HeidiCooksSupper Member


  • My target, which my endocrinologist thought was fine, is 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. I, too am in my 60s and Type II diabetic. Although those are my target, I'm usually under a bit on carbs, under a good deal on protein, and over and equivalent amount on fats. I'm trying to up protein-rich snacks while limiting fats…
  • This is another example where there is no universal "wonder supplement." Some supplements work for some people who may have, for one reason or another, a diagnosed or undiagnosed shortage of that element in their make up. For others it either has no effect or is an overdose. I, for example, was told to take daily vitamin D…
  • Here's a link to an article that reviews the reliability of ImAware: https://www.beyondceliac.org/research-news/at-home-test-for-celiac-disease-gets-scientific-review/
  • An automatic tracking device on MFP would be terribly inaccurate because most database entries do not have accurate phosphorus data (and cannot because its not on all nutrition labels). Unfortunately, you are left to avoiding high phosphorus foods and monitoring you blood test phosphorus levels.
  • Summer is when beautiful, fresh, sweet cherries are available in US supermarkets. I invested in an OXO cherry pitter* and enjoy every cherry season. 100g of pitted cherries is about 9 big, ripe cherries and 63 calories. Yummy! They go great not only in fruit salads but anywhere else, cooked or raw. *There are many cherry…
  • I found it helps to change what meaning of the word "diet" I use. One's diet is what one eats. Some diets are more healthy than others. Some cause weight loss, some cause weight gain. I, when left to my own devices have a disordered diet that results in me weighing twice what I ought. I am trying to correct my diet so that…
  • What and how much we choose to eat is our diet. In choosing to eat enough to maintain a particular weight, be it underweight, healthy, overweight or morbidly obese, we have chosen to craft our diets in a particular way. That diet, including the amount one eats, becomes a habit. I, left to my own devices, eat enough to…
  • No exercise program will help you lose weight unless you consume fewer calories than you burn. Yes, it's all about the calories. Exercising can increase the number of calories you burn in a day but not as many as most people assume. If you find exercise increases your appetite, you can easily eat enough to gain weight…
  • People often ask about how to get off a plateau giving, as OP did, the alternatives of changing calories or changing macros. I often think the way to get off a plateau is consistency. When I look at the times I've been on a plateau I can usually identify times I have strayed from strict calorie control or quit exercising.…
  • Duromine (phentermine) works by suppressing the appetite. If it doesn't work for you, there is no need to take it. Losing weight is achieved by eating fewer calories than you burn over time. Ask you doctor about how to stop taking Duromine (some drugs need a slow weaning others you can stop cold turkey). Since the drug is…
  • The best thing to do is to eat a well-balanced diet following nutritional guidelines. Whether you choose meat or vegetable protein sources is up to you. To learn more about what to eat, go to https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-plate/ To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you use.…
  • It is not a thing the way "diet people" describe it. It is something that can happen as an end-stage condition leading to death. My mother had it. Her guts wore out and were leaking into her abdomen. She died. As she took to saying in her mid-90s, "I had a good run."
  • What the folks above said about lack of evidence and that it works how it works for you are right on target. Do what works for you. For many, IF helps them stay on track so it works for them. Going to bed and reading rather than staying up and snacking works for me. I need to remember that tonight at 10ish. "Turn off the…
  • For years, yogurt has fit this category for me. Sometimes I love it and eat a lot of it, sometimes I go years without eating it.
  • Your dietitian is mixing together a bunch of information, some science, some woo, and coming up with recommendations that don't necessarily make sense. First, a vegetarian diet is not necessarily lower calorie. Any diet can be lower or higher calorie depending on what and how much you eat. Although there is some scientific…
  • @DNDAddict Cool. I'm a surgery-phobe, so you know where I'm coming from. Meanwhile, it sounds like you have your head on straight and are starting to sort out what is important from what isn't.
  • Look on youtube for chair exercises and exercises for seniors. They tend to be slower and gentler to start.
  • A message would certainly help. I usually accept friend requests but I also check the person's profile before I do. I reject friend requests from men who simply seem to be catfishing or looking to collect a harem of needy women. (What's up with that? Why would someone enjoy doing that? Seems psychologically immature/sick…
  • If a serving is listed as one cup and you had 1/2 a cup, just change the number of servings you had from 1 to .5 I do this all the time when the serving size is 100 g and I had some odd number of grams. If I had 73 grams, I just change the number of servings to .73 I also do this mixing ounces and grams using a calculator.…
  • @jbann70 DO NOT suddenly put yourself on a VLCD (very low calorie diet) like 800-1000 calories a day without medical supervision. To eat that little in preparation for gastric surgery you need prescribed supplements/vitamins and a medical professional supervising your diet. @DNDAddict What jbann70 is doing may not be right…
  • Finding soy milk was a victory! It and oat milk have mild enough tastes that they do well as coffee creamers. I don't like the flavor almond milk adds to coffee.
  • Braised cucumbers mak a great hot side dish. There are plenty of recipes online. They end up tasting like a mild sort of summer squash.
  • Clafoutis or flaugnarde can be made either sweet or savory. Basically, it's a baked egg mixture with stuff in it. Traditionally, it's made with cherries but if you look up "savory clafoutis" you'll find lots of ideas for ones with mushrooms or other veg and sometimes a bit of meat in them. Here's a link to a basic recipe I…
  • My one recommendation would be not to make things more complicated than they need to be so you have some chance of sticking to them long term. I have a dear friend who's bipolar and have known and loved her through many cycles. Sometimes it's easy to think things through very clearly, like all your eating rules, and…
  • This is a medical emergency so you should be able to at least talk to a physician if not visit their office. Someone should be identifying what this problem is, especially after 3 months. Meanwhile, have you checked out allergies? For example, do you start the day with some food, be it milk or juice or whatever? If so, it…
  • It was some diet, some a combination of Metformin & Jardiance, and some increasing my calorie burn through exercise, both aerobic & weight bearing. But no crazy serious exercise. About 1/2 hour of water walking 3 or 4 times a week and about 15 minutes of weight machine circuit 2 or 3 times a week -- all with a bit of added…
  • It still says on the MFP diary page that we should be drinking and logging 8 glasses of water a day. This is old, thoroughly debunked information that has no scientific background. Now, it is recommended that we "stay hydrated" but no amounts of water are set at minimums. You are to look at your urine. If it is light…
  • I ate too much last night. It started with a cobb salad that I was too lazy to try to log and then I threw caution to the wind ending up with an old habit that involved a jar of peanut butter and a spoon. Naughty me. The scale, which has been dancing around on a plateau "rewarded" me with a pound up overnight. Some of it's…
  • I agree. One's diet is what one eats. I like to use the term not for some weight loss fad but rather as the term for the entirety of our food consumption. I am not on a diet; what I eat is my diet. I am keeping track of calories and macros because my uncontrolled diet led me to weigh twice what would be healthy. Now, I am…
  • You might want to try something from TheInsoleStore.com. I've had good luck with stuff from them and they do have some insoles that correct for rolling if you search supination. I need rigid insole support for plantar fasciitis and got some from them that work in my sneakers.