AMIS456 Member


  • I would say the main thing is the size differences between stores - I feel that most cuts at AE are more for Juniors styled clothes therefore shorter and tighter in areas. But keep up with the 30DS it will help tone your thighs up! The more you do the better! I also found in last month's "Fitness' magazine an article about…
  • Sweet Potato & Caramelized onion Frittata with salad! 1/4 pie is 210 calories + load up on pretty much as much salad as I want :)
  • You said you are doing the c25k - I did this program too and I am now training for a half! What I do is I make Sat or Sunday my long run day so that I A. Get extra calories on one of my weekend days and B. This helps make me keep on track the other day because I know that if I eat terribly before I run I will have a crappy…
  • This - when you add a recipe it asks if you want to make it public. Do this and tell them what you named it.
  • Tequila shots with pineapple most definitely!
  • I have tried the Healthy Choice steamable dinners and they were ok. My favorite frozen dinners to buy for in a pinch meals are the Kashi meals. they offer a far more balanced meal than most dinners and the flavors are always very good! I just keep these in the freezer at work for times that I can not leave or have run out…
  • To help keep me in line I make Sat or Sun a work out day. I run so I know that I can not go too crazy the day/night before I run so therefore I can't completely let go on the weekend. This also means that I get a rest day during the week!
  • People wearing excessive amounts of cologne, perfume or smelly lotion. I almost had to stop my run twice the other day because of the old lady who was walking at a brisk 2.0 and the teenage girl who was walking on the steepest level for 5 min.... It is not easy to run and only breathe on one side of your mouth!
  • Haha yes the more akward it is the more likely my dad loves it - his 'ringback' tone for a while was 'I need you now' bahahaha my dad never understood why we would be dying laughing everytime he answered his phone.
  • In High School my dad would walk around singing the "Thong Song" when my friends came over.... *sigh* hahaha He still sings wildly inappropriate songs seeming to be completely unaware how 'dirty' they are.
  • Yeah I know people think I am crazy as the afternoon hits and I am in and out of the bathroom every 45 min!
  • You are not alone! I can't stand the taste or smell of bacon! The smell of cooking bacon literally makes me nauseous! But I do not like breakfast sausage either - I can eat it but I prefer canadian bacon if I am having a breakfast meat.
  • Great article! Thanks for sharing!
  • This makes me think of Katt Williams - "Either she was a big girl and she got little, or she was a little girl and she got big" hehe ;)
  • Congrats & Happy BIrthday! What a wonderful day - be proud of yourself!
  • I think the C25k and C210K are great programs! I myself did the C210K and at first it seemed like I would never be able to do it but I kept with it and now I am training for a half marathon! It was not easy but it worked you into everything so that you could handle all the increases. I also suggest taking advantage of free…
  • I like to make big batches of shakes with protien powder, milk, yogurt, and fruit then I divide it into servings and freeze. You can put the shake on the counter to thaw before you start working out and it should be softened when you are done. :)
  • I did the C25K program and I amazed myself at what I was capable of doing! I loved the program! I have stuck with running and I have complead 5k and 10k races! I am registered for my first half marathon in April - hope it goes well! As for speed you are supposed to run at a pace that is comfortable enough that you could…
  • I suggest a hipster type undie - they have the side coverage like the boy shorts but the ahem crotch area is more like a regular bikini. I wear these all the time! Target and Victoria Secret both have great options. Also make sure you are buying the correct size too big or too small can cause the bunching and wedgies!
  • Dont keep candy bars handy? Of if you are buying them from a vending machine keep your change in your car that way you have to take the walk to get it and can talk yourself out of it. Oh and definitely COFFEE!!!:smile:
  • Great quote "It won't come off in a day so don't let one day wreck you!" thank your for that! I am going to write that down where I can see it everyday! And congrats for getting started! Get your daughter on board by enlisting her help with throwing out the junk, gorcery shopping and meal planning! When she takes ownership…
  • Cut back! If you get caffiene headaches then slowly remove them from your diet and restrict the number you are allowed! I had to do this and now almost all I drink is water ( plus my AM coffee of course!) You can do it!
  • I find that most people that pick on us 'dieters' do it because they wish they had the self control that we exhibit! Just keep your head up! See if a friend at work wants to diet or work out with you, or pick an event coming up to train for that way you have a goal and your friends and family can come support you on the…
  • Also when running down hill make sure you take smaller strides ( although the slope will make you want to take bigger strides) to alleivate some of the jarring in your knees - I promise that will make a significant impact in knee soreness from running downhill.
  • I just started running 3 months ago and I can tell you that at first it was extremely irritating to my knees to run up but especially down hill. I wore a knee brace and started swimming to strengthen my IT band. I do a lot of stretches after I run to help loosen it. It still bothers me and I did my first 10k Saturday and I…
  • Most likely the weight gain is water weight. I know the foods I munch on when having a bad day are way higher in sodium then my usual foods. Just drink jplenty of water and go back to your normal routine and it will be gone! Don't give up - everyone has bad days its what you do the days after that makes a difference! Good…
  • Keeping healthy snacks on hand definitely helps me! I also find that scheduling time when I can splurge ( dinner out with friends) helps keep me from cheating because I know I have a time coming up. And if I ever give into a craving I am not too hard on myself and know that I tomorrow is a new day to do better. :)
  • I weigh every day but I only 'weigh-in' with my weight from Thursday AM weigh-in due to the fact that you do fluctuate daily due to water loss/gain etc. I find that Monday/Tuesdays I generally weigh more from any cheating I did on the weekend that is why I picked Thursday. Good job so far & keep it up!