

  • Good day today! Staying focused. Joined blogilates diet bet. Did anyone else?
    in June 4 Comment by kconcepc327 June 2013
  • Are we spies to pair her workout with 15 of cardio everyday??
  • Yea, food baby is pretty intense. I hate those squat jump up thingys and all those lunge kicks/switches!!! Turns me to jelly, geez cassey! At least She lets me curse at her while I do 'em :-) lol, she loves to kill us
  • Welcome Catherine! I started a week late to, but everyday of blogilates sure makes up for that week!
  • I've done and I' m starting to notice differences in my body. It's a good way for me to workout most everyday. I've been stretching b4 after but I'm noticing that as my muscles get tighter I'm losing my flexibility. Anyone else encountering this problem with working out. I was very flex b4 now it hurts to do what I used to…
  • Workout been a lil tough but my muscles are getting used to it. Love it and the plank one was actually my fav today!! I was talkin planks with hubby this morning saying I need to improve and the opportunity came up. Super!! I can't wait to see way ill look and feel like at the end of this month.
  • Yea, it can be lil over whelming. My hubby helps lots, organization helps too But there my posse and we have worked out a system. Keeps me goin all day but fun and productive. After awhile I find the tending to them helps from being bored n keeping bad habits(laziness, overeating, wasting time)... Lol! My 3 year old tries…
  • Hello, Just joined the group via BrittanyMegan. < btw: thanks for inviting me> I ran into blogilates through your post and did a video right away! I' m excited for the progress Casseys w/o will bring. I've got 3 kiddos (3,18mo, 4mo) so SUPER HAPPY these videos are online and FREE, bonus! I used to do Pilates as a teen and…
  • I will also make a video to myself! That's a wonderful idea. Congrats on ur evolution, ur a beautiful butterfly***
  • Hey everyone! I just started blogilates and can I say FANTASTIC! In so glad I ran into this site, I did the workouts today for 1st time. It was brutal but I loved it. I didn't even know wat a burpee was b4 today's workout, lol! Now Every muscle in my body definitely knows! # trainlikeabeast ;-p
  • Yes! Yes! Yes! those are all things I wanna achieve and more. I'm super excited to see the results.