Heart Rate Monitor Calorie Challenge



  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, welcome! I've heard of hot yoga before but don't know what it really is. Would you mind describing it?

    I also alternate between jilllian's shred and BFBM - I would like to buy NMTZ and add that into the mix. I also run/jog, take my dog for walks and throw in pilates and yoga booty ballet to keep it interesting.

    This thread seems like it's gonna be hoppin! :)

    Hot Yoga/Bikram Yoga is a series of 26 postures/asanas and 2 breathing exercises done in a room that is heated to an average of 105degrees. The classes are 90min long and each posture is done twice. My studio also offers a shortened 60min class where you still do all 26 postures but some we only do once. I go to 2 - 60min classes at 6am on Tues/Thurs and then I try to go to the Saturday 90min class. Last summer I was doing the 90min class anywhere from 2-4/week and saw huge results! Now I'm just trying to incorporate it with other types of exercise as well.
  • twt1999bird
    I took a break from the gym yesterday but did a quick DVD during lunch so I could enjoy my Gelati which was soooo good :love:

    Have a great day and keep moving.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hi there, people! I got my HRM today. It's an inexpensive one from Walmart, but it'll have to do until I can save up for one of the better ones. It was nice to see I was staying in my target zone, and it kept track of my steps/miles too. I drove the route beforehand and compared the two to see how accurate it was, and it was pretty much spot on.

    My goal is to burn 3500 cal a week too! Tomorrow is WI for my other challenge, so I hope to see some results at my NEXT WI next Monday.

    3/7 = 3500 - 592 = 2908 to go.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Didn't exercise yesterday, I've just been exhausted...so, today, I am going to do NMTZ with Jillian and some elliptical

    My weekly treat is beer, cold and bubbly and de-lish...I miss it so much!!! Oh, with pizza. YUMMM

    Mmmmmm... beer. :)
    and.... did I hear pizza? :bigsmile:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi, welcome! I've heard of hot yoga before but don't know what it really is. Would you mind describing it?

    I also alternate between jilllian's shred and BFBM - I would like to buy NMTZ and add that into the mix. I also run/jog, take my dog for walks and throw in pilates and yoga booty ballet to keep it interesting.

    This thread seems like it's gonna be hoppin! :)

    Hot Yoga/Bikram Yoga is a series of 26 postures/asanas and 2 breathing exercises done in a room that is heated to an average of 105degrees. The classes are 90min long and each posture is done twice. My studio also offers a shortened 60min class where you still do all 26 postures but some we only do once. I go to 2 - 60min classes at 6am on Tues/Thurs and then I try to go to the Saturday 90min class. Last summer I was doing the 90min class anywhere from 2-4/week and saw huge results! Now I'm just trying to incorporate it with other types of exercise as well.

    Thanks for explaining more. Sounds like it's hard in a good way. I'm considering finding an actual yoga class (as opposed to DVD's). Seems to have so many benefits...
  • twt1999bird
    Good Morning!

    Last week I went above and beyond my goal and burned over 4500 calories. I didn't get to the gym this weekend but I did go to DC yesterday to enjoy the weather and walked all day. :flowerforyou: Pretty slowly though because Marcus' legs are little :laugh:

    This week Marcus is with me, YAY!!!! So it won't be as easy to get to the gym for a couple of hours a day. I am aiming for an hour today, Wednesday and Friday. Hopefully I will get my DVD in the other days. I am going to have to to reach my goal.

    Took a day off counting my calories yesterday for my sanity but still payed attention to the portion sizes.

    Hope you all rocked it!!! :drinker:

    "Keep Moving"
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    Last week I got in 1964 calories total, however I am pretty pleased with that since my fitness goals are set to 1300 a week so I definately met and exceeded that.

    I think the reason why it is going to be like that for a while is I'm doing the shred and its only about 20 mins but it burns me out and I usually don't get in more cardio. Perhaps after this week I can add some more cardio in there.

    @ twt1999bird - way to go on those 4500 calories! that's crazy!!! in a good way of course.

    hope everyone else did great.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    Nolachick - hey hey hey - welcome! Can't wait for you to join us! Soon, I may too become "obsessed" with the results. So, are we going to give a weekly report on Mondays?

    KingKing - agreed - the HRM does seem to give a much more accurate picture!

    I don't have a calorie burn to report today - I have a stomach bug and can't eat much. I've only taken in about 450 cals today and will be really lucky if I can manage another 500 tonight... so I don't think I need to try to burn anything off. I went for a run yesterday (even wiht the bug) and ended up feeling worse. Guess i have to wait it out.

    Question for all of you: i discovered that my f6 keeps chirping every hour - do you know off the top of your head how to disable that? I had it on my nightstand last night and it chirped away.... a little on the annoying side. :laugh:

    just saw this, THNX SMILES4MILES.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I only hit 1100 this week...wasn't feeling well and made poor choices over the weekend...so, today's a new day and it's a new week

    Going to do NMTZ with Jillian Michaels, burns between 300 to 400 calories...I work from 3 to 11...I'm a nurse, don't know how many calories I'll burn, but will definitely be moving
  • twt1999bird
    I only hit 1100 this week...wasn't feeling well and made poor choices over the weekend...so, today's a new day and it's a new week

    Going to do NMTZ with Jillian Michaels, burns between 300 to 400 calories...I work from 3 to 11...I'm a nurse, don't know how many calories I'll burn, but will definitely be moving

    Hey! What is NMTZ?
  • ccaruso219
    Hey folks,
    I want in on this too....Unlike everyone else I don't have a polar, I have a sportline from Walmart....Not what I wanted, but it was a gift so I'm not complaining. My goal is going to be 3500 cal a week also...Now that the weather is warming up I can get outside and walk....

    Are we just doing a weekly check in or are we doing a daily check in?????
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Here for my weekly Monday check-in - burned a total of 2097cals.

    Mon 3/1 - 436cals, 55min (Jillian Michaels BFBM - Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism)
    Tues 3/2 - 425cals, 60min of Hot Yoga
    Wed 3/3 - 361cals, 55min (Jillian Michaels NMTZ - No More Trouble Zones)
    Thurs 3/4 - 403cals, 60min of Hot Yoga + 197cals, 28min of 30 Day Shred
    Fri - 3/5 - 275cals, 32min HIIT on Treadmill
    TOTAL: 2097 burned

    Last week was actually a pretty good week for me. My goal is to get up to 3500cals/wk by the end of the month. I think if I add a quick workout on Sat & Sun and double up on other days where I work out in the AM, I'll get to that goal in no time.
  • twt1999bird
    Hey folks,
    I want in on this too....Unlike everyone else I don't have a polar, I have a sportline from Walmart....Not what I wanted, but it was a gift so I'm not complaining. My goal is going to be 3500 cal a week also...Now that the weather is warming up I can get outside and walk....

    Are we just doing a weekly check in or are we doing a daily check in?????

    Hey! It's weekly. But I check in almost daily to keep me motivated. :bigsmile:
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I would love to join this group - sounds interesting.

    I just started using a polar F7 this weekend and so far I love it. I see a lot of people saying how the machines at the gym either overestimate or underestimate calorie burn compared to hrm. I noticed that 30 min. of elliptical was only off by 10 calories higher than HRM. Rowing machine at 12 minutes came in at 30 calories less than hrm - so not that off. I did however jump rope and did some home exercises this weekend and was shocked to find out how many calories I was burning exercising at home...it was a good shock. I LOVE MY HRM!

    Anyway - I do not think I can BURN 3500 calories a week in exercise so I will commit to half of that for the week. Busy schedule with kids, husband, cooking, working, etc. Cannot spend that much time at the gym.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I would love to join this group - sounds interesting.

    I just started using a polar F7 this weekend and so far I love it. I see a lot of people saying how the machines at the gym either overestimate or underestimate calorie burn compared to hrm. I noticed that 30 min. of elliptical was only off by 10 calories higher than HRM. Rowing machine at 12 minutes came in at 30 calories less than hrm - so not that off. I did however jump rope and did some home exercises this weekend and was shocked to find out how many calories I was burning exercising at home...it was a good shock. I LOVE MY HRM!

    Anyway - I do not think I can BURN 3500 calories a week in exercise so I will commit to half of that for the week. Busy schedule with kids, husband, cooking, working, etc. Cannot spend that much time at the gym.

    right there with ya pannellkat, I don't I can commit to that many cals. my goals are set to 1300 by MFP, last week was a good week and I burned 1900. So I will try to commit to meeting and exceeding my exercise goals.
  • ccaruso219
    Hey folks,
    I want in on this too....Unlike everyone else I don't have a polar, I have a sportline from Walmart....Not what I wanted, but it was a gift so I'm not complaining. My goal is going to be 3500 cal a week also...Now that the weather is warming up I can get outside and walk....

    Are we just doing a weekly check in or are we doing a daily check in?????

    Hey! It's weekly. But I check in almost daily to keep me motivated. :bigsmile:
    Thanks....Just logged calories burned for today...wasn't sure I was going to do it, but I passed the 700 mark....I made it 738.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Great job everyone! It's encouraging to see the results. I just got my HRM last week and started using it Tuesday, so before I set a certain goal, I'd like to get an idea of what's "normal" for me.

    Looking back on last week, I exercised on Tuesday (running), Thursday (shred and pilates), Friday (running) and Saturday (walking). Total calories burned from those activities last week: 1497.

    Maybe this week's goal will just be to exceed 1497. :) I like that plan. Today, I did a short DVD (Jillian's Cardio Kickbox) - 246 in 25 mins. It's not a lot, but at least it's better than nothing! :)
  • twt1999bird
    I couldn't make it to the gym today for the spin class. Marcus and I had to run errands instead. He went to bed pretty easily tonight though and I got in 30 minutes of BLCM. Burned over 300 cals. I am so proud of myself that didn't give in and got moving for at least a half hour.

    Good Night all and Keep Moving!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Maybe this week's goal will just be to exceed 1497. :) I like that plan. Today, I did a short DVD (Jillian's Cardio Kickbox) - 246 in 25 mins. It's not a lot, but at least it's better than nothing! :)

    How do you like this DVD...I heard it looked like it was kind of thrown together...can you offer some feedback
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I only hit 1100 this week...wasn't feeling well and made poor choices over the weekend...so, today's a new day and it's a new week

    Going to do NMTZ with Jillian Michaels, burns between 300 to 400 calories...I work from 3 to 11...I'm a nurse, don't know how many calories I'll burn, but will definitely be moving

    Hey! What is NMTZ?

    No More Trouble Zones...kick butt workout...body shaking response