape so you don't lose more muscle than fat. otherwise your weight will just bounce right back up again and it will be harder to lose…
  • What with there being 3+ billion men on the planet I don't think there's such a thing as a normal guy except what social rules other men & women in your community and the media try to foist on you. As long as you like and respect who you see in the mirror in the morning, take responsibility for yourself and take care of…
  • yup. after you get used to bare knuckles on the heavy bag you can start working on cinder blocks etc...obviously there's a limit to what your hands can handle and it varies from person to person but if you take your time and work up to it the sky's the limit :)
  • only if you fall face down in them berries like blueberries, acai and others fruits like pineapple, apples, oranges & bananas are excellent sources of fibre & nutrients that you need to stay healthy while you lose weight. Pineapple for example is one of the few sources of bromine and apples contain pectin which helps to…
  • My weight has yo-yo'd most of my life. I am a life-time member of weight-watchers but thought I'd try this on my own with the knowledge I've picked up. I used to be a body-builder and I've been a martial artist for many years. I've been more-or-less vegetarian for most of my life and vegan for the last 19. I have learned a…
  • A masochistic streak helps LOL but seriously, it's only difficult sometimes. I wouldn't say vegans obsess about food any more (or less) than anyone else. You just have to maintain your focus when it's time to pick what to eat at meal time ...and resist the siren song of the junk food aisle in my case
  • I've been vegan for about 19 years now and can be challenging. Especially when your favourite food is pizza! Getting out of shape and chunky is easy if you don't watch your portions. A truck-load of anything will add to your spare tire - even if it's broccoli or tofu :)