Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • I was told by the surgical assistant that I met with that you could have soreness on your left side.
    Has something to do with the way they have to position you to raise your liver up to get to the
    stomach. Don't know if this is the side you have pain on or not.
    Best bet is to call and ask the nurse or leave a message for the doctor. Better safe than sorry.
    Have you been running a fever?
    Hope the cold is better soon!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi, I had my surgery August 20th, i was 286lb since the surgery, i'm down to 269. I am too getting tired of broth and protein shakes, everything else i've tried, i feel nausea. I'm afraid to eat anything. I feel safe on just the shakes. Does anyone have any solution out there.

    PLEASE HELP!!!!!
  • Thank you. :) I am feeling some what better now. Cold ezz is a wonderful thing. I assumed it was where they did the removal.. my drs nurse called me for a phone check up a week out. And said itll pass in time. Just wondering if anyone else had the pain 2 wks out or if theres is gone and im a wuss. ;)

    Strangly im still ok with broth and shakes. I do also have cream of chicken, mushroom,broc soup thined with enriched milk. Nice to break it up some. Sf pudding thined with enriched milk is also good. With these meals i add a Tablespoon of unflavored protein powder, adds 9.3 grams of protein to my meals.
  • I fever. Im feeling very lucky that iv been able to have an easy go of it. ;)
  • Hi there, i have lost my 103lb with a gastric sleeve, i am now approaching a normal BMI. I went to the czech republic, where the health care is great, they have hardly any hospital infections, and i cant fault my experience.I wish i had done it years ago, it really has saved my life!

    It isnt an easy journey, as some think, it needs a lot or research and time to come to terms with the post op way of eating, but for me, it has been the best decision i ever made. The best thing is that i have very little hunger nowadays. :)
  • I had the gastric sleeve august 12, 2013. for a while there I was seriously regretting having the surgery but now I am feeling much better about it. I am currently down 30 pounds but I find that I am all of a sudden having hunger pains a lot and getting headaches. i'm at a loss of what to really eat.

    I know it will get better as the days and weeks pass and am thankful that my husband stands behind me 100% and I have a friend who also had the surgery but her post op was much easier for her than mine.

    good luck to all on your future weight loss and congrats on your current weight loss
  • gonnabeHOT_Heidi
    gonnabeHOT_Heidi Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone! I was sleeved Aug. 22, 2013... I'm 3 weeks out. I have done great with no complications (thank god) I have lost 32 pounds since I started my pre-op diet on aug. 8th. This week though I have been stuck n even gained a cpl pounds but I started puréed foods last week. I only get about 500-700 calories in a day but hit my goal of 60 grams of protein. I don't like drinking protein shakes so my meals are mostly, egg beaters with laughing cow cheese wedge, Greek yogurt and cottage cheese, I have done chicken salad and tuna salad too.... Did any of u that have been sleeved for awhile experience a stall on week 3? Feel free to add me as your friend, the more sleeve support the better :)
  • ratkins811
    ratkins811 Posts: 190 Member
    Bump. For later getting sleeve need this info
  • shonrecio
    shonrecio Posts: 89 Member
    I had the surgery on August 12 and have lost preop to now 43lbs. At first I regreted it because as some of you have stated this is a tool and not a fix.I was not hungry but as my family or coworkers were enjoying a juicy burger I could not. In the past four weeks I haved learnied new things about myself and my abilities. Like most of you the shakes, no matter which brand I have tried, are starting to make me sick but I push through. My fear is that I will do well for a while but will return to my old habits which caused me to have to have the surgery in the first place. I was always overweight even as a child and at my heaviest was 358. I was 345 when I had surgery and am now 311. I no longer regret having the surgery at this time because just losing the 43 lbs has stopped my back pain, knee pain and has lowered my BP. I feel great. I walk mon-friday during both my 15min breaks for exercise. I hope to be able to get back to doing aerobics but am trying to balance work, school, family ect. It's nice to know that there are others who have similar experiences.
  • ratkins811
    ratkins811 Posts: 190 Member
    I have my first office visit on the 25th to start the process to get the sleeve and I am very anxious. I have done my research and know this is not a quick fix but a tool. I just want to feel better. Any advice will be greatly appreciated, Thanks.
  • Hi, I'm new to the group and will be having my surgery on the 1st of October. It has really been a journey for me dealing with various types of illnesses and having to take so many medicines. I'm a mood eater so I know this will be a challenge but I'm ready. Nervous but ready.
  • I had the Gastric Sleeve surgery on August 12th 2013. At preop appt I was at 355.2 (June 17th). This is the best thing I have ever done in My life. I have struggled with weight loss for the last 15 years. The surgery is not a quick fix and by no means easy. Some think it is easy and it is only a tool to help us along our journey. I struggle everyday mentally but with my family and friends backing me I will lose the the 215 lbs. I have lost 44 so far. I started this blog as a support group for all of us gastric surgery peeps. We need each others support. I too took diabetes mere and am now off them. I have started to decrease my others meds too. Good luck.
  • I had my sleeve August 12, 2013 and I am currently at a stand still. I had a friend who also had the sleeve and she said every few weeks she has a stand still then all of a sudden the weight starts dropping off again. Glad you have done so well. I am currently at 32 pounds 6 weeks post op.
  • Hi, I'm new to the group and will be having my surgery on the 1st of October. It has really been a journey for me dealing with various types of illnesses and having to take so many medicines. I'm a mood eater so I know this will be a challenge but I'm ready. Nervous but ready.

    Congrats on your date only a few days now!!! You'll do great remember walk as much as you can handle. It helps with the gas, bm movements and weight loss jump start. :)
  • Hi I am having the Gastric Sleeve surgery on Dec 4th and I was wondering if anyone can give me any pointers to get ready for it or any for after the surgery?
  • Shannie312
    Shannie312 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello, I have my consultation with Bariatric surgeon tomorrow, anxious to get the ball rolling! I have researched extensively, am an OR nurse, so I think I have I good understanding of what's involved pre and postoperatively. My insurance lists a 3 month and 6 mo. Prep program ( of course 3 months sounds good to me :) I guess I am just worried there will be some hitch or hold up of some kind. I keep thinking of the movie quote that goes something like, "when you meet the the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible". That's how I feel about this surgery...let's do this!
  • I cant wait for the surgery but at times I get nervous because I just start thinking to much into it. I went and got a recliner yesterday because my friends wife said she had some difficulty sleeping on a bed and she said it was better sleeping in a recliner any one else find that to be true?
  • Hey there everyone!
    Totally new to this site so trying to make my way around! I go for my gastric sleeve surgery on November 6th. I am so so so excited and so so so nervous! any helpful tips? haha

    way to go to everyone who has had the surgery!!

    and congrats to those who are getting it!!!
  • Congratulations to everyone for taking a major step in reclaiming their lives. I had the lap band which was a year of hell. Constant vomiting, pain, inability to eat anything. I was dying. We got the insurance company to approve the removal and the sleeve. January 30,2013 I had my procedures. Today I am down 90 lbs. it us not a miracle but a lot of hard work. I plan all my meals and carry around a little cooler with me all day to make sure I get everything in I am suppose to. People have stopped "freaking" out over my loss and now the head games start. I sm so afraid of gaining any weight back, even though I know I am not. Its hard to see the size 12 and know it fits while not SQUEEZING into a 20. And you truly get used to the attention that a dramatic weight loss brings. Its a dual edged sword -- one second you are thinking "its still me!" But then you are flattered. Its messed up. So much of this is what is in our head and our stomach. I try to stay focused on how great i feel. So much energy i have. One day I got into my car and looked like a child dangling from the steering wheel. My heart problem is GONE! I dont have to see the cardiologist for a year... And he didnt recognize me when he came into the exam room. I do have a serious thyroid problem and take 224mcg if synthroid. I am having issues with hair loss that is freaking me out. But overall, I feel blessed to have the rest of my life ahead of me and not be trapped in 287lbs. I really appreciate everyone and their journey. Good luck to all. :flowerforyou:
  • congratulations on your scheduled surgery. I had mine, sleeve, august 12,2013. I have lost 37 pounds since and feel much healthier. this does not go without saying though that It has been rough. I have had numerous days of vomiting and wondering what in the hell was I thinking and other days I feel great. it really just depends on the food I am trying. If I stay on my puree foods I am fine but as I am now at the step of trying to incorporate soft foods some don't agree and you don't know it until you try. there is lots of trial and error. now I have a friend who had the same surgery and recovered like a textbook case. I unfortunately was not that lucky. I just keep thinking about the final result and it will be worth it.