Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I do the same thing every week, Terri! I need help staying strong on the weekends!!

    I had a bad day today. I did very well with my eating but blew the exercise. I tried running outside today for the first time (I usually do it on the treadmill) and couldn't even finish Week 3 of c25k. I am supposed to run a 5k on July 4 and am realizing that I probably won't accomplish that goal. I think I will try to move down a week and run outside only from now on. That will give me JUST enough time to finish the program and hopefully reach my goal. I could kick myself for all the runs I skipped! :grumble:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    After doing Curves for a year I think my body is ready for a new workout. But it was great as a first time exerciser.

    My weekend was like yours. I really love my HRM BTW.

    SO TRUE!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all, so I actually ended the week on Sunday with 7500 calories burned. thats insane. So I did 1254 today. but I was up all night with DH he has the flu. I look like S@#$%t and have dark circles under my eyes and a have had a headache all day. I hope I can sleep tonight and feel better tomorrow.

    Terri I hope you week isn't too stressful without your DH. Good luck and we (your coworkers) will help you thru with emotional support:wink:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I do the same thing every week, Terri! I need help staying strong on the weekends!!

    I had a bad day today. I did very well with my eating but blew the exercise. I tried running outside today for the first time (I usually do it on the treadmill) and couldn't even finish Week 3 of c25k. I am supposed to run a 5k on July 4 and am realizing that I probably won't accomplish that goal. I think I will try to move down a week and run outside only from now on. That will give me JUST enough time to finish the program and hopefully reach my goal. I could kick myself for all the runs I skipped! :grumble:

    I know running is hard as I have added some back into my treadmill routine. For most of us running a 5k is not about winning the race. I know I will never be a fast runner! For me it is the journey and the sense of accomplishment. Think of how you will feel when you finally complete a 5k while running. Enjoy the journey and learn from the experiences!

  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I do the same thing every week, Terri! I need help staying strong on the weekends!!

    I had a bad day today. I did very well with my eating but blew the exercise. I tried running outside today for the first time (I usually do it on the treadmill) and couldn't even finish Week 3 of c25k. I am supposed to run a 5k on July 4 and am realizing that I probably won't accomplish that goal. I think I will try to move down a week and run outside only from now on. That will give me JUST enough time to finish the program and hopefully reach my goal. I could kick myself for all the runs I skipped! :grumble:

    I know running is hard as I have added some back into my treadmill routine. For most of us running a 5k is not about winning the race. I know I will never be a fast runner! For me it is the journey and the sense of accomplishment. Think of how you will feel when you finally complete a 5k while running. Enjoy the journey and learn from the experiences!


    It will definitely be a proud day for me when I can run a 5k without stopping. I hope to accomplish that on July 4th. I am happy to say that I did better running outside today. I did kick it down a week but I made it through and will keep on trying. Thanks for the support!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I was a good girl yesterday, I was able to stay under my calories and I went to Curves as well as doing an hour on the Elliptical after I put the kiddos to bed. I should say that I was going much slower on the Elliptical than I have in the past so the calories burn was less than I am use to, but at least I went! I have not been exercising as much as I was these past few weeks and I want that to change this week. I will try to do my normal Curves lunch break as well as some sort of extra cardio in the evenings. I am a little sad to see my ticker go back up again but I am feeling more in control this time around, I know that it will go back down after a week or two of hard work. I just need to stick to the plan. After all is said and done I am happy with how I look more now than ever before and this is a life long change so I will just keep plugging along and making healthy choices whenever I can.

    Cheers! :drinker:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good Day to all!

    Husband left last night after dinner. Today is the stressful day kids activities. My daughter has piano at 4:15 and then swim club from 6-7:30. One son has a game from 6-7:20 and the other son has a game from 7:00-7:50. I will need to leave baseball to run back to the pool to pick up daughter and them come back to baseball and pickup the boys after the last game. I always wonder why it seems when he is out of town the activities all fall on one night. At least the week they have no activities scheduled till Friday evening. Then its a swim meet so my daughter is going to catch a ride with a team mate and then when daycare is over I need to drive about 30 miles to the swim meet. Hopefully husband is back in time to go to the swim meet with us.

    Just to give you an idea of my Monday....I had almost 31,000 steps on my pedometer by the time I went to bed last night. But alas the scales was up a pound this morning, but dinner last night was really salty. I tried a"lighter" kung pao chicken recipe. It was probably lighter in calories, but was very high in sodium.

    Drinking lots of water today!:drinker: :drinker:

    I hope everyone is having a great day.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PALS: Good to read all the posts and hear how everyone was doing. for a couple days there on the week end, while you were all HAVING A WEEK END!!! and I was back at work, I felt like I was talking to myself! LOL:laugh:

    Yesterday was my sons birthday and he LOVES CHEESE CAKE... well I decided to buy one from this bakery near school on my way home from work... since I had not made a cake (or anything for dinner, for that matter) LOL :laugh: Anyway I bought this blueberry cheese cake and it was huge!!!! like 2-3 inches high!!! I have not eaten anything sweet or really unhealthy since I started this journey to good health but I decided that since I had some calories left I'd try a bit of the dessert! and boy was it GOOD! I didn't eat even a whole piece but I loved every bit that I took. OH and the best thing is that I didn't feel a bit guilty since I knew I was not going over my calories and plus I didn't gorge myself like I would have done in the past. I was just content with what I did eat. When

    I got home from work, my husband told me my mother in law had made us dinner, ( stewed okra, my favorite) I love having her cook. She lives two floors down from us in our apartment building. so we often eat food she cooks. I know I am spoiled to have her to cook for me. Plus I have a maid that cleans my house so pretty much I am not too domestic anymore. Hiring help over here is relatively cheap so I just take advantage of that perk of living over seas.

    Tonight I went out to dinner with a few teachers as a little farewell. Went to FUSION and I had spring rolls, veggie chop suey, and glass noodles with shrimp and calamari. But the most fun was just visiting out side next to the NILE with a cool breeze blowing as we ate. Now I need to get to work and correct my math assessment that I gave the kids two days ago. Good night to all you PALS. Keep having a good week and DRINK LOTS OF WATER. PHYLJEN :drinker:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Terri, good idea to pound the water, keep drinking, I find that salt really makes the scale jump up for me. I don't know how you don't go crazy driving all over town to swimming and baseball and back again. Your a great mom for doing all that for your clan!

    Phyljen, hope your son had a great birthday. I love cheese cake also, lol. Your so strong eating less than one piece! And it is really nice that you don't have to be domestic, I wish I had someone to clean my house for me. Maybe I should let my honey know that is what I want for my birthday this year. :bigsmile: Nice that you get along with your MIL and that she cooked dinner also but I think I would go crazy if my guys mom lived down stairs from me! I do love her but she can be a little much sometimes, He can do no wrong in her eyes and she will let me know if she thinks our house isn't clean enough or if I am "raising the kids all wrong". I love him to death but he is a spoiled brat so I don't take her parenting advise. :laugh:

    Anyway, just checking in. Hope you all have a great day today!
  • caropowell
    caropowell Posts: 31 Member
    I made it to the gym this morning and burned over 500 calories doing Week 3 Day 3 of Couch to 10K. I did much better on my eating today, too, making sure to get my snacks in. I feel much better today, so now I just have to keep it up!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Today was my early day off from work, so I came home & did a little gardening, then I went to Curves. After Curves I came home & made dinner then jumped on the treadmill for 50 minutes! I had 3 people compliment me today on how good I looked! WOW that was shocking! :happy: Even my coworker whom I see practically every day since she is my neighbor too, complimented that I'm looking thinner! I was going to go to my nephew's baseball game tonight, but opted to workout instead. I'm making the decisions lately to be all about me! Hope you all have a good hump day tomorrow! H2O H2O H2O H2O!!! :drinker:
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Oh, why do I sabotage myself? I start feeling good about what I'm doing and then I go and have a chocolate binge! For some reason, I always want to have a late afternoon sugar binge. Why do I do this? Suggestions for what I can do about it? Anyway, I ate a lot of calories, but I burned a lot of calories too, per MFP. Honestly, I have no idea how my weight will be on Friday. I am DEFINITELY more active, but I go over my calories all the time. I am lucky that I have made such good progress, so far. Tonight, I am feeling fat and bloated, so I'm gonna take myself to bed, get a good night's rest, and have a better day tomorrow.:yawn: :smile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I read something about how we mentally hurt ourselves after exercise. I know I get in the mindset "I ran 3 miles and now I deserve (insert favaorite snack here)." Sometimes after exercise we just feel more hungry. The goal is to learn to eat something healthy rather than "favorite snack" I know I ate horribly yesterday. Dinner was a taco on the run just to give you an idea. Sit down and make a healthy snack list to keep on hand so when you want to binge you have something to turn to for ideas.

    I survived the transporting kids night. Though I had to make an extra trip back to the ball fields. We were almost home when both boys realized they had forgotten their gloves. I dropped them off and ran back to ball fields and found one glove. And by the time I got home there was an email from one of the coaches that he had the other glove. Thank goodness...that could have be expensive.

    :heart: CHEESECAKE!:love: I applaud you because I could not stop with only a few bites.

    Have a healthy day!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all, I slept wrong last night and I have a crick in my neck. I need to move to get it to loosen up. It sure is making me cranky. Maybe a piece of chessecake would make it better :bigsmile:

    I hope you all are having a better day so far.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Thanks for all of the cheesecake talk. My mouth is watering now!! :laugh:

    I used to self sabotage after exercise all the time. Now I have a protein shake and scoop of Gatorade before and after lifting weights. Among other benefits, the protein keeps me FULL so I will not have it in me to binge. Also, this takes up quite a bit of the calories I burn at the gym--- there goes my sense of entitlement to pig out!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Shelley- I do that also! Once I get close to my goal it gets worse on the 7th I was 142.5 now I am going back down but am at 146.5, so frustrating! But just keep at it and learn from every bump in the road.

    Terri- I love your idea of making a healthy snack list! Glad you found the glove but sorry about the extra trip, I told a friend about your driving crazyness last night because she was mad she had to get her son from a friends house. "Could always be worse!"

    Robin- Hope your cranky crick feels better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Amanda- I just started drinking protein Shakes at night also. I love them. It has been helping me snack less because it tastes like a chocolate milk shake. I add a lot of ice so it is more to drink. :happy:

    Not much is new with me just getting ready to wrap up the school year so work is getting busy but it is a fun kind of busy. Bake sale today for the 8th graders and I didn't have anything so I feel good about that plus my boss saw the yearbook and told me this years was the best one yet! Yay, I put so many late nights into that thing that I am really happy everyone likes it. And my boss is not one to throw around nice words so it really made me feel great, I hope I can be the yearbook advisor again next year. :bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So my neck is still really stiff but I have to shout out about something. You know I was running sprints and stuff but after a while I just couldn't get into it anymore. I slowed the treadmill down so now instead of running at 5.5 I am jogging at 4.5. Today I jogged for 45 minutes without stopping. That just blows my mind that I could do that for 45 minutes!!!!!!!!!! Wow I have definately changed since February.

    I also noticed a slightly concave shape in my sillouette this morning. (i am an rectangle shape person with large rib cage, no hips and a large stomach) so to finally see the beginnings of a waist was amazing.

    No if only my neck and head didn't hurt I might be having an amazing day instead of just great!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Hi everyone. I have been gone awhile . . just struggling . . alot.

    3/1 was hanging at 180, got down to 177.8 in April but sabotaged myself hard and weighed in at 189 plus this week. Not sure what the problem is but just asking for your prayers. I eat crappy cuz I feel crappy cuz I eat crappy. Not sure what happened - I was so diligent for awhile there.

    The only good news is that I am still running. My diet suffers but at least I am still getting some exercise. No idea what my triathlon will be like 6/6.

    I read some of the previous entries and see that some of you are struggling too, some are hanging in there, some doing well! You are all encouraging thru your successes and struggles (that make me feel human).

  • katieann2
    katieann2 Posts: 26
    So my neck is still really stiff but I have to shout out about something. You know I was running sprints and stuff but after a while I just couldn't get into it anymore. I slowed the treadmill down so now instead of running at 5.5 I am jogging at 4.5. Today I jogged for 45 minutes without stopping. That just blows my mind that I could do that for 45 minutes!!!!!!!!!! Wow I have definately changed since February.

    I also noticed a slightly concave shape in my sillouette this morning. (i am an rectangle shape person with large rib cage, no hips and a large stomach) so to finally see the beginnings of a waist was amazing.

    No if only my neck and head didn't hurt I might be having an amazing day instead of just great!

    WOW!!! 45min.; that's GREAT!!!!

    I was a jogger myself, due to hip problems, had to stop. I loved it, felt I had to do it rain or shine (wish I still could). Walk now!

    Keep-up the good work!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi all! Just got home from my last water aerobics class. I think I'm gonna miss it for the summer, but August will be here before I know it & I'll be back at it. So for the next 2 months I need to step it up & find other things to do! I do have my own pool, so once I get it open then I'll be able to do some of my exercises on my own. I really can't believe summer is almost here! :flowerforyou: