

  • I live in Bellevue (Factoria) but was lifting at a gym around the corner from Arena Sports. Was thinking about trying the adult soccer on Friday nights.
  • I'm in Bellevue. Soon-to-be-employed tech worker here, LOL (who isn't one of those in this area?). I did the Stronglifts program for a year and had good results, but also just started krav maga and may consider some boxing. Currently just trying to burn off some of this body fat so doing a lot of cardio. Some of you may…
  • I started krav maga last summer but stopped because I was out of cardiovascular condition and couldn't keep up. So I stopped so that I could improved my cardiovascular strength and started KM again and found that I could keep up with the classes much better. I enjoy it but then I don't have any previous experience with…
  • My father was a champion skeet shooter so I grew up with mostly shotguns. I learned to shoot skeet at a young age. My feeling as that we rely on guns as to much of a crutch for perceived protection. If a gun is on or near you then you might stand a chance at protecting yourself if your home is invaded (or attacked on the…
  • My thoughts are that the regime in DPRK is going to collapse within my lifetime. It'll be chaos, but I can't wait until that happens. The United States has a policy toward North Korea which in my opinion, is not working. I'm not sure that sanctions and sit-down talks have really been effective. The government of the DPRK…
  • I'm actually not in Snohomish, but in King County (Bellevue). I'm 41. I did a lot of strength training this past year but didn't really watch my nutrition. As a result I got really strong and also ballooned up in weight to 225 lbs (i'm 5' 9'') . My lean body mass for my height is actually 155lbs, so that's a lot, LOL. I'm…
  • I'm actually shocked to be put in the obese category recently. I'm one of those people who never had a weight problem - I ran nearly every day and was at least somewhat conscious about what I ate. I wasn't OCD about it nor did I weight my food, but I definitely made sure to get at least half my body weight in grams of…
  • Funny, I was actually going to sit down tonight and start building my own web page with all of the calculations so I could have them in one place. I'm still going to do that, but I might glance at this spreadsheet to save me some time. I have a hosting plan so i'm probably going to throw it up there when i'm done. Okay, on…
  • Seattle, where I live, is not too far from Vancouver, BC so I go up there often. I also played in a touring band about ten years ago and played shows all over Canada. I still have lots of friends across Canada and go hang out from time to time. I've also traveled quite a bit through the Caribbean/West Indies and Latin…
  • Slept a full 12 hours today, but this afternoon/evening i'm heading in to do some cardio on the elliptical. Eating some oatmeal now and may have some fruit before I head in, i'm a bit low-energy today.
  • One thing you might consider is a strength-specific program designed for newbies. Programs such as StrongLifts or Starting Strength are good. StrongLifts is free and you can download the PDF, but the crux of it is to start with the barbell and increase the weights by five pounds every session. You lift three days/week.…
  • My highest burns are when I do two different exercises - HIIT with jump rope followed by elliptical or running. Usually running outdoors nets me the most calorie burn. I'll jump rope for about 20 minutes then go on a run or use the elliptical. I'm usually done in under an hour with about an 800 calorie burn. I'm 5' 9'' and…
  • HIIT using jump rope for 20 minutes followed by 20 minutes on the elliptical.
  • I'm kind of in the same position, I started strength training one year ago and recently stopped to do more cardiovascular stuff. I'd also like to re-start krav maga which is very draining, very much like an hour-long HIIT session three days/week. Not sure which way to go or how to do all of them at the same time. Get a…
  • I actually started to have good results once the weights started to get in the heavy range, particularly my squats. My body weight went up to 225lbs and when I stopped the program I was squatting over that. The owner of the gym noticed that my chest suddenly got wider and I was really starting to shape-up a bit more. I…
  • I have a close friend who owns and runs his own painting business. He's my age (41) and has hardly any fat on him. He doesn't go to the gym or exercise other than what he does on the job. Another friend went to help him for a day on a job site and noted how quickly he moves around - up ladders, constant arm movement,…
  • Excellent, thanks. I kind of thought so but wanted to be sure, didn't want to be measuring things incorrectly. Off to do more jumping.
  • I've never had a spouse but have noticed that in the past i've had close friends who were jealous of the time I spend on myself. What it sometimes came down to was that they didn't have the motivation and wished that they did. I've also heard and read that some spouses are jealous that you will look better than they will…
  • Honestly i'm horrible with gym partners and really prefer to work on my own. You shouldn't feel bad about this, if you have your thing down then continue with it. If your co-worker wants to start being healthier she'll have to find her own motivation. You might be able to assist her with ideas and things which might work…
  • Well, you could start off by doing goblet squats with a dumbell, that'd be a great place to start. Squats are a fundamental exercise and will help you on all of your lifts. You could also do dumbbell bench presses, dumbbell overhead presses and dumbbell rows for the back. That would probably be a great place to start,…
  • I always feel squats in my glutes and in my hips. Whenever i've felt it in my quads i'd notice that I just wasn't going down far enough. It often feels like you are, but you'll be surprised. Sounds like you are videoing yourself, though, so it could be that your quads are just tight and you need more flexibility but that's…
  • I was just about to post this same question. I've been having a problem getting enough calories per day, and when I finally do achieve it, i'm way over in protein or some other category. I got very used to getting at least very close to my body weight in grams protein and always thought this was a good way to live for an…
  • I've seen females at the gym who are doing StrongLifts and they are squatting about 200lbs. They are not big, bulky-muscled women but rather tighter and shapely which is hot. I don't often get to see females lifting heavier weights, it's a thrill to watch.
  • I started krav maga about a year ago, not really a martial art, I know, but rather a self-defense system. I really enjoyed it but stopped to concentrate on my lifting. I'm now about to start up again. Classes remind me of basic training - up, down, up down...run fast...get down and give me 20... no time - MOVE NOW faster…
  • I'm a man but I started with StrongLifts just over one year ago. I had very good results and got strong pretty fast. One thing to reiterate from the quote above is that strength training does not equal body building. One builds raw strength while the other builds muscle mass. You will go up in body weight on the scale but…
  • Hmmm, can't open the video for some reason but I can see her form. In powerlifting and working with heavy weight in general, you want your feet back as far as possible when benching and an arch in your back, supposed to be able to put a fist through the arch. Keep your arms as close to the body as possible and bring the…
  • You know, same here. I spent the entire past year doing pretty much nothing but strength training and although I enjoyed the rush of watching my strength go up, it just isn't "constant" enough for my tastes. I've always been a continuous action, cardio-type of person. To me, nothing feels better than a great pair of…
  • LOL, you would so hate the army.
  • I just joined yesterday. My post might be a bit long as I explain my current condition and my goals. I'm 41, male, 5' 9'' and was one of those people who never had a weight or body fat problem. I was fit in my 20's and ran long distances throughout my 30's but slowed down to about nothing around the age of 37 or so. My…
  • I've read about some people using adjustable sawhorses in weight lifting forums, specifically as spotters. Some are rated to handle very heavy weight, just make sure they are stable so that they don't fall over easily.
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