Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Congrats to everybody who lost!!

    5/1 weight: 157
    5/7 weight: 156.6

    Not even half a pound but I'll take it. I am just happy it's not 157 again! This is one of the lowest numbers I have seen in over a month, and I hope to see even lower next week. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  • jtenbensel
    jtenbensel Posts: 12 Member
    WoooHoooo!! :) I started this on Monday--May 3--weighed 171.8, today Ijumped on the scale and was 169.8!! :) 2 Pounds--

    I hope this weekend goes well though--kinda scared--It's graduation for the school that I teach at--so there will be many parties that I will be attending--HOPEFULLY I can ignore the tasty treats that will be calling my name --

    Congrats to all those that lost--and if you didn't--keep it up--it will come off--it seems like I was 175-178 FOREVER!!!!!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Justann-I know what it feels like to be stuck. I went up and down playing with the same five pounds for 8 months! Try eating more this week. I was eating 1200-1400 while I was stuck and now that I am eating 1400-1800 the weigh is coming off again. Your exercising a lot and your calories might be to low for all the movement. Just a thought.
    Can you tell me more about C25k? I have been thinking about doing this for a while, I am trying to learn to jog now. Do I buy something to listen to? Download it or what? Thanks.

    Shelli-Great job! I remember that feeling when I passed from obese to overweight. Never thought I would be so happy to be overweight! :laugh: It is a really great landmark along the way but now you are going to pass it into healthy/normal! Way to go!
    BTW 2.5 slices of pizza is much better than 5 pieces!

    Jacque-Great job hitting the gym girl! I went up at first once I started to exercise, you should see your hard work pay off really soon. :flowerforyou:

    Everyone else Great job on your results and if you went up a little bit, better luck next week. It is a long hard process but with every bummer you learn a little more about yourself and how to overcome! :drinker:

    I didn't weigh in yet, going to go and do that on my lunch break. I was really happy this morning when I woke up today and realized I weigh in BEFORE my sons party! I will really enjoy a big slice of his cake and then work super hard this weekend and next week to burn the extra calories off! It is crazy how many times I have thought about his cake this week! :embarassed:

    Also one of my students has a birthday today that I didn't know about until this morning. So I am going to go out today and buy some cookies that I don't really care for very much so I wont eat any during our little class party. :devil:

    I'll post my weigh in later on. :heart: Hugs
  • jtenbensel
    jtenbensel Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Jenn--it's a workout program--the website is:
    Couch to 5K--you don't need to buy anything--just follow the program! I've had some friends do it--and they really liked it!!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I'm sitting here on my lunch hour and reading all the wonderful posts! I'm so happy to so many people succeeding! You all such an inspiration! I weighed in yesterday (I don't know why but I like to weigh in on Thursdays.) I'm down 1.8lbs! Yay!! I havn't gotten out to exercise as much as I would like but I've been good at watching my food intake, drinking water and (the hardest one of all) I've cut down my coffee intake to one cup in the morning all week long!!! I am an R.E.C.E. and work in a centre based child care centre. I've been trying to get in some extra exercise while at work. We have a huge hill behind our school I've been running up and down with children and racing with them as much as possible. Every little bit helps right?!
    Here's to a successful weekend everyone!:drinker:
    And congrats on all the lbs lost this week!!!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Can you tell me more about C25k? I have been thinking about doing this for a while, I am trying to learn to jog now. Do I buy something to listen to? Download it or what? Thanks.

    I am also doing C25K. I love it! I downloaded Iestyn Lloyd's podcast for free on iTunes. It gives verbal cues of when to run/walk and you can add in your own music with an mp3 editor. I used WavePad Sound Editor, which I also downloaded for free.

    There is also one by Robert Ullrey that's great. It already has music for you and gives cues of when to run/walk. It is also free on iTunes.

    Using a podcast helps me TREMENDOUSLY. I used just my watch when I first started, and it was terrible watching the seconds slowly tick away... while running, anyways. They ticked faster during the walking! :wink:
  • helpneeded
    helpneeded Posts: 2
    Hi! Everyone.
    This is my first day.
    I am in for this challenge.
  • evaeva28
    evaeva28 Posts: 23
    Wow I am SO glad to hear that some of you are having really good weigh is this week! i didn't weigh in until Monday so i will weigh myself Monday! I am glad to not weight until Monday because I also weigh myself daily and I weighed myself this morning I was 4 lbs up :o( I love that time of the month! :O( ... i am hoping by Monday the reading will be much more accurate!! LOL ... I have been literally working my butt off this week so it was kind of discouraging but I am trying to keep positive! I did measure yesterday also and lost an inch in my waist :o) So that's a plus!!!

    I hope that all of us mom's on here have a WONDERFUL Mother's day!! I know I am totally Glad that today is Friday and looking forward to a nice weekend! The weather here has been so nice and warm!!! It will be a nice change for the weekend!
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    Hello Everyone,
    I just love reading your posts everyday. It is such an inspiration. I have NEVER stuck to losing weight for this long and I contribute all of you on MFP for the help and motivation. It is awesome to see everyone lose the weight!! I had a bad day yesterday so when I weighed in I expected to have gained 5lbs. I haven't worked out this week due to my crazy work schedule. I have worked 6 12hour days and my body is just so exhuasted. But I got my Power 90 in the mail yesterday YAY!! I think I am going to give it a try tonight. I did the P90X before but OMGosh it was way extreme.

    SW- 300lbs
    Challange SW- 272.6
    Challange EW- 267.6
    CW- 268 :noway:
    GW- 160

    I could not believe the scale this morning!! YAY!!:happy:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I usually don't get on the scale til Saturday morning, but I have really tried to stick to my meal plan this week, the only time I didn't were days I lost track of time and didn't eat my snacks. So anyways, May 1- 140; May 7- 139. Yeah!!!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I had a great exercise week but I am really tired. I am at 6050 calories burned so far this week. I plan on playing a lot this weekend. so we will see. Have a great weekend.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome to my Friday night. Sitting at home watching Man VS Food and wishing I could go to these places and taste some of the foods he gets to eat as part of his job. Then I sit back and try to guess how many calories are in his challenge dishes!

    Notice travel channel never shows programs about healthy places to eat. Only places with huge servings...places to pig out. They glorify the huge servings and over eating, at least the shows that I watch. As much fun as I have watching these shows they also show how we tend to look at overeating in our society.

    rjadams, I am really tired today also. the kids want to stay up late because it is Friday. I have to get the dog to the groomer by 8 in the morning and would love to go to bed right now.

    TAKE CARE EVERYONE, I READ RECENTLY THAT THE AVERAGE AMERICAN CONSUMES ABOUT 500 EXTRA CALORIES PER DAY ON THE WEEKEND. For me to burn that off I would have to walk over 10 miles. Just some inspiration for the weekend to avoid those extra calories.

  • katieann2
    katieann2 Posts: 26
    "Just remember that food only taste good the few seconds its in your mouth, then your stuck with the extra calories! "

    "You've come too far to take orders from a cookie!!!!"

    I like to keep little quotes on the refrigerator and pantry to remind me how easy and fast I can slip-up and to keep in focus my goals!
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    Today is such a challenge, it's my first time ever not eating whatever the hell I want on the weekends,, today is probably worse than a normal saturday as I have finals in just over a week,, so my usual study routine also involves a lot of eating!! I'm trying to focus on how well I've done so far this week, and realise that I don't want to ruin all my goodwork for the sake of pigging out today,, I'm also going to get a little walk in, so that if I do go over a little (as i'm having dinner at my mam's house), at least I'll have gotten some exercise calories for the first time in ages...
    I'm not a slob, but I work full time and do college 2 nights a week,, I had been very active, but while college is so busy the last few weeks, exercise has had to fall by,, am really looking forward to getting back out and starting a C25K once exams are over :)
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there,
    I really like the sound of this, seems do-able and could be the bit of pressure I need, regular goals got to be good!!!!! Would like to lose a little faster than 5lbs a month but hey I will not be complaining if I reach my goal weight in September.

    I started at 160lbs

    Weight at May 1st 155lbs

    Goal for June 1st to weigh 150lbs

    Wey hey here we go!!!!! good luck all
  • I'm in

    SW April 26th: 322 lbs
    CW May 8th: 309 lbs
    GW May 30th: 305 lbs
    Ultimate May Goal 299 lbs.

    I know it seems like I'm losing a lot of weight fast. But when you give up all suger and junk food. Your body does some weird things. I can say that I'm eating very health and that's all that matters.
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Hello everyone I am new here and I am in for the challenge. I weighed 244.4lbs on 1st May. today I weighed 241.6

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    please how many calories do you eat a day and how much exercise

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Each of us is different. I need to get back to logging my calories but some days I am so busy I even forget to drink my water. I try to burn at least 500 extra calories a day. My goal for my pedometer is at 20,000 steps a day.

    Good morning to all! Happy Mothers Day to all!

    Went shopping with my daughter yesterday. She helped me to stay on track (for now). For some reason I was really craving a jalapeno popper and she sort of talked me out of it. We agreed I could not have that splurge until the scale reads 164 and then I have an order as a reward. Hopefully by then I won't be craving them but if I am I will still allow myself to have an order!

    So much to get done today. I overslept and missed church but I still need to go over there in a few minutes to teach Sunday School. Then off to get some more dirt for the garden and mulch for around the trees. I hope to get my raspberries planted today and maybe some of the vegetable garden. We had frost last night so I was really glad to get the perennial plants like blueberries, strawberries and asparagus covered last night.

    Boys have swimming lessons in the middle of the afternoon. Good thing my husband is getting his run in right now so he can take them and I can garden. Then out with the kids and husband for Mother's Day. Some time in there I should probably clean my house a bit before daycare kids come again in the morning.

    Stay healthy!

  • gmhiggins
    gmhiggins Posts: 2
    Great to see someone with the exact weight loss goal. I started at 174. Lost 2.2. lbs so far. I'm with you. Goal is 169 by end of May.
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