

  • I started losing my hair around the 3rd month also. I had short hair to start with. Started taking Biotin, used 5000 units a day for the first few months. Also, I had my hair cut into layers, it made it appear fuller and the cutting stimulates the hair shaft some how. My hair started to grow back around 6th month. I am…
  • I have lost almost 80 pounds with the sleeve and my synthroid dose is still the same. My thyroid numbers TSH have stayed the same.
  • I think the closer you are to your goal the longer the plateaus. I am 15 pounds to goal (well, my doctors goal for me) and the stalls are getting longer for me too. I just dropped 3 pounds this week and I had not really lost anything significant in almost 6 weeks. The only thing different I did this week was I went back to…
  • I lost much of my hair to the point that I went out and bought a wig. I am 9 months out. Four months ago I started taking Biotin, you can take 2500-5000 units a day. Happy to report my hair is growing back and almost back to normal. I also used Rogaine. It also helped my nails which had started to split and peel. They are…
  • It will get better with each passing day. The first week is the worst. Then it will be trial and error. Try your best everyday to get protein and fluids. Hang in there!
  • I was NEVER one to exercise. I am 60 yrs. young. My Dr. told me about a small local gym that had a good Phys. Trainer that would make me a routine that was made for my needs. Since I have arthritis, and a bad ankle and knee. I have gone for 6 months at a discounted rate for the first 6 months. I have met people younger and…
  • I haven't worn tall heels in years ( not a spring chicken anymore ) one thing that has happened to me is my feet have shrunk! I have gone down a whole size and the width is now a medium and not wide. I bought myself some stylish winter shoes and when I lose the last 35 - 40 pounds I think I will rock me some boots for the…
    in Shoes Comment by spooky228 January 2014
  • Good Luck! Feel free to add me to your friends list. I had the surgery Sept. 17th. down 55 pounds. I live in Pennsylvania. I am not a spring chicken ;o) I am 60.
  • I am in the same boat. I had surgery on Sept. 17th and my hair started falling out about 2 weeks ago. I have fine hair too. I have started to use Rogaine and take Biotin, but nothing yet. Hopefully it will grow back! I am afraid to perm it for fear it will totally fall out!
  • The hives finally went away. I think mine was a combination of things, allergies from the adhesive strips, the milk in the protein shakes. There were also medications I had never had before. Your body goes through so many changes right from the start maybe people react with hives? Anyway after a week of them the settled…
  • It should get better. I had that feeling at first, and then it started going away. Maybe it is the opening getting use to being stretched a little. As long as you are not throwing up. I still get the hic cups bad if I eat too fast or do not chew enough. I had my surgery Sept. 17th, the first month or so were my "learning"…
  • First few days are a little rough. You will get better as each day passes. Waiting to hear how you do! Laura
  • Thanks for the support. My husband and I had a talk yesterday. I think after our membership runs out in Feb. we will look for another gym. There are only three around here since we are a smaller town. I will voice my concerns in advance with the management.
  • I like a soft scrambled egg with a tablespoon or two of low fat shredded cheddar cheese. I to did the low fat refried pinto beans and cheese. Cottage cheese and applesauce goes down easy too. Good Luck!
  • Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Patties, 2 patties are 100 calories and 11g. of protein. I crumble one in a scrambled egg, but I am sure you could put them on toast or one of those muffins.
  • Hello Kim, hang in there. My nutritionist had me start on Ricotta Cheese, you can mush it with chopped cooked spinach. I also use cottage cheese. Soft scrambled eggs seem to work for me too and I stir in low fat shredded cheddar that melts and makes them stay softer. I am only about 3 weeks out and too big of gulps of…
  • I am only 11 days out and it is hard to get all 64 oz. in. However my dietician said it did not have to be all water. It was 64 oz. of fluids. I drink bottled diet green teas, water, diluted grape juice etc. to get some variety. My protein shakes (which I am SO tired of) are 8 oz. it adds up. I also keep a cup of ice next…
  • Fluid retention is normal. Don't beat yourself up! Try to weigh only once a week. I gained 1.2 pounds when they took my drain out at day 7. Two days later I was up...then 3 days later I was down by 4 pounds. Your body is adjusting itself, and for heavens sake don't quit drinking your fluids! You will be fine.
  • Thank you everyone for support and ideas. Tomorrow is the big day! A bit anxious, but I need to do this.
  • Today is day 4, 3 more to go. It was easier today. The only trouble I had today were leg cramps. One of my bp meds has a diuretic in it and I take it twice a day. Dr. said he would need to change it after surgery. First day a migraine headache, second day the runs. I am lactose intolerant and was using Lactaid 1% in my…
  • Thanks! Growling tummy and headache. I apologized to my husband in advance. This is going to be a long week.
  • I was told by the surgical assistant that I met with that you could have soreness on your left side. Has something to do with the way they have to position you to raise your liver up to get to the stomach. Don't know if this is the side you have pain on or not. Best bet is to call and ask the nurse or leave a message for…
  • Thanks for the Premier Protein idea. I have a Sam's membership I will look for it. What part of Sam's would it be in the pharmacy area? My daughter in law had the sleeve done. She had problems with vomiting that required a second surgery. She now looks like a model ;o) I know getting all the required protein was a problem…
  • Are there any Gastric Sleeve patients that are 55+? I am 60 and will have the sleeve on Sept. 17th. I have degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. I am on so many meds and want so badly to get off of many of them. Like many others I have lost 100's of pounds in my life on so many…