Thank God for a strong finger

nhendri Posts: 236 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I am holding on to the wagon with just one finger right now. I know I will not let go but I am very tempted. I am doing this because I want to be healthy (and look good). I am being discouraged by my mirror, clothes and scale. The scale has not changed in three weeks and I dont feel a differance in my clothes. I made the mistake of not measuring (untill this week). I realy hate that I come to the site with my negatives but I know you all have been there. I am trying not to forget that I have made progress since Aug 2008 (215pds) to now (187pds). This is definetly less then what I planned for but it is the first time I havent completley stoped and gained the weight back. If you have any encouragement ( nice or honest) I would love to hear it. TIA Nikki


  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    I understand and am so there with you!!:flowerforyou: It's hard not getting frustrated, but we CAN do this!! Hang in there and let's prove ourselves wrong :happy:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    You have done so well!!!! congrats on what you have already lost!!!

    I feel ya... Some days I'm just like, "What's the use"?!!! But then I think about all the reasons why I want this!!!
    Hang in there!!! We CAN do this!!! We just have to make up our minds to do it!! :drinker:
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Just stick with it!!!! Don't get discouraged!!! You are sitting on a plateau - so it sounds to me. You've made wonderful progress and keep that finger on that wagon!! I've read other posts where they mention changing your exercises around. Remember to measure yourself and keep the faith that this is going to work and you'll be on the wagon riding smoothly once again. :bigsmile:
  • I'm in the same boat. My scale has not moved in almost a month and I am still in the same clothes that I started with! It is so stressful, but seeing how many other people on the site are making it work and their weightloss keeps me going. If they can do it, so can I and so can you! Lets keep this up together!
  • Good morning! First of all let me say GREAT JOB on losing 28 pounds!! That is awesome and you should feel proud of yourself. I know you hear this all the time but you didn't put the weight on over night, so it won't come off overnight. I happen to think that losing weight slow is better because if you lose it too fast, it just comes right back if you have a slip. :smile: That is what happens to me.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!! We all have days we feel discouraged! I have struggled since the holidays to find the drive I had last year and it hasn't been easy. I think what is important is you aren't giving up!! Right now, at this point try to take it one day at a time. Don't watch the scale each day, just continue to eat well and exercise and eventually you'll pick back up.

    You have come so far, you can make it the rest of the way. When you feel discouraged, get on the site and love at the success stories and know that will be you, eventually.

    You will make this journey and we are here to help you get through the tough days!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    ""It'll all be Ok in the end. So if it's not Ok, it must not be the end".

    You're not done. You can do this. Think about it - do you really want to go back to greaseburgers and gas and getting winded taking out the trash? Didn't think so. :smile:
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just stick to your goals. It can be so frustrating when you hit a plateau, but just think on how far you have come and how much better and stronger you feel than when you started. Shake up your routine just a little. Do something different, try a tougher workout or change up your eating pattern. Anything to get your body to realzie there is a whole lot of healthy going on inside of you!!
    Stay strong! :flowerforyou:
  • ddss37
    ddss37 Posts: 36 Member

    I went through October - December with not 1 pound of loss. A fingernail of perseverance was all I had left for me!

    One thing that helped jump start me was a "Change of Pace!" For you - it could be a weekend away, new workout, new clothes, take a break, etc. You will know what is right for you!

    Think about it!

  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    You can do it! 28 lbs in 6 months is fantastic, considering that my doctor I should budget AT LEAST a year, if not two, to lose 50 lbs. Please don't give up, you are doing so well!
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    ""It'll all be Ok in the end. So if it's not Ok, it must not be the end".

    You're not done. You can do this. Think about it - do you really want to go back to greaseburgers and gas and getting winded taking out the trash? Didn't think so. :smile:

  • Whether you insist, or resist.....It Persists. Whatever "it" is. Your brain is an amazing computer that will give you ANY answer to ANY question you ask.....

    ANY question.

    So...if you ask yourself "why can't I lose weight?".....your brain will find a reason. >shudder<

    If you ask yourself "what can I do, today, to get leaner, stronger, and more healthy?" You will FIND the answers, and what you don't want....will go away.

    Concentrate on what you HAVE done, and what you CAN that what you "can't do" won't matter....
    You have done good things--215 to 187 is HUGE. You are doing good things--working on it as we speak...

    Just give yourself more focus on the Good. Focus on what you want, and CAN do, and you WILL do.

    Stay strong!
  • 101 pounds lost!! That is awesome!!!!!
  • The most important thing for you to focus on is that you've done this before, and you can do it again. Way to go on your previous loss... that's an amazing decrease!

    I think we all get stuck in the negatives from time to time- I know I certainly do!- and the only thing you can do at that point is focus on your goals despite your doubts and disappointments. Keep your focus and stay true to yourself- it WILL pay off!
  • ""It'll all be Ok in the end. So if it's not Ok, it must not be the end".

    You're not done. You can do this. Think about it - do you really want to go back to greaseburgers and gas and getting winded taking out the trash? Didn't think so. :smile:

    I :heart: that quote hard. Never heard it before, where's it from??? You, by the way, are always so very supportive and optimistic. Thanks for that! :smile:
  • burner
    burner Posts: 72 Member
    sounds like a plateau - but don't let go with that finger!

    assess your eating habits and calorie goals - make sure all your inputs in the settings are correct and up to date.

    then try and mix things up a bit....

    small meals often - daily calories split into five meals spaced throughout the day.
    balance meals - so again split nutrient goals (carbs, protein, fats, salt etc.) into 5 and that's the portion within each meal
    plenty of water
    maybe up your exercise (5 mins more 3 times a week is 15 mins more exercise - all counts)
    be stringent and truthful with the calories
    cut out snacks or minimise to one or two a day small treats (but don't go outside your calorie goal)

    Some of the above like splitting nutrients is extreme and to begin with would be quite difficult - but your metabolism would soar throughout the day...

    don't forget how much progress you've made - giving up wouldn't help so don't even entertain the idea... keep up the good work!
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    This is a big reason I love this site, your post feels like I wrote it, and reading the responses helps me, and I bet others in the same boat as us too! Hang in there, I have come so close to giving up also, and just "being happy with who I am and enjoying what I eat" which is what I told myself before I started losing 30 pounds ago. I realized then, and have to remember now, that I WASN'T happy with who I was though, I was miserable and I don't want to go back to that, so I keep up the battle, and know I will get there eventually, just maybe not as quickly as I'd hoped. You will too, just stick with it and realize that you don't want to be back where you were either.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    ""It'll all be Ok in the end. So if it's not Ok, it must not be the end".
    I :heart: that quote hard. Never heard it before, where's it from??? You, by the way, are always so very supportive and optimistic. Thanks for that! :smile:
    My wife came home with the quote, I don't know where it came from, but it's true and accurate and inspiring and I like it.

    What can I say, I'm just a big steaming pile of sincerity. :tongue:

    SO - 0P,,, what'cha gonna do?
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