Definitely will try this one!!
Carg..I agree weekends are my downfalls because everyone wants to go out to eat and drink. I found some cool recipes on Pinterest though like healthy taco dips, etc. that would be helpful to make for a night in.
Both sound amazing ladies! Yummers! I have a lot of those ingredients already. Ill let you know how it turns out. Thanks!
I struggle with keeping consistent with my diet plan!! I read an article saying you can prep Sundays and Wednesdays to break it up a little. I tried to prep for one week once and it was a disaster just because I would run out of tupperware, space in the fridge, and just didn't want to deal with cutting veggies or…
How often do you eat? This doesn't work for everybody but last year I lost a good amount of weight by eating every 3 hours. Small meals-almost considered snacks but I had about 6-7 meals/day. It really is true..It increases your metabolism. I remember having a "eat whatever you want" weekend and ended up losing a pound…
I picked 2 recipes for each meal and I came up with this: Breakfast: -plain old eggs with uncured turkey bacon and mixed berries -paleo fritatta from Lunch: -waldorf tuna salad from (i…
Thanks for the advice everyone! For the last one-I think I ran the course 1 week before on Sunday (so 13 miles the week before) and then I tapered off the week leading to race day. That worked fine for me from what I remember but then again, I didn't take a week off before! I think Ill still do the course on Friday but I…
Things I wish I didn't like are nuts! haha because I just can't stop eating them but Im going on a hiatus for my addiction haha! But seriously, I would agree with coconut flakes and avocado. Also, mixed peppers and sweet potatoes..never used to eat them and now they are staples in my diet!
can i have your recipe for waldorf tuna salad?? sounds amazing!-WHOOPS just noticed you posted links haha TGIF
Avocado and salsa! I use these two in literally EVERYTHING! Eggs, chicken, and fruit for sweet cravings. Im just in my second week but I found that these things NEED to be in the house because I eat them daily.
I think it depends on who you ask. I think there are two version of "clean eating". 1) eating healthy foods (wheat products instead of white, raw almonds instead of salty nuts, rice cakes instead of chips, etc. and 2) totally unprocessed raw foods, sauces completely homemade or with only a few ingredients, etc. So i think…
I'm training for a half marathon so I run in the am and lift at night. I usually eat more and feel fine with eating paleo doing these exercises
Thanks for all the responses! I am excited because now I have some new ways to make my coffee! I checked some forums online too and got some ideas. Today I ordered a Misto tall from Starbucks with heaving whipping cream-no sweetener. It was delish and exactly what I was looking for!
bsmith-consider checking out primal's similar to paleo except its more lenient and allows dairy products and cheese. I think you should just take the basic principles from Paleo and adapt it to your lifestyle and figure out what works best for you. For example, i don't like black coffee so why should I drink…
I agree..after giving it some thought I think I need the whey. I am doing weight lifting also and it seems pointless if I don't have a supplement after. Of course, i could eat steak or some other type of protein right after but whey is quick, easy, and portable. I don't think I'll cut that out of my diet and it isn't…
I have to count calories because I'm type 1 diabetic and need to know how many carbs I'm eating. For the most part, I have an idea and try to eat the same thing over and over again. I took a break from MFP because I thought I was getting to obsessed and thought I could do it on my own. It didn't make a difference so I'm…
Interesting factor about the fruit...I LOVE sweet potatoes so I have no problem prepping ahead. I love them with cinnamon and salt-gives it a little bit of a sweet and salty taste. Thanks!
Makes so much more sense when someone else explains. Now that you mention the net calories-that is very true. I think as long as I am eating healthy and working out there is no reason to eat extreme low calories because the weight will come off itself. I will adjust my cals and experiment.