

  • Whew... I'm a food loving person, but I don't like it that much!! It's definitely mind boggling why anyone would want to do something like this to themselves, but there are lots of things people do I don't understand.
  • Cursing is a part of who I am. It does not make me a "bad" person, stupid, illiterate or anything other negative labels people want to add to it. To the contrary, I currently am in the middle of my Bachelor's degree for Criminal Justice. Yes, reading, writing and learning! I have two children, and lots of friends with…
  • I say you walk away for now. You can remain friends, but since you both have feelings for each other, that might not work as well. If he leaves his wife later, then you can jump back in. Bad marriage or not, they got married for a reason, they have children and there is a reason they are still together. People split all…
  • 1st the issue with eating is normal for those who quit smoking. The reason? Cigarettes are a sort of appetite suppressant. I feel less hungry after I smoke. Take that away, and you will eat. Some suggestions for that? Water water water. Water has the capability to make you feel full, even if only temporary, but it will do…
  • This news story is old. This woman is actually trying to lose her weight now. She wants to be about 370, stating this weight will still allow her to be fat enough to attract the men who like larger women, but small enough so she is able to get out of the bath tub by herself. She recently left her fiance, because he did not…
  • This is not uncommon during workouts. There are a few things that could lead to this including low or high blood pressure, over exerting yourself, not drinking enough water (you should be drinking half your body weight in water daily), not breathing correctly during exercising, motion sickness (try focusing your gaze on a…
  • I wanted to make sure I did not lose this thread while I went and looked for the forum for people on HCG or thinking about doing it. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/310170-hcg-progress-updates-page-2-for-people-on-it-or-thinking-a I am currently doing the diet again. It is not for everyone, there is a protocol…
  • Bump
  • For me, it was painful... My doctor told me to have a few days or so growth and since I am an everyday shaver, this "couple of days" was a pretty decent growth. My armpits actually caught on fire!! Is it worth it? TOTALLY! Those few minutes of pain have brought me LOTS of pleasure! My armpits would look like I still needed…
  • I have had laser hair removal on my armpits... It was a reward from my husband for reaching 25lbs lost! What do you want to know about it??
  • First of all, do you have the protocol? It is extremely important to have it, and to follow it exactly. Also, are you doing the drops or the injections? Getting enough water? You should be drinking LOTS of water, as this is crucial to the diet. I am currently on my 3rd round of HCG, and while my second round was a complete…
    in HCG Diet Comment by pcronberg June 2011
  • Hon, you need to read back into some of the things that you stated in this forum. There were plenty of things said that really hurt a lot of those people who are using those types of activities as exercises. It is not anybody's place to judge how anybody else is doing their weight loss journey. Eventually they will figure…
  • This is my first round on the diet, and the only side effects I have had are 1) a headache the first couple of days, but I believe it is because I was a caffeine junky, and went to none at all (you can drink black coffee or tea with stevia, but no creamer). 2) I felt pretty tired the first two days as well, but there…
  • I could try to go back to normal healthy eating... but I chose to do the HCG because it does work. If you are uneducated about the diet, it could seem to be risky, unhealthy, or an all around poor choice. I am educated on the diet, and follow the protocol correctly. This is a diet that has been around since the 50's, and…
  • Starting reading some of your posts, and wanted to answer a few questions that I thought I could help out with. I am currently on day 10 of the diet, and have lost 10.8 pounds. A couple of important tips: drink LOTS of water, it will aid in your weight loss, NEVER miss a protein (make sure you weigh it and don't go over),…
  • Hey ladies, there is a forum dedicated to those who are doing the HCG diet, if you search for HCG in the forums you will find us, I don't remember exactly what the forum is called, but the end of the title says something about Page 2. We are all on the diet, and would love to have you on there to answer any questions you…
  • There is a forum dedicated to those who are doing the HCG Diet, and we are all having some great success. The diet is not for everybody, and you should read to book Pounds and Inches, as this is the protocol written by Dr Simeon who invented the diet. It will be very useful and explain everything if you are thinking about…
  • I am new here, so pardon me for "butting" in, but I do have some insight on the diet. I have done TONS of research, picked doctor's brains and am actually on the diet myself (although I don't go to the doctor for the shots, I do it at home). The way the diet works is by putting the HCG hormone (which is found in pregnant…