Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • Ladybezoar
    My name is Lynda. I had surgery on July 9th, 2013. Post surgery I am down 43 lbs. I am currently at a stand still though :( I have started going to the gym again and hoping that will help. My big problem is knowing what to eat. So days I just don't get hungry then when I do I'm starving. I am looking for suggestions on meals and snacks.
  • JuliaWisdom
    JuliaWisdom Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Julia I will be sleeved in 10/23. I would LOVE to add any sleevers.
  • janisbirch
    janisbirch Posts: 51 Member
    Hello to all Gastric Sleeve survivors and those whom are about to have the surgery, and those whom have an interest in it, I hope I haven't left anyone out!

    I had my surgery on July 30, 2013, and I've been extremely pleased with the results. My Surgeon was amazing, he did find a small hernia and he removed it for me; plus he said all my organs appeared healthy. Always great news to hear. I did have a lot of heartburn and nausea afterwards, but that was gone in a few days. Other than that, I haven't had any complications, but I did educate myself 4 months prior to having the surgery; I attended all the semiars prior to surgery; I did the 2 post-op appointments; and I attend my WLS support group monthly.

    A few things I feel are important to share are #1 educate yourself on all aspects of this surgery months in advance!! Knowledge really is power for it will help you decide if you want the surgery, and it can help you stay commited to the process post-surgery. #2 Get your kitchen and pantry organized by making sure you have the necessary gagets to weigh & measure your food and fluids; PLUS...get rid of any and all foods you'll no longer should eat. You don't want to be tempted. #3 remember that you will no longer have a regular digestive system, therefore, it is imperative for you to follow your doctor's orders. #4 know that this surgery isn't easy as uneducated people may think. It's mentally and physically challenging, but with hard work and perseverance, the rewards are fantstic.

    All the best to each of you,
  • meaganledonne
    Hello all gastric sleeve friends!! I am too preparing for surgery on the 24th of october. I am super excited to be getting this done!!! Dines anyone know any good recipe websites for gastric patients that could be used for family recipes as well or groupie in the deleware county area
  • janisbirch
    janisbirch Posts: 51 Member

    I found an excellent cookbbook on Amazon. It's called, "Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery" by Patt Leviine and Michelle Bontempo-Saray. The recipes I have tried sso far have all be delicious! For example this week I plan on fixing Cider-glazed Pork Chops, and the Teriyaki Turkey Burgers.

    All recipes are noted with the standard nutritional information, PLUS, depending what tyoe of surgery you had, the week numbers post surgery are broken down, along with the single serving size for your family or guests. So cool and convenient to have cookbook that will suit everyone I cook for. So check it out!

    Your surgery date is faast approaching, I bet you're very excited!!!!! I wish you the very, very best. Janis
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I want to do this... i need to do this. I have so many health problems right now and my joints are horrible. I currently need a total hip and knee replacement. I am only 35. I have attempted in the past and had problems with my inusrance paying. Are there easier ways now than there was several years ago? So many people are having this done and when I tried several years ago it seems like a dream that was out of reach.
  • ski_49
    ski_49 Posts: 1 Member
    I understand what your saying I have had the gastric sleeve and have had no conplicatiions on it// the other hand my causin who had the same surgery has had a lot of complications// but she would not change a thing.. yes there could be a risk into taking this surgery, but there are some of us who need this to help us stop eating or I should say over eating so we can lose this weight.

    I had mine Feb 6th lost 110 pounds so far and hoping to hit my goal in a yr, not everyone is going to have the same results but you have to remember this is not a miricle tool this is a helping tool so if you continue to eat things like carbs and pasts rice breads even if its not fried its not going to help and prob make you sick.. This is my opinion but I am one to talk anyone into doing this that is over weight and health issues ,

    i feel this is a wonderful thing to have to help get ppl like me healthy.don't get me wrong now that the holidays are here its hard man i sometimes hate having it because i want to eat all that stuff but then i sit back and think I am happy cause now I am happier with who I am becoming, so instead of discouraging them help them to understand what could happen, this may not be for everyone but I think its a wonderful thing they came out with to help ppl who sturggle with losing weight
  • alwakeley
    alwakeley Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning,
    My name is Amy and just had gastric sleeve on 10/16/13 so i am a newbie,i am having a horrible time getting at least 48 oz daily and so afraid of not getting this right and failing. i feel great otherwise i am hoping that you guys can help me thank you :)
  • marie1163
    Ok All!!! I am very excited and concerned about my upcoming surgery on 10/30. I am looking forward to all of your support!!! Lets all stick together and make this tool work for us!!! marie :flowerforyou:
  • marie1163
  • dream86d
    dream86d Posts: 5 Member
    i was sleeved 4 minths ago lost 15 so far. would love to have some friends here plz feel free to add me!
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    I had the sleeve done on 7/24/12. :)
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    There's a sleeve group here on MFP called VSGers. :)
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    I had the sleeve done in March 2011 and I love it :)
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Eating is a hand to mouth process. For those that are struggling with grazing, have you tried occupying both with simple redundant yet creative tasks. Idle time seems to be everyone's enemy with weight loss. Chewing gum and needle point, or crocheting, or one of those tacky hook rugs. Made one of a tiger sfter my son was born. I have no idea what happened to it, but it got the job done. Also painted a ceramic haunted house that we still use 17 years later. Something that can be easily started and stopped at any point. Reading will broaden the mind, but does not occupy the hands. Please understand that I am not trying to simplify your battle, just a suggestion for a little help.
  • mummyjo123
    Hi, I was sleeved 29th august. I had major complications with infected haematoma and pneumonia and the stomach had a leak. I was re operated on and sleeve sealed with a clip and glue. 8 weeks in hospital and now finally home. Not sure how long for as I have extremely bad diarrhea and nausea. I'm struggling to eat, I hate optifast so having small portions of soup..
    I feel like I've made the worse decision, anyone else out there have the same experience? Tell me I'm going to get better.
  • Fashionista012
    Fashionista012 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi! I was sleeved 7/24/13. Best day of my life. No complications and 67lbs down. Woo hoo. My brother did it last year and he lost over 100 lbs and is SKINNY Now. No complications. We got ur life back. GOod luck everyone and make sure you go to a good doctor with great track record.
  • shana5569
    shana5569 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone. Read all the post and seems for the most part everyone is doing very well. I will hopefully be doing the sleeve begining of next year. I will be 29 in dec and have lost major weight on every other " life style change" im ready for hard core. I know it will be a long drawn out process but I am super excited. Im not on mfp a lot but anyone have anything to share good or bad let me hear it. Good luck and keep up the great work.
  • Jessica_Mujahidah
    Jessica_Mujahidah Posts: 40 Member
    It seems a lot of people are opting for the sleeve rather than the lap band. I wonder if the lap bad has had it's day.

    Well done to everyone on your weight loss.
  • Lester39
    The hospital where I will be getting my sleeve will not do the lap bands any longer.:smile: