Diary: Can you add foods & amounts not listed?

There are some foods not listed and I would like to add them. Also how do you change amounts? Sometimes there’s just an option for 1 cup or 2tbs when in fact you only had 1/2 cup or 1tbs and there is no way to change it. Also when you scan a barcode that it can’t find, is there a way of adding that food to the system? Thanks,


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    If a food isn't in the database, you can add it yourself. You have the option to keep the entry private or add it to the database so that everyone can use it.

    If you want to enter a 1/2 cup serving of something for which there is only a 1 cup entry, you can choose ".5" as your serving amount. Personally, I prefer to log by the gram so I will always look for an entry that has that option.
  • AliciaHollywood
    AliciaHollywood Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks but I couldn’t find a way to change 1 cup to 0.5. Maybe I’ll just create a new food with that portion.
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Are you using MFP on your computer or phone? In the phone app, just under the serving size selection there is "number of servings" where you can select any number you want. For example, if the food you want has a serving size of 1 cup but you had two and a half cups, you select 2.5 as number of servings.
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 945 Member
    edited August 2020
    if you're on your computer, you have to click add food in your diary, search for the food you're looking for; many foods not only list serving size but to the right, there's a drop down with other options like ounces and grams. you can't do this if you just search for the food. also you can select a food, add a serving and edit it in your diary - just click the name of the food, and a dialogue box will appear with the servings and serving size for that entry.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    If a serving is listed as one cup and you had 1/2 a cup, just change the number of servings you had from 1 to .5

    I do this all the time when the serving size is 100 g and I had some odd number of grams. If I had 73 grams, I just change the number of servings to .73

    I also do this mixing ounces and grams using a calculator. Let's say a serving size is 2 oz, which is also 56 g. Let's say I eat 74 grams. I divide 74 by 56 and find that I ate about 1.32 servings. I just change the number of servings I ate from 1 to 1.32

    For those of us who are used to ounces and cups, switching to grams is easy once you learn that there are 28 grams in an ounce. Don't try to get your brain around how big a gram is -- it's too tiny to make sense to those of us still using "Imperial" measures (the USA, Liberia and Myanmar -- the rest of the world has switched to metric). Just boot up the calculator function on whatever computer you have at hand and set your kitchen scale to grams.
  • AliciaHollywood
    AliciaHollywood Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks, I finally figured it out. Sometimes I know the exact calories I ate so I slide the percentage servings up or down until they match the actual calories.