Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    You all are so wonderful and caring towards each other, I can't help but smile when I read some of these posts :D

    My weigh in is Sunday, I've been pretty good about eating right for the week, but exercising was hard working 40hr this week and basically waking up to head straight to work and then come home to fix dinner and go to bed shortly after, I doubt I'll have much of a loss, but as long as it's not a major gain. Either way, next week is a new week :) But next weekend will be harder on me as I'm headed on a car trip that will take about 5hrs one way, that means stopping off to fast food places on the way to my Aunt's house and back home. But I get to see my cousin graduate high school (he's the 2nd oldest grandchild, I'm the oldest). It will be like a mini family reunion.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! See ya Sunday =)
  • mindalyn
    mindalyn Posts: 128 Member
    May 4th- 81kg
    May 14- 80kg

    2.2 lb lost so far
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all!

    I'm off to the dentist to get a filling and then do some shopping for me. I need to get some new bras. I am losing band size but not cup size so I need to try some on. I hope I lose some in the chest in the next 30 pounds. I need to buy bigger shirts to fit the bust and then they are loose every where else.

    Hope everyone has a healthy day!

  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    I am all about losing 5 pounds this month! I lost 10 lbs last month but I am sure it will slow down some that I will start building muscle with some weight training.

    SW April 11th: 240lbs
    CW May 3rd: 230lbs
    GW May 30th: 225lbs

    Well I weighed myself this morning and to my surprise... I'm at 225 already! yay! Now lets just hope that sticks for my Monday morning weigh-in!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well my scale didn't scream with joy this morning, at least it no longer says "one at a time". I'm only down a 1/2 pound to 243.6 but at least its in the right direction!

    I'm off to Curves then back to do some yard work, its supposed to be a beautiful day here finally! Happy Saturday everyone!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good night Pals,
    I made my goal. jumped in that pool for an hour and surely enjoyed every stroke. The sun was shining hard and HOT. It was over 100 degrees today so being in the pool was the best place to be on a day like this. I hear tomorrow will be even hotter.

    Kindegra- 1/2 pound is great. CELEBRATE it. As long as you are not gaining life is good. Keep it up.

    seventeenlucky77_ love your porfile pic. It makes me smile. :laugh:

    Terri_ How was the dentist and BRA shopping? Dentist... YUCK. I hate going to the dentist .ooh many childhood memories of being drilled to death. I ate too much candy and rotted out my teeth I guess. but I do enjoy going now if I am in pain.

    Mindalyn- Congrats on 1 KG. WOW that is impressive! You are doing great.

    Brunettewife- Take some healthy snacks with you in the car for that long ride. I SUGGEST POP CORN. CARROTS STICKS, CHEESE AND LOTS OF FRUIT THAT YOU LOVE. No need to worry about fast food. You can just grab your own healthy food much FASTER. So exciting to get to see your cousin graduate. I bet he is happy to have you there too.

    Everyone else... Good night,, I am hitting the HAY. 4:45 am will be coming very soon and I need my beauty rest. TAH TAH. Phyljen:heart:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all!

    It is a beautiful morning here after a week of rain it is great to see the sun 2 mornings in a row.

    What are your goals for today? I hope to get in an hour on the bike. Not sure when but will try very hard.

    This next week will be tough. Husband is out of town and I usually don't do a lot of cooking when he is gone because my kids are picky eaters and eat very few things that we eat.

    Need to get ready to teach Sunday School so I gotta run but have a great day!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning all :) It's kind of a gloomy day here so I'm gonna get out for a walk soon before it downpours. I measured myself today and I lost one inch from my neck since May 3rd and .5 in from my hips =D I did weigh in this morning, and I've lost a pound which I'm ok with as this past week was difficult to eat at home when I had no way of gettting groceries since the hubby has the truck and is working the opposite shift that I am. This next week should be better (just iffy on the car trip). Here's my May stats:
    May 3rd 240
    May 10th 237.6
    May 16th 236.6

    Have a wonderful day and next week!!

    xoxox Bru

    *had to edit do to scale issues, all is correct now.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PALS:
    Morning to all for all of you but EVENING to me. I am finished with the day of teaching and lounging around in my home clothes.
    ( a gallabeya- lose gown that all the locals wear here) It is HOT TODAY. like over 110 degrees and because the air quality is so bad the kids could not go on the play ground for recess or after lunch. They kept them in a big indoor room and put on a movie. Sure could see a difference in the kids in the afternoon because they didn't have a chance to RUN AROUND. They were pretty much BONKERS and bouncing off the wall. I am getting kind of tired telling them to quiet down! HA HA. 12 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will survive. YES I WILL. PLEASE tell me I will. Phyljen:sad: :huh:
    Have a great Sunday.. Why do I have to work on Sunday? Guess because I have Fridays off. I'll never get used to that. weird work week.
    BRU- Good job on the inches lost and the weight. YIPPEE TO YOU!
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    I guess diligence and more positive attitude pays off

    Last weigh in: 131.9
    Today: 130.8

    Woot! Woot!
  • katieann2
    katieann2 Posts: 26
    Hi all!

    I have lost my 2nd lb., for the month!

    Still have hopes of meeting the May Challenge!

    Three to go!

    Hope, all are doing well with the Challenge!

    I know we can do this!!!!
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good morning everyone. It's weigh in day for me. I feel like I have a slight cold. My throat feels swollen and sore and I've been battling headaches but it is not too bad. I haven't missed work or anything. But surprise, surprise! My scale really moved this week! Maybe I should get sick more often! I'm down 3.5 lbs this week! That puts me past my 5 lb. goal for the month. I just hope I can keep it off. I'm afraid my next weigh in I will stall. I hope not. I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing. Eating healthy.

    Here's my numbers:
    May 1 wt. 222.5
    Mon May 3rd 222.0
    Mon May 10 220.0
    Mon May 17 216.5
    May 31 goal 217.5 (met May 17!)
  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    SW April 11th: 240lbs

    May 3rd: 230lbs
    May 10th: 230lbs

    CW May 3rd: 227lbs

    GW May 30th: 225lbs

    So far this month 3 pounds down!
  • evaeva28
    evaeva28 Posts: 23
    Great job ladies! I wish I could say I was down 3 pounds but I am down one more pound this week!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    No gain, no loss....but I'm bloated! Aunt Flo is knocking at my door! So I'll just work extra hard this week & maybe next week when she is long gone I'll have something to show for it! I'm trying to force more water...I already drink a lot all day long but I'm trying to force myself to do just a few more glass fulls....

    Also tonight is my monthly Margarita Monday with my girlfriends....I'm gonna limit myself to just ONE. That will be hard, but I'm up for it! Now just to figure out what I can order that is somewhat healthy......hmmmmmm
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Well my scale didn't scream with joy this morning, at least it no longer says "one at a time". I'm only down a 1/2 pound to 243.6 but at least its in the right direction!

    I'm off to Curves then back to do some yard work, its supposed to be a beautiful day here finally! Happy Saturday everyone!

    I go to Curves also! I love it, been going a bit over a year now and have really seen great results. How long have you been going?
  • caropowell
    caropowell Posts: 31 Member
    I'm struggling this month! My eating and exercise have been completely out of whack. :cry: I've got to turn it around. I did work out both Saturday & Sunday but still ate way more than I should have. I had wanted to get up and exercise this morning, but couldn't do it after staying up until 11:00 to watch the Survivor finale. I did better for lunch today, though. Although I briefly considered a run to In N Out Burger, I opted for the Subway 6" turkey on wheat instead. This is progress, last week I would have gone to In N Out!

    Tonight I have to get to bed early so I can get to the gym for my run before work tomorrow! I will do it!

    SW: 197.4
    5/1/10: 171.7
    5/10/10: 168.5
    5/17/10: 168.3
    GW for 5/31/10: 166
    Ultimate goal weight: 137

  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well my scale didn't scream with joy this morning, at least it no longer says "one at a time". I'm only down a 1/2 pound to 243.6 but at least its in the right direction!

    I'm off to Curves then back to do some yard work, its supposed to be a beautiful day here finally! Happy Saturday everyone!

    I go to Curves also! I love it, been going a bit over a year now and have really seen great results. How long have you been going?

    I just started Curves a few weeks ago! I am just doing the trial 30 days right now & like it a lot. I'm just not sure if I can afford it. It would be cheaper for me to just stay at my gym where I take my water aerobics classes.
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Happy Monday Evening!
    My weekend was not so great again, so I picked myself back up today and started over. I did get good workouts in the last 3 days so I am feeling pretty sore today. May just do something light tomorrow. We'll see how I feel in the morning. I REALLY want a HRM so I can see how many calories I actually burn. Anyway, I'm gonna work hard this week to lose some weight. I might even measure myself. I haven't measured in a really long so that ought to be an ego booster.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    That is a great attitude from people. I made some mistakes but now I am back on track.

    How many people start Monday morning gung ho and do great and then as the week wears on your eating habits slip. You get tired from long hours of work so you do not get good workouts and by Monday your weight is back up? That is me lately. I need to keep the intensity up through the whole week. Not just early in the week but the WHOLE week!

    From now til Friday evening will be hard! My husband is out of town. I am the only one responsible for getting 3 kids to activities and home. and that makes it hard for anyone to cook or eat healthy.

    Need to go help my daughter with a project.

    Good day everyone, since we are all indifferent time zones.


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