burner Member


  • How are you consuming your daily 1250 cals? Are you splitting it into small portions and eating them at regular intervals? Eating small portions often will keep your hunger at bay. I don't know if I believe the - don't eat anything after 6 or 7pm. Divide your 1250 by 5 = 250 cals per meal. eat one when u get up. then eat a…
  • the key i think is in diet! lose fat and your abs will appear as you lose more fat. train abs like any other muscle! stress them as much as possible once - maybe twice a week by doing 3-5 different exercises that target your abs in different ways. Then give the muscles the required nutrition to grow and rest to allow them…
  • can't argue with above statement - would avoid diets tho! I think you're better off making a lifestyle change and maintaining it for life. Research into your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Aim for this amount of calorific intake - this way you will not gain any weight if you did no exercise whatsoever. then exercise to make a…
    in Diets!! Comment by burner February 2010
  • if you crave peanut butter...you probably just like peanut butter haha don't know about the lacking copper thing - if this was true you would be craving carrots and beets too?? :laugh:
  • is there! awesome! I'll do that - sorry for moan - its just cos I realised a food i used regularly was missing loadsa info! cheers
  • if your suppliers for gas and electric are the same too - try and see if you can combine them to recieve further discount - eon do this. sometimes if you pay by direct debit you make savings too...
  • read you meter... take readings of your gas meter every week and ring the your supplier with the reading. How long have you lived there? maybe you have been undercharged previously and they are upping your payments to recuperate the difference. Ring them and querie it... but defo the best way to check you are not being…
  • this is best time to weigh. get up - go to the bathroom (empty your system..ahem) strip off and get on the scales. This will be a more accurate measurement as you'll have little or no food in your digestive system and therefore you will be weighing just your body mass - always measure in the buff as you're not weighing…
  • this is correct - can only burn fat across your whole body. Where you store fat is genetically predisposed and unfortunately you (and I) store it on your mid-riff. So keep up low calorie diet and do exercise - also lift weights to increase muscle to fat ratio. tone up your stomach to make it stronger and make it appear…
  • when u say ure eatin half your workout calories what do you mean? this to me means if you burned 2500 cals your eatin 1250cals? if so you're body is probably in starvation mode so every calorie you consume then it will cling onto and store....that's what I understand from your post? am i wrong? I try to eat calories equal…
  • There are so many posts on here - didn't have time to read them all - would just ask what your weekly weight loss goal is - as I've read somewhere that if you lose more than 2lb a week your probably losing muscle tissue aswell as fat. 2lb a week is a good target weight loss as you are more likely to burn fat rather than…
  • Changing up your routines will work a wider range of muscle groups and therefore be more beneficial to you - so it is a good idea. Try circuits aswell - so 20mins treadmill, 20 mins rowing machine, 20 mins bike one day then 3 diff machines another. Another thing to consider is upping the level on the machines - constantly…
  • Indian food is lush! have a night off and tuck into some amazin curries!!! :P if you like hot food go for a madras....(probably not very healthy tho) hasina shashlick (think that's spelled correctly) is good too - and no sauce - think it is skewered marinaded chicken! very tasty! a night off a once in a while is ok - so if…
  • I've always thought that too many eggs were bad for yuo - and going over your daily cholesterol isn't good! If you want to up your protein buy some shakes - Maximuscle do a good 'diet' shake that I'm using...or just get a whey protein shake. defo lower in cholesterol... :)
  • don't just do cardio... to get toned and in shape you need to do some resistance training too. Your body only starts to burn fat after around 45-60mins of exercise. Try to do 30 mins of resistance machines and then 30 mins cardio - a lot of time and energy but results will show. Toning muscles requires stress to the…
  • even if this is or isn't true - one thing I know is Diet soda drinks are not good for you....drink water, moderate amounts of juice and flavoured waters? diet soda's are bad for teeth and can make you crave other bad foods...
  • change your habit - so instead of chocolate do as someone else said - guzzle water - or eat a piece of fruit .... it's a learned habit - so just learn a new one! :)
  • :huh: what is 'insanity'?
  • I'm after the same goal as you.... trick is not to jsut focus on working your abs...work all of your muscles - more muscle mass you have the more fat you will burn. Therefore train every muscle hard - split routines up into body parts - eg. TWO WEEK ROUTINE Monday - Chest Tues - Cardio Wed - Legs, Thurs - Cardio Fri - Bi's…
  • cool... just as i thought...I'll just keep at it then....
  • I think I'm gunna take some pics 2nite to have a reminder - so I can look back and hopefully acheive what you have... Looking fantastic fair play...
  • sounds like a plateau - but don't let go with that finger! assess your eating habits and calorie goals - make sure all your inputs in the settings are correct and up to date. then try and mix things up a bit.... small meals often - daily calories split into five meals spaced throughout the day. balance meals - so again…
  • the worst thing I saw was last sunday just as i was leavin the gym... some old guy struttin round the locker room - left his towel at the changing bench...whistling some ol' tune as he strolled - happy as larry ...then decided to dry his tackle with one of the gym hair driers in front of the mirrors....tidy....:sick:
  • Don't switch gyms - just running/hiding from the problem. they probably aren't thinking that - but even if they are use it as motivation. I'm quite a short guy and used to go to the gym regularly and got into a reasonably good shape and could lift heavy weights for my stature. now I'm back to square one and working hard…
  • that's awesome! fair play! well done!
  • :wink: yeah - count your blessings I say ...lol seriously though - your body tends to burn fat from the last place you stored it...so if you stored fat on your belly last it will take it from here first... then after that you typically you lose fat evenly all over your body. A flip side to this is genes - your genes decide…
  • think you should drink the whey a couple of minutes after mixing it...or it starts to lose its effectiveness...and starts to break down. Do you buy plain whey protein and mix it with chocolate milkshake? be better off buyin a flavoured one I think as - it'll contain less fat and calories? (I may be wrong as don't know…
  • :happy: I take a shed load of food to work in my 9-5! mostly fruit with some protein and carbs. Like some of the others have said... eat every couple of hours a small meal... say you're goal is 1500 calories a day - break that down into 5 meals - 300cals a meal. Eat one of these meals every 3 hours or so (8am, 11am, 2pm,…
  • :happy: Don't just take weight as a measurement - start measuring your body dimensions... Maybe because your working harder in the gym you have built muscle tissue that wasn't there before - muscle weighs more than fat - weight isn't directly linked to fat loss - as I take it you want to lose fat and tone your muscles -…