Heart Rate Monitor Calorie Challenge



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Maybe this week's goal will just be to exceed 1497. :) I like that plan. Today, I did a short DVD (Jillian's Cardio Kickbox) - 246 in 25 mins. It's not a lot, but at least it's better than nothing! :)

    How do you like this DVD...I heard it looked like it was kind of thrown together...can you offer some feedback

    I actually enjoy it quite a bit. It's a bootleg copy that my friend burned for me - and it has Shape Up Front, Shape Up Back and Cardio Kickbox. I think it has some other workouts on it too - but not sure? Kickbox is the only one I do because I don't have the equipment (benches) that the other workouts require.

    I like it because it's short (just 25 minutes) and gets me energized. Basically it's a lot of jumping jacks, jumprope, cross jab, front kick, back kick, squat / plie (sp?) hops, uppercuts, side kicks, etc - repetitions of those movements. It's fairly quick paced and I feel like I have to put effort into it to keep up. So, I like it. As for production quality - could be better, but that doesn't phase me too much. Other Jillian DVD's I like include the 30 Day shred and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.

    If you're looking for something to fit in when yo don't have a lot of time and want to feel that you got yourself moving, I'd say it's worth it! But, that's just my 2 cents. :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I couldn't make it to the gym today for the spin class. Marcus and I had to run errands instead. He went to bed pretty easily tonight though and I got in 30 minutes of BLCM. Burned over 300 cals. I am so proud of myself that didn't give in and got moving for at least a half hour.

    Good Night all and Keep Moving!

    Yay for you! Good job for busting it out at home! (What is BLCM though?) And do you like it? I'm totally with ya - great job on motivating yourself. Be proud. :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey folks,
    I want in on this too....Unlike everyone else I don't have a polar, I have a sportline from Walmart....Not what I wanted, but it was a gift so I'm not complaining. My goal is going to be 3500 cal a week also...Now that the weather is warming up I can get outside and walk....

    Are we just doing a weekly check in or are we doing a daily check in?????

    Hey! It's weekly. But I check in almost daily to keep me motivated. :bigsmile:
    Thanks....Just logged calories burned for today...wasn't sure I was going to do it, but I passed the 700 mark....I made it 738.

    Wow - what workout did you do? That's a big burn (at least, for me!) :) Great job!
  • ccaruso219
    I did a 2.5 mile walk for an 1 1/2 hours, 20 minute real age beginner's workout. plus I'm in the process of moving so I was packing boxes and moving them around the house......I don't think I was going to burn that much, but I guess moving is a going thing for weight loss.....
  • twt1999bird
    I couldn't make it to the gym today for the spin class. Marcus and I had to run errands instead. He went to bed pretty easily tonight though and I got in 30 minutes of BLCM. Burned over 300 cals. I am so proud of myself that didn't give in and got moving for at least a half hour.

    Good Night all and Keep Moving!

    Yay for you! Good job for busting it out at home! (What is BLCM though?) And do you like it? I'm totally with ya - great job on motivating yourself. Be proud. :)

    Hehe, everyone else was using initials, I thought I would sound like a work out regular and do the same :laugh:

    BLCM=Biggest Loser Calorie Max. It is a good workout. I like it cuz like every other Biggest Loser/Jillian DVD you can customize it. So you can do 20-40 minute cardio plus a 5 min warm up and cool down. I am really huffing afterwards.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Last night I did the shred Level 1 Day 6 and only got in about 230 calories. I think today I will try to add some Turbo Jam to spike my numbers. hahaha.

    Smiles: WTG on those 700 calories! what workout did u do?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Last night I did the shred Level 1 Day 6 and only got in about 230 calories. I think today I will try to add some Turbo Jam to spike my numbers. hahaha.

    Smiles: WTG on those 700 calories! what workout did u do?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    GM polar friends,

    Monday, 370 calories with NMTZ/Jillian and worked an 8 hour shift (nurse, so I am always moving)
    Tuesday, Shred #2 and Shred #3:sad: ...should be between 450 and 500 calories, maybe 20 minutes on the elliptical:grumble:

    Mexico is in 7 days...whooo hoooo:bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: got new swimsuits on the way from Victoria Secret
  • Dumspiro
    Dumspiro Posts: 28
    bump for later
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Last night I did the shred Level 1 Day 6 and only got in about 230 calories. I think today I will try to add some Turbo Jam to spike my numbers. hahaha.

    Smiles: WTG on those 700 calories! what workout did u do?

    OOh - you're a shredder too! How are you liking it? Is this your first time through? (Or are you a repeat user?) If I were you I wouldn't minimize those 230 - they were well earned, I'm sure. :)

    I've heard people talk about Turbo Jam and it sounds fun and well liked. Out of curiosity - what are your FAVORITE - workouts?

    And, I wish I could claim those 700 - but they belong to ccaruso! Sounds like she did a bunch of stuff, including moving (packing and moving boxes...?) :)

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I couldn't make it to the gym today for the spin class. Marcus and I had to run errands instead. He went to bed pretty easily tonight though and I got in 30 minutes of BLCM. Burned over 300 cals. I am so proud of myself that didn't give in and got moving for at least a half hour.

    Good Night all and Keep Moving!

    Yay for you! Good job for busting it out at home! (What is BLCM though?) And do you like it? I'm totally with ya - great job on motivating yourself. Be proud. :)

    Hehe, everyone else was using initials, I thought I would sound like a work out regular and do the same :laugh:

    BLCM=Biggest Loser Calorie Max. It is a good workout. I like it cuz like every other Biggest Loser/Jillian DVD you can customize it. So you can do 20-40 minute cardio plus a 5 min warm up and cool down. I am really huffing afterwards.

    You're cute. I should've recognized it. I have that DVD - but haven't really utilized it well yet.... hmmm. Maybe I should bring that into rotation! Today will be either Banish Fat Boost Metabolism or a run.... I haven't seen yet how much I burn on BFBM, so if I'm brave - i'll give it a try. :)
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Last night I did the shred Level 1 Day 6 and only got in about 230 calories. I think today I will try to add some Turbo Jam to spike my numbers. hahaha.

    Smiles: WTG on those 700 calories! what workout did u do?

    OOh - you're a shredder too! How are you liking it? Is this your first time through? (Or are you a repeat user?) If I were you I wouldn't minimize those 230 - they were well earned, I'm sure. :)

    I've heard people talk about Turbo Jam and it sounds fun and well liked. Out of curiosity - what are your FAVORITE - workouts?

    And, I wish I could claim those 700 - but they belong to ccaruso! Sounds like she did a bunch of stuff, including moving (packing and moving boxes...?) :)

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

    oops probably read something wrong. :blushing:

    well I absolutely love :heart: :heart: :heart: Turbo Jam - it is so much fun once u get the hang of it and its addictive and doesnt even feel like a workout but really burns cals and burns fat in my opinion. I bought mine in a 2 dvd combo (has 5 workouts) that only cost me about $13 bucks online I'm sure you can find it for about the same price. it is worth every penny!
    :love: the 20 min workout is great for a short workout I burn about the same amount of calories as the shred but time flies by and its only cardio.
    :love: cardio party is awesome when u have time - lots of coordinated kicking punching etc, but some dance moves in between.
    :love: and turbo sculpt is weight training but its slow and controlled and she makes it fun!

    I would recommend it 100% for anyone who wants to have fun for their work outs instead of dreading it you look forward to it!

    I started doing the shred last week, its my first time around. It kicks your b utt and thats about all I like about it, cuz its not fun at all but it makes u challenge yourself and I've heard a lot about how it makes you shred inches which is what I need along with losing the lbs. but for now I'll be happy with just losing inches and toning up. as soon as I get a hang of the shred I will try to incorporate more cardio. hope that helps!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thanks for the tip - that sounds like a great deal for only $13!! I'll have to pick that up when I notice I'm losing steam on some of these others.

    Today I did BFBM and 489 cals... (hope daily check in's wont bug anyone... if so, let me know, I'll track it elsewhere!)
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    woo hoo 45 mins later and 475 calories burned!
    I did the shred Day 7 Level 1 + Turbo Jam 20 minute workout! ahhhh feels great!

    if only I had resisted those darn girl scout cookies, this would have been a perfect day!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Awesome!!!! I love that post-workout feeling. :)
    Girl scout cookies?:love: What kind?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Awesome!!!! I love that post-workout feeling. :)
    Girl scout cookies?:love: What kind?
  • kamanie
    kamanie Posts: 34
    Is it too late for me to join in here? I recently got a Polar FT40 and love love love it!!! I usually work out for about 2hours a day after taking my almost 3yr old twins to school and have been burning between 1200-1300 calories per day. I would love to meet and exceed the 3500 cal/wk challenge.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Awesome!!!! I love that post-workout feeling. :)
    Girl scout cookies?:love: What kind?

    Samoas (chocolate, caramel and coconut I believe. they are evil, lol I think they have crack in it or something)
    unfortunately those 4 cookies turned to 8 or 10 as the night progressed. BAD GIRL! :grumble:
  • twt1999bird
    Is it too late for me to join in here? I recently got a Polar FT40 and love love love it!!! I usually work out for about 2hours a day after taking my almost 3yr old twins to school and have been burning between 1200-1300 calories per day. I would love to meet and exceed the 3500 cal/wk challenge.

    The more the marrier!!! I am right there with you. When Marcus is at his fathers house I am always at the gym. It's the weeks that I have him that are the problem :laugh:
  • twt1999bird
    I was so bad yesterday. I didn't work out at all. I just didn't feel like it. I think today I will go home during lunch and get a quick DVD in. Has anyone tried the Biggest Loser Body Sculpt? I need something to do when I can't get to the weight class at the gym.

    Hope everyone is doing well, Keep Moving!