Heart Rate Monitor Calorie Challenge



  • kamanie
    kamanie Posts: 34
    Here are my count for this week so far

    Mon 8th. worked out for 2hr 13mins 1303 cal burned
    Tue 9th. worked out for 2hrs 21mins 1358 cal burned
    Wed 10th worked out for 2hrs 36mins 1419 cal burned

    so that puts my total for this week so far at 4080. woohoo!!! I meet with my trainer tomorrow so we'll see how I do for the rest of this week. I am so curious to see how my totals will look on Sunday!

    Are we counting from Mon to Sun?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Here are my count for this week so far

    Mon 8th. worked out for 2hr 13mins 1303 cal burned
    Tue 9th. worked out for 2hrs 21mins 1358 cal burned
    Wed 10th worked out for 2hrs 36mins 1419 cal burned

    so that puts my total for this week so far at 4080. woohoo!!! I meet with my trainer tomorrow so we'll see how I do for the rest of this week. I am so curious to see how my totals will look on Sunday!

    Are we counting from Mon to Sun?

    Welcome Kamanie - and holy moly!! What on earth are you doing to burn that much at once? I'm in awe. :glasses:

    I went for a run this morning and logged 567...

    Yes, the weekly count seems to be Monday to Sunday :wink:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Awesome!!!! I love that post-workout feeling. :)
    Girl scout cookies?:love: What kind?

    Samoas (chocolate, caramel and coconut I believe. they are evil, lol I think they have crack in it or something)
    unfortunately those 4 cookies turned to 8 or 10 as the night progressed. BAD GIRL! :grumble:

    You know, that's not the first time I've heard of crack being used as their secret ingredient..... :) You might be on to something!
  • kamanie
    kamanie Posts: 34
    Here are my count for this week so far

    Mon 8th. worked out for 2hr 13mins 1303 cal burned
    Tue 9th. worked out for 2hrs 21mins 1358 cal burned
    Wed 10th worked out for 2hrs 36mins 1419 cal burned

    so that puts my total for this week so far at 4080. woohoo!!! I meet with my trainer tomorrow so we'll see how I do for the rest of this week. I am so curious to see how my totals will look on Sunday!

    Are we counting from Mon to Sun?

    Welcome Kamanie - and holy moly!! What on earth are you doing to burn that much at once? I'm in awe. :glasses:

    I went for a run this morning and logged 567...

    Yes, the weekly count seems to be Monday to Sunday :wink:

    Thanks for the welcome :smile I usually start with some elliptical then super set upper body then I get on the threadmill and walk for 15mins at 8.0 incline 3.5 speed then superset with lower body and then on the bike for 15-20mins. After that I do some squats, aerobic steps, and its back on the threadmill for another 15 followed by rowing and finish of with 15 mins of elliptical again. I am trying to work up the nerve to do the stair climber :wink but haven't made it there yet lol!
  • twt1999bird
    I got two more DVD's today so the days that I can not make it to the gym I know have five workouts to choose from. That way I will not get bored. Hopefully that is. I bought the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Boot Camp. :laugh: It may sound silly but I really liked it. It was medium paced and everything was counted off so you knew exactly how many reps you were doing and when it was going to end. It is more for sculpting your body and not cardio. It was fun though. Hate the skinny *****es on there though:grumble:

    I also got another Biggest Loser DVD. The Last Chance Workout. I did Week 1-2 cardio and really enjoyed it. There were more variations then Jillians Shred so I didn't get bored. Jillian did this work out also and she really got my going. It starts out average and by the end you feel like you are going to die. :sick:

    Had a good night here with my new DVD's and burned over 900 calories.

    Good Night and Keep Moving! :flowerforyou:
  • jrobertson37
    jrobertson37 Posts: 90 Member
    I just tried this 2 mths ago, trying to break my plateau and all i can say is be careful what you ask for. Depending your workout routine trying to burn 3500 cals per week is alot of exercising. You have to burn atleast 500-800+ cals per day depending on how many days you work out. I burned atleast 600-800 sometimes 1000 calls per for 5 days and had to make up the remaining or whatever i could not do throughout the week on saturdays. I did this for three weeks straight. By the fourth week i was physicall/mentally drained and im just finishing up a much needed break. That was rough and i will never workout like that again. I also thought i would lose a pound a week but that did not happen either. After i stopped exercising and took a break the pounds came off. The workout did help me lose 5lbs though. So it helped but it also took everything out of me. You can do it, just be careful. Im close to my goal so it is much harder for me to lose, so i was a little upset to have only lost 5lbs but i will take them.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I'm glad you posted that... I was thinking the same thing too. The HRM is a really nifty tool and can be motivating - but I don't want to kill myself to reach a number. Don't want to do that with the scale, don't want to do it with the HRM.

    I'm quite amazed to know though, what my regular activities are burning. Today (BFBM) scorched 586 cals - about a 100 difference from the last time I did the routine. I must've tried harder today?!?! (Go me!) LOL!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I'm glad you posted that... I was thinking the same thing too. The HRM is a really nifty tool and can be motivating - but I don't want to kill myself to reach a number. Don't want to do that with the scale, don't want to do it with the HRM.

    I'm quite amazed to know though, what my regular activities are burning. Today (BFBM) scorched 586 cals - about a 100 difference from the last time I did the routine. I must've tried harder today?!?! (Go me!) LOL!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    did a turbo jam warm up for 5 mins and the shred level 1 day 8. for a total of 365 cals.
    2 more days left at level 1 and then I can check to see my results. woo hoo!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    You must feel great! I would, if I ever did the shred plus ANYTHING in the same day! :) I hope you get some encouraging results when you check. (Did you take measurements at the beginning?)
  • twt1999bird
    I took another break last night :ohwell: I was thinking about doing my new DVD's I talked about earlier but I was just too tired. Marcus is at his fathers this week so I am going to the gym tonight to do Spin. I always burn some major calories in that class.

    I was thinking about what jrobertson wrote about earlier. I appreciate your thoughts but it alwasy depends on the person. Everyone is different. We all have different goals on here. I personally picked 3500 because it helps keep me motivated. Just waiting for a weigh in never got me moving. My step instructor, who is also is a fitness professional and write for the Baltimore Examiner, says we should all get moving for at least a half hour a day. I can burn about 300 or so calories depending on the work out in that amount of time. If I take a class at the gym I am burning close to 1000. I eat my calories burned and take vitamines so I am never burned out.

    We should all do what we feel comfortable doing. Soooo, those are my thoughts.

    Good Luck and Keep Moving!!!
  • lcarter01
    lcarter01 Posts: 8 Member
    I am really excited to join yall in this. I bought a polor yesterday but I got an older one that doesnt count calories, so Im taking this one back and getting a better one when I get off od work. So we check in on Mondays? Happy burning everybody!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Jennifer - I agree -we're all different so our goals will be as well. I know that 3500 would be a STELLAR (next to impossible) week for me - but no matter. It's great that this thread accommodates all of us with our needs and goals.

    For me, I find that it inspires me to do SOMETHING, and so far, it's been something that will have a higher burn than if I weren't on the thread. So it's working in that aspect. Today I did Yoga Booty Ballet (cheesy, but fun) and levels 2 and 3 of BL Cardio Max (which I'd never done before). Total calories burned was 480 something.. (will know for sure when i refer to the HRM or exercise log).

    Looking forward to the weekend. Maybe a run tomorrow and a rest day on Sunday! :)
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ladies! decided to give the shred a rest and did turbo jam today. 45 mins and 460 calories later I was soaked and super happy!
  • lcarter01
    lcarter01 Posts: 8 Member
    So I just bought my Polor 6 and I love it. I waled around the neighborhoo tonight and I burned 817 calories. This is almost double of what MFP says.....the best $100 Ive spent in a while. :)
  • twt1999bird
    Good Afternoon all! Back at the gym this weekend. Did step and pump today and burned crazy calories! :bigsmile: I think now I am not going to do anything but sit on my behind. No baby this week so nothing else to do. Miss him like crazy all ready :frown:

    Not much to say today. Keep Moving :tongue:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    went to the gym today and burned 450 cals while doing 25 mins elliptical and 10 mins on the treadmill! wooo hooo!
    great numbers considering I did NOT wanna get out of bed this morning! BONUS: down 2lbs this week.

    happy saturday!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Yay!!!! (for both sets of numbers - cals burned and lbs lost)!!!

    I keep trying to decide if I want to or feel like exercising today. Part of me feels like it (the automatic pilot part) but another part says I ought to rest - have had pretty strong workouts all week and am down 1.4 lbs.... don't want to over-do it and end up burning out...
  • twt1999bird
    Good Morning all and welcome to a new week! Well, I fell short of my goal last week. But I still burned a total of 2623 calories. I am even down three pounds in two weeks. I think that is a pretty good start.

    As always the clocks really got me messed up. It always takes me a couple of days for my body to get in the swing of things. It was still dark when I left for work this morning and I hate that. I was so comfortable in bed.

    I got my boyfriend going to the gym also. I think it will help keep us both motivated if we go together. He doesn't need to lose weight (punk) but he needs to buff up. Wish that was my problem.

    Well have an awsome week and Keep Moving!!!
  • ccaruso219
    Good Morning.....

    I re-adjusted my calories goals to match those that were recommended here. The recommend 2980 calories a week, which I think is doable and easier for my lazy butt to track....Anyway I surpassed that goal and burned 3188 and I lost 3.2 lbs....Ii think some of that was from being a bit bloated from that time.....

    the weather was really bad here this weekend, so I was stuck in the house without power....No Tv...No lights....and no computer....It is hard as hell to workout in the dark with 2 cats that are freaking out because of the howling winds and then on top of it all I found out that there is a major leak in my condo because of the weather....Caught it quickly so none of the furniture got ruined.....

    Weather still not too great today, wind is gone.....High 60's by the middle of the week so I'll be able to get back outside.....Going to start my workout for the day......
    Have a great week everyone!!!!!