Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • siobhannestor
    siobhannestor Posts: 177
    Terri - you continually amaze me! :happy:

    For everyone who lost weight this past week, woo hoo! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    And for everyone who is making those small steps and incremental steps, you inspire me. I am beginning to learn that it is in doing the little things that we make the biggest leaps - thank you! :flowerforyou:

    Had a good day, today. Am hoping to see a change at the end of the week.

    In the meantime, good news! I have a set of fibroids that together measured 20x16 cm four months ago and are still growing - the more weight I lose, the more I look like I am 4-5 months pregnant. Plus am experiencing more and more bladder and constipation problems and pain. I refuse to have a hysterectomy and an abdominal myomectomy (they are embedded deep in the uterus) scares the heck out of me. :noway: I emailed my OB/GYN and there is a clinician at my Kaiser who is experienced in a relatively new procedure where they cut off the blood supply and the fibroids eventually shrink. So my GYN gave me a referral for a consultation. Yea! :bigsmile:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Yeah it's Hump Day half way to the week-end! Well, dinner last night threw me over my 1200 cal for the day, but I'm not feeling guilty over it. Usually I would and worry about how to cut more calories off tomorrows intake. But not this time, I had a fantastic dinner, chops, asparagus and corn on the cob all cooked on the grill and fresh strawberries over ice cream with a little chocolate syrup. Ooohhh, it was SO good, I love veggies cooked on the grill. I'll just walk an extra 10 minutes each night this week.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Terri--- GREAT JOB with all of those steps!! I am going to buy a pedometer ASAP. Did you ever find that article about guilt and dieting? At this point in the game, I feel like that is my biggest obstacle.

    I went looking for it yesterday and cannot find it. I know it is in one of the diet books I have read. Anyway....the jest of the article is that overweight people tend to feel like failures already. They are overweight because they fail. Then when they go on a diet eat something they have put on the forbidden list it reinforces this failure attitude because they say to themselves see I am such a failure I could not even make myself not eat this "bad" food. Instead a success eater tries to look at their mistakes and figure out why they ate that..stress, emotional eating, boredom, or hunger.

    If you look at this journey as a strict you can eat this but never eat that you are probably setting yourself up for failure. Because when you do eat that candy bar or whatever your downfall is you perpetuate thy cycle of I feel bad so I am going to eat now i feel worse because I ate something I shouldn't have. You have to learn to not feel guilty or beat yourself you have to get right back on track. Don't wait until the future get back on track right away!

    Remember in this journey no food should be forbidden. If it is forbidden and then you eat it you feel guilty. This is about learning to eat healthy most the time and giving into those treats we love once in a while.

    I will look for this part of the book again today but thought I would give you the Reader's Digest version of what I remembered!

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Terri - you continually amaze me! :happy:

    In the meantime, good news! I have a set of fibroids that together measured 20x16 cm four months ago and are still growing - the more weight I lose, the more I look like I am 4-5 months pregnant. Plus am experiencing more and more bladder and constipation problems and pain. I refuse to have a hysterectomy and an abdominal myomectomy (they are embedded deep in the uterus) scares the heck out of me. :noway: I emailed my OB/GYN and there is a clinician at my Kaiser who is experienced in a relatively new procedure where they cut off the blood supply and the fibroids eventually shrink. So my GYN gave me a referral for a consultation. Yea! :bigsmile:

    Thank you! Today is a rest day so I will see how many steps I do just doing my job!

    I feel your pain with fibroids. Mine eventually gave me heavy and heavier periods. First doctor I saw told me it was all part of aging. Then my periods started getting longer and longer so they put me on the pill to try and control them...that did not work. I eventually had the hysterectomy. I decided that was better than bleeding to death. Imagine your period (heaviest day possible)for almost a month. I suppose with where the fibroids are located an ablation would not work. Hopefully you can find the treatment you want.

  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Terri--- GREAT JOB with all of those steps!! I am going to buy a pedometer ASAP. Did you ever find that article about guilt and dieting? At this point in the game, I feel like that is my biggest obstacle.

    I went looking for it yesterday and cannot find it. I know it is in one of the diet books I have read. Anyway....the jest of the article is that overweight people tend to feel like failures already. They are overweight because they fail. Then when they go on a diet eat something they have put on the forbidden list it reinforces this failure attitude because they say to themselves see I am such a failure I could not even make myself not eat this "bad" food. Instead a success eater tries to look at their mistakes and figure out why they ate that..stress, emotional eating, boredom, or hunger.

    If you look at this journey as a strict you can eat this but never eat that you are probably setting yourself up for failure. Because when you do eat that candy bar or whatever your downfall is you perpetuate thy cycle of I feel bad so I am going to eat now i feel worse because I ate something I shouldn't have. You have to learn to not feel guilty or beat yourself you have to get right back on track. Don't wait until the future get back on track right away!

    Remember in this journey no food should be forbidden. If it is forbidden and then you eat it you feel guilty. This is about learning to eat healthy most the time and giving into those treats we love once in a while.

    I will look for this part of the book again today but thought I would give you the Reader's Digest version of what I remembered!


    Great, thanks!! This makes perfect sense. I have a hard time with this for diet and exercise as well. I feel great when I am on the right track but I let the smallest slip up get me down. I have to put an end to that!
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    I have never heard it be called "U-Turn" before, but that is the perfect term! The worst thing for me about getting off track on the weekends is how bummed I feel about it. Those negative feelings gain momentum and take me down the wrong road. I will definitely remember to slam on the brakes and bust a u-ey next time!


    I have an something interesting about guilt and dieting. I need to find it and will then share it here.


    I'm so there...my U-turn after this weekend was more like a round-about....I was feeling sorry for myself b/c I only lost 1lb (silly I know) so I ate fast food...which turned into I can't believe I ate that fast food which somehow = more fast food yesterday! I don't get it, but I'm breaking it today!

    It's a vicious cycle that I think we all do....one meal is just that, one meal...or one day, is just one day! Why do we feel the need to blow our entire diet just b/c of one mess up? I don't know either!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Jenn, I know its not much, but I think you are a great mother and I think your kids would have love to tell you that all day. So Here's to an awesome mommy. Happy mothers day :drinker:

    PS. I think you should give him the plant back as a gift on father's day. especially if you have killed it or it is all buggy by then :laugh:

    :laugh: I really should! He said last night on the phone "I forgot she hates house plants" I am guessing he was talking to his mom who he didn't call even though I told him 2!
  • sorellabella
    sorellabella Posts: 133 Member
    I just saw your original post. I see we have a great group of moms/women out there all with great support. I am a true beleiver that we as women need to support each other in our struggles. I do not know you but from the looks of things you seem to be a good mom who was treated lousy for mothers day. Well belated 'happy mothers day!' even though we all know for us mothers day is everyday :flowerforyou:

    As someone pointed out, you need to just point it out make sure you are a calm when you do talk to him so that he really gets it. I also looveeeeeeeeee the plant idea for fathers day :laugh:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Thank you to everyone who wrote to me with heartfelt encouragement and sympathy. I don't point it out to him because it is not worth the fight it would cause. I know that I wont give him the plant for fathers day even if it would serve him right, I am just not like that. I did really enjoy thinking of his face getting a bug filled dead plant tho. :laugh:

    I fell so far off track that I didn't even log yesterday! But I feel like crud when I eat like crud so I am going to stop doing that to myself right now. Today I will eat right and walk after work. I know that this week is most likely going to be a wash because not only have I been eating badly but I have not been exercising. But like I always say every pound gained can be lost!

    Thanks again and I hope you all have a healthy day!
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Hello all! I had another good day! Today was easy and for some reason I really wasn't very hungry. Normally, I'm always hungry and watching the clock for the next time I can eat. Anyway, I was under my calories for the day, drank a ton of water, and got in a good workout. The plan for tomorrow: keep up the momentum and do exactly as I have the past couple of days, and continue to post my progress here.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    How are you doing this month?

    I think I have know how to maintain but need to get back to losing! The month is almost half over and I am still pretty much at the weight I started this month. I need to get those late afternoon snack attacks under control. It is usually the most stressful time of the day because my kids are coming home from school and want to talk all about their days. The daycare kids are just waking up and need diapers and snacks and all the nap items need to get put away. From about 3:30 til 4:30 I am so stressed getting everything done. Need to step back and relax.

    It is raining again! April and May reversed roles this year. April was warm and sunny and now May has been cool and rainy. I want to see the sun again!

    Have a healthy day!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I have had a rough weight week so far TOM puffed me up. As of this morning I am back to last weeks weight so hopefully I will lose something tomorrow. I am really enjoying working out. I am sure that I am over doing it but I really like it I am averaging about 1300 calories burned a day. this is based on my HRM. Before when I was using machines and Wii estimates I would be burning around 1900 cals per day. I burn so much less than those things say I do. But I am feeling so strong. yesterday I was able to jog for 25 minutes on the tread without a walk break. I slowed it down a bit from before. I was not enjoying the running anymore and I realized that running at 5.5 was tiring me out to quickly so I slowed down to a jog at 4.5 and was able to really go. Tomorrow I aim for 30 minutes. I hope you are all doing well.
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good morning all! I'm down another pound today. Yay. I seem to be lowest for the week at the end of the week. I always post Mondays weigh in as my legitimate weight. I hope I can lose another pound by then because I really want to be losing 2 lbs a week if at all possible. I'm really struggling with my sodium levels. I'm not eating out but do use some prepared foods like lunch meat and canned tomatoes and beans and tuna. Boy, do they pour that salt in that stuff. I use very little added salt though. I can always tell I'm retaining water in my hands. My ring (which is usually about to fall off nowadays) will be tighter and my hands just feel kind of stiff. I always used to blame arthritis but I realize now that it is partially swelling from sodium. I just keep drinking the water to hopefully flush it out. It's amazing what trends you can see from posting all your intake on MFP. Things I never really noticed. Now I've got to get serious with exercising. I think I need a workout video or something to help. I'm hoping to at least do the treadmill today.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    tralala--- great job on that pound! I think we are all a little lower at the end of the week AKA before the weekend! :laugh: As for the sodium, I do not have much advice there. I try to eat more non-processed foods than I do processed, so sodium is never really an issue for me. My dad will cook a turkey breast to use for sandwiches instead of lunch meat, and I think that helps. Maybe if you open your diary, others can check it out for you and give you some lower sodium alternatives.

    rjadams--- Your calorie burn is crazy! I participate in "Skinny Wednesday" challenges and aim to burn 1000 calories or so those days but that is only 1 day a week. I could never do it everyday! Good job!

    Terri--- I have a snacking problem too. I try to keep celery washed, cut, and ready to go so I make good decisions. It doesn't always work out. :grumble:

    I weighed myself this morning and am down to 154. I haven't seen this number yet in my weight loss journey---- a new low for me! I am shocked, and thrilled! I have been stuck at 156-157 for over a month now.

    My last final was Tuesday and my boyfriend (and workout buddy!) is taking his last one right now. This means that we are hitting the gym HARD tomorrow. I am a little nervous about it. I love the way working out makes me feel but I am scared that I will jump right back up to 157 like I have in the past. I haven't weighed 154 in 5 years, and I am really happy to be here. I don't want to let it go!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I was good yesterday, eat healthy and stayed under my calories. I had some vegetable shopping I needed to do on my lunch break so I didn't make it to the gym but I walked for an hour after work and chased my kiddos around the park a bit which was really fun. I feel back to normal today, back in control which is such a great feeling. But I am a little scared to face the scale after my little relapse into bad eating. I know that I have gone up a bit by how my pants are fitting but I just hope I don't go up too much. I also work on Saturday, hosting a picnic to welcome the new incoming families for next school year, so I am worried I might not be able to exercise that day and the picnic food is always hard to pass on. Maybe I can just stay so busy I wont have time to eat?!? I will eat a healthy lunch before I go so at least I wont be hungry but it will still be hard. I hope my school will serve watermelon.

    Phyljen where are you? I miss your happy, funny posts. And how is your knee doing? I hope you check in soon and I hope your doing well. :flowerforyou:
  • julster324
    julster324 Posts: 44
    Just curious does your pedometer tell you how many miles your steps are? Or calories? Is there an exercise post on here for steps in a day?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Just curious does your pedometer tell you how many miles your steps are? Or calories? Is there an exercise post on here for steps in a day?

    Yes it does but I had to program it for my step size. I have heard you should walk at least 10,000 steps a day which for a person with an average step it is about 5 miles. I know I have seen a thread called walking with pedometers here. Search for it.

    By the way yesterday....it was my workout day off and I still had 15,000 steps just from my normal day!

  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Yikes siobhan! I had a friend with fibroids who refused the hysterectomy - she had to go through 8 doctors to find one who was willing to humour her. But it worked out for her.

    Terry - you're just awesome! That's a lot of steps, I'm so curious to know how many you burn just living your life and doing your job.

    Jenn - ignore the scale for a week. You're doing great - it'll start heading down again sooner than you think.

    I'm doing okay this week. I've been a gardening fool the last few days - lots of calories burned digging in the dirt - I'm happier than a pig in ****!!!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PALS;
    I have been silent for a few days. WORK is CRAZY. My class did a class play for several classes and the parents and we were working hard on the lines and our ACTIONS! It turned out great. Then we had the music concert and rehearsals and well you get the picture... lots going on at the end of the year. I supposed tomorrow I will be starting to work on report cards. seems like we just did them. The year has zoomed past and I am so glad that in Jan I decided to start a healthy journey and turn my eating habits into healthy eating habits. I feel so much more energy. The day of the play some of the mom said HAVE YOU LOST WEIGHT? Yip 20 pounds I said. I was so glad that they noticed and that I have been faithful in sticking on this plan. WITHOUT all YOUR posts it never would have been possible. THANKS!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I read them all! Just most days this week I didn't have time to comment. But I did want to say HOW WONDERFUL it is that we have this group to share things with that happen in our lives. We are such a supporting group of people. I loved how every one rallied around Jenn when she was discouraged on Mother's Day or with Shivaun and Beth when they had healthy issues. and me too. This darn knee. Some days are good others it swells up. Yesterday I was in pain ALL DAY but today it feels much better. ICE and pills do help. I have yet to try the number one doctor order to STAY OFF YOU KNEE! O.K. I think,,, I'll do that in JUNE!
    (:laugh: When school is out)

    Today after church we are having a "LINGER LONGER" That means everyone brings food and we sit and eat and visit together. Many families and young adults that have been living here studying and working are finished with assignments and will return to the states. So this is kind of a farewell to them and a nice way to enjoy one last time together. I am making potato salad to take. It is one of my favorites to make but I doubt that I will eat much of it. EVEN THOUGH it is YUMMY.:bigsmile:
    I lost a pound this week. so here are my stats for the month of MAY
    Starting weight in May- 141
    MAY 7 - 139
    May 14 - 138:smile:

    So far this month down three pounds. I hope to keep this up and then by the end I will have made the goal of 5 for the month of May. I am doing just 30 to 60 minutes of exercise every day because of the knee. When I swim it is for an hour and I love that hour. and I am getting stronger with pilates and weights too so it is all paying off. BUT I DO MISS RUNNING!!!!!!!!!! PHYLJEN Looking forward to seeing your Friday weigh ins!!! GOOD luck this week end. :wink: Now I better go chop up boiled eggs and potatoes and start mixing them up or I'll be late for church.:blushing:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Well...admittingly...no exercise for me this week. :( I ate well though and stayed within my calories. I consciously ate more veggies than I normally would. My weight did not budge! it stayed exactly the same. Hoping for some loss next week.