caropowell Member


  • Had a TERRIBLE weekend: hosted a baby shower & snacked the entire time followed by a Sunday snacking on all of the leftovers from Saturday :noway: Was so frantic before the baby shower, I didn't work out & was so tired afterwards, I didn't work out. Excuses, excuses! I have been very fortunate and haven't gained, but have…
  • I am going to get back to my exercise plan of working out at least 5 days a week. I also need to increase my water because I definitely am "hungrier" when I don't drink at least 8 glasses a day. As far as food goes, I am trying to get back to a modified (less strict) version of the diet I had to follow when I had…
  • Here's the link to the June Challenge that Terri included in her last post:
  • I'm ready to start a new month with new motivation! Good luck everyone! MFP SW 1/4/10: 197.4 6/1/10: 167.3 GW for 6/30/10: 164 Ultimate goal weight: 145
  • Congratulations to everyone on their weight losses in May! I didn't quite make my goal, but given that I've been struggling with motivation in the last few weeks, I'm happy with my 4.3 pounds! I am ready for a new start in June. I pushed myself out of bed this morning and went to the gym. I did Week 4, Day 2 of Couch to…
  • "But since this is the last Friday and today is my birthday." Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!
  • Happy Birthday to Robin & Jenn!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Hi everyone! I FINALLY hit the 30 pound mark! I've been creeping up on it and having motivational problems, but I lost a pound this last week and am now at a total of 30.1 down. If only I didn't have another 30 to go . . . I know, I need to focus on the positive, but since my losing has slowed down, the next 30 seems very…
  • I made it to the gym this morning and burned over 500 calories doing Week 3 Day 3 of Couch to 10K. I did much better on my eating today, too, making sure to get my snacks in. I feel much better today, so now I just have to keep it up!
  • I'm struggling this month! My eating and exercise have been completely out of whack. :cry: I've got to turn it around. I did work out both Saturday & Sunday but still ate way more than I should have. I had wanted to get up and exercise this morning, but couldn't do it after staying up until 11:00 to watch the Survivor…
  • Check this link out and see if it helps! Enjoy your pizza!
  • For the last 2 weeks, I've been off track, eating well over my calories every day with exercise few & far between and water very scarce (way too much tea). I've still been losing, though! :smile: SW: 197.4 5/1/10: 171.7 5/10/10: 168.5 GW for 5/31/10: 166 Ultimate goal weight: 137 I was back at the gym this morning doing…
  • I've been looking at your support group for the last 2 months and it seems like a really nice group of people. I'm ready to take the plunge and join if I may! I started MyFitnessPal on January 4th and I weigh in on Mondays. Here are my stats: SW: 197.4 5/1/10: 171.7 (up .8 from Monday :sad: ) GW for 5/31/10: 166 (I so want…
  • I haven't posted for a couple of weeks, so I'll play catch up. For the week ending 4/18, I burned 2256 calories. This last week, I only burned 2066. My attempts to increase to 7 days a week haven't done too well yet, especially since I opted to get an extra 1-1/2 hours of sleep this morning instead of getting up to work…
  • This last week I burned 2043 calories. This week I'm going to try to increase from 4 or 5 days/week at the gym to 7! Wish me luck! :tongue:
  • The Polar HRMs that are geared toward runners offer those features. I have the Polar RS300X and it allows for interval training.
  • Only burned 1580 calories this last week, but my 3 week plateau ended with a 4 pound drop, so I'm still in a happy place. Got to get back to it this week so the hot cross buns I ate this weekend don't catch up with me at next week's weigh in! Happy Monday everyone!
  • Jennifer, so sorry to hear about your father. My heart goes out to you and your family. I only burned 1675 this last week. I liked my HRM better when it thought I was an elite athlete. :wink: Carolyn
  • Yes, my son will be 3 in June, so I don't think he's quite ready for the trampoline :-) but that's great to know because I've actually been thinking about signing him up for a tumbling class. So far, I haven't done much in the way of treatment because his specialist advised holding off for the first couple of years.…
  • I don't have lymphedema, but my almost 3 year old son was born with primary congenital lymphedema in both feet. It seems to have resolved (knock on wood) in one foot, but he still has it in his left foot and ankle. I'd be glad to chat with you although I can't really provide any contemporary experiences!
  • I have the Polar RS300X and really like it. The Polar HRM actually transmits the information it receives to a lot of the exercise machines, so I'm guessing that the heart rate the elliptical machine was showing you was based on the data it received from your HRM. This probably explains some of the correlation. I have to…
  • I met my goal this week with a total of 3550. I did find that by reducing my VO2Max on my HRM to a more realistic number, I got lower calorie readings. I'm pretty confident that my theory was right that the HRM thought I was this elite athlete and in order to be getting such a high HRM, I must have been doing some…
  • Thanks for that suggestion Kamanie! I haven't registered yet with Polar, but I did go to their website & found some links that led me to this site: Some of the other methods of estimating VO2 max gave me much more realistic results. I'm going to try to manually change the result in my…
  • Hi Everyone! I'd like to join your group as well, if that's okay. I've been on MFP since the beginning of the year but haven't really got active in any groups. I love my Polar RS300X HRM so this group looks like fun. I have been taking classes at the gym (Body Attack, Body Pump, and 20/20/20) and in the last month have…
  • I agree with GingerSnark. I don't have a hard and fast rule of "must eat exercise calories" or "must not eat exercise calories". If I'm hungry because I exercised, I allow myself to have some more calories that day. If I'm not, I don't. If I have a special occasion and now I'm going to be high on calories, I try to make…
  • I have never been a "runner". I am a very slow jogger, but I find it one of the most effective sources of exercise for me. Eight years ago, I signed up for a group called San Jose Fit, a marathon training program. When I signed up, my goal was just to be able to maybe complete a 10K run. I laughed at the idea of doing a…
  • Don't know where you live but check out and see if they have a marathon training program in your area. I participated in San Jose Fit in California and went from running for about a minute at a time to completing 3 marathons. Now I just need to get back into that shape . . . Good luck! :smile: