Heart Rate Monitor Calorie Challenge



  • I have a Sportline...its an inexpensive one, but does the job. I have seen them at Walmart for $27. Mostly everybody here has a Polar, which I have yet to look into. I think somebody else can fill you in on it.
  • I was feeling motivated last night and made it to Gold's and took the step class and burned almost 600 calories and after that was the body pump and I burned about 350. I actually wore a tank top to work out in and was feeling confident.

    I just hope my hard work shows on the scale. I weighed myself last night and hadn't lost anything this week. Trying hard not to let it get me down.

    Have a great day and Keep Moving!
  • nice job Jennifer....Felt motivated too last night and walked around the mall for almost 3 hours....besides walking my 3 miles earlier in the day and doing my shred.....This warm weather is really making a difference and giving me the energy to keep going....
  • bronzegemini
    bronzegemini Posts: 49 Member
    Hi I just came back to MFP this past Tuesday and saw this thread. Is it too late to join in on this challenge?
  • Hi I just came back to MFP this past Tuesday and saw this thread. Is it too late to join in on this challenge?

    It's never to late. It is just a weekly challenge to meet your own set goal on how many calories you want to burn a week.

    Welcome and good luck.

    Keep Moving!
  • caropowell
    caropowell Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'd like to join your group as well, if that's okay. I've been on MFP since the beginning of the year but haven't really got active in any groups. I love my Polar RS300X HRM so this group looks like fun. I have been taking classes at the gym (Body Attack, Body Pump, and 20/20/20) and in the last month have been getting back into jogging (so far mostly on the treadmill, but I completed my first 5K in 6 years last Sunday, admittedly with a bit of walking). I'm going to set my calorie goal for 3000/wk.

    I have a question for Polar HRM users. I did the Polar "Fit Test" to estimate my VO2 Max. Apparently your VO2 max indicates your potential not your present aerobic conditioning. Anyhow, my VO2 Max measured me in the "elite" category. Since then, I've noticed that my estimated calories burned in my classes has gone up A LOT (like 200 calories). I'm wondering if it's because my HRM thinks I'm in much better shape than I am and figures if my heartrate is going that fast I must be doing some ridiculous amount of exercise. Anyone else had this issue? I love seeing the high numbers, but not if they're totally inaccurate!

    Thanks for any input! I look forward to reaching our goals together!

  • Hey girls! I just ate at Duclaw's for lunch and can't find nutrition info anywhere on the web. Does anyone have any idea where I can look up this info?

    Carolyn...I have no idea. I have a basic Polar to just count calories and my heart rate. Yours sounds really fancy!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Welcome Carolyn :flowerforyou:

    sorry can't help u there I don't even know what VO2max is only heard about it.
  • kamanie
    kamanie Posts: 34
    Hi Everyone! I'd like to join your group as well, if that's okay. I've been on MFP since the beginning of the year but haven't really got active in any groups. I love my Polar RS300X HRM so this group looks like fun. I have been taking classes at the gym (Body Attack, Body Pump, and 20/20/20) and in the last month have been getting back into jogging (so far mostly on the treadmill, but I completed my first 5K in 6 years last Sunday, admittedly with a bit of walking). I'm going to set my calorie goal for 3000/wk.

    I have a question for Polar HRM users. I did the Polar "Fit Test" to estimate my VO2 Max. Apparently your VO2 max indicates your potential not your present aerobic conditioning. Anyhow, my VO2 Max measured me in the "elite" category. Since then, I've noticed that my estimated calories burned in my classes has gone up A LOT (like 200 calories). I'm wondering if it's because my HRM thinks I'm in much better shape than I am and figures if my heartrate is going that fast I must be doing some ridiculous amount of exercise. Anyone else had this issue? I love seeing the high numbers, but not if they're totally inaccurate!

    Thanks for any input! I look forward to reaching our goals together!


    Welcome Carolyn! I have the FT40 and it also measures the VO2 max but I don't know much about it as well, If you registered on Polar USA's website I am guessing someone there can answer your question. I am curious to see what you find out so if you do get an answer please post it.

    Thank You,
  • caropowell
    caropowell Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for that suggestion Kamanie! I haven't registered yet with Polar, but I did go to their website & found some links that led me to this site: http://www.brianmac.co.uk/vo2max.htm

    Some of the other methods of estimating VO2 max gave me much more realistic results. I'm going to try to manually change the result in my HRM and see how that affects my calories. I'm curious to see the results!
  • Laika3
    Laika3 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Went to the cinema last night and well I was very naughty - popcorn, chocolate, this was on top of iced buns in work and a not very healthy dinner but it was Friday and well we all need a few wee treats :devil: , so I was +748 cals over yesterday :blushing:

    This morning though I went to the gym and did a body attack class and ran 5k on the threadmill and burnt 1094 cals, woohoo! So I more than made up for last night!

    Looking at my HRM stats after the workout though and it said my MHR was 211 - thats very high isn't it? I dunno if thats a good or bad thing?

    Hope everyone else is having a lovely weekend, I may have a few glasses of wine later :drinker:

    L xox
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I am going to join too i love my polar F-6

    so we posting our weekly cals on monday?
  • Good Morning all and Happy Monday! I went to my sisters over the weekend and didn't get a chance to open up my computer and track what I was eating. I tend to munch on long car rides. I ate a whole bag of chedder cheese combo's by my self in two days. And I didn't get a chance to work out. I was walking the zoo for a few hours Saturday though and racing with the kids that night. Though "running" along size four year olds isn't much of a work out.

    So a new week and back on track as everyone always says. Hope you all met your goals. I didn't but loved seeing my sister and enjoyed the out doors.

    Have a great day and Keep Moving!
  • ok I'm not sure how accurate this is, but I totally blew my goal out of the water (in a good way). I supposedly burned 5715 calories working out last week. That is 2700 more than my goal. I did pretty much the same exercises all week and I got different calorie burn readings. I have read some things about my HRM giving inaccurate readings, but I noticed that the read is different when you have it on looser. I think I need to invest in a better one that has a chest strap.

    Have a great day everyone!!!!
  • caropowell
    caropowell Posts: 31 Member
    I met my goal this week with a total of 3550. I did find that by reducing my VO2Max on my HRM to a more realistic number, I got lower calorie readings. I'm pretty confident that my theory was right that the HRM thought I was this elite athlete and in order to be getting such a high HRM, I must have been doing some ridiculous exercise. I'm glad to get a more accurate estimate of calories burned so that I don't think I've got too many calories available :-) For me, this was a good reminder that, while the HRM is a very useful & fun tool, they are only estimates.

    Given that I'm burning fewer calories than I though when I first set my goal, I think I'm going to lower my weekly calorie goal to 2500.

    Happy Monday!
  • bronzegemini
    bronzegemini Posts: 49 Member
    Yippee - I reached my goal this week with 3784. If I keep it up, I will drop this ghastly 20 lbs in no time. Can you all believe we are almost into April already!!!!?? I've added for this week only - 45 elipitical at lunch since my boss is out of town. I just need to make sure I get plenty of rest at night. I tend to stay up late as that is the only time I have my "me" time. I cheated a bit with a few chips ahoy soft and chewy cookies this weekend. I find I really have a hard time eating properly - or actually at all - over the weekends. There is so much to do that I find I just get up and start ripping and running. I've got a lot of tweaking to do to my regiment. I'm glad you guys are here and that I joined this group. It helps with the discipline and focus.
    Be well everyone and have a phenomenal calorie burining week!
  • kamanie
    kamanie Posts: 34
    My totals for this week:

    Worked out for a total of 12:03hrs
    Burned a total of 6116 Calories

    Yes my numbers are high but keep in mind I also worked out every day except Saturday for between 1.5 to 2.5 hrs a day. I strenght train in between too. I have joined a weight loss group at the gym which starts tomorrow so my trainer suggested I stick to cardio on the days I don't do that (we meet on T & TH). I weighed in today at 199.1 so I am 20lbs lighter than I was on Feb 1st. My hard work is paying off, my biggest worry is keeping it off!!!

    Happy Monday Everyone!!!
  • I ordered Insanity today. I wonder how far along I will be in 60 days on my journey to lose weight and be fit.
  • bronzegemini
    bronzegemini Posts: 49 Member
    Jennifer, I just received my insanity. When are youplanning on starting?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    wow you ladies have done great this past week! I don't have my HRM or I would post but I'm sure it was barely anything over 2000. I didnt workout all wkend plus I ate out all wkend. bad bad bad :grumble:
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