Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member

    This is a bunch of b^llsh!t, to put it bluntly. I know many, many people who are happy and successful post-WLS.

    No it ISN'T!!!! I know several people that had gastric sleeves, and will probably be dealing with numerous health complications for the rest of their lives on account of having that surgery.

    You are one of the lucky ones. Not everyone had good results like you apparently did.

    You can read some experiences with complications people had after gastric sleeve surgery on this forum:

    People remember, until you actually have the surgery, there's still time to change your mind!
  • fluffball1
    fluffball1 Posts: 9 Member

    This is a bunch of b^llsh!t, to put it bluntly. I know many, many people who are happy and successful post-WLS.

    No it ISN'T!!!! I know several people that had gastric sleeves, and will probably be dealing with numerous health complications for the rest of their lives on account of having that surgery.

    You are one of the lucky ones. Not everyone had good results like you apparently did.

    You can read some experiences with complications people had after gastric sleeve surgery on this forum:

    People remember, until you actually have the surgery, there's still time to change your mind!

    You have posted on every single thread about people who have had the Sleeve, what's your problem eh? I've had the sleeve and from the forums I'm a member of both in the UK and the US, literally thousands and thousands of people have had this surgery with NO COMPLICATIONS. Of course, as in any surgery, there will be people who do suffer complications, and they are thankfully in the minority. Choose your surgeon carefully and follow the rules, and you will do fine.

    Anyone considering WLS should do their research, and see the pro's and con's before making a big decision like this. It will change your relationship/love affair with food forever. I am still early post-op but already I have been forced to change habits, that in a lifetime of dieting, have not done. I am very pleased with my Sleeve and I really believe for the first time in my life I will be able to lose the weight and stay slim over the long term. Please discontinue your comments, as unless you are a sleeve patient, you really don't know what you are talking about.
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    I had a duodenal switch done December 7, 2009 so I have a sleeve as well as rerouting of the intestines.

    Did I have complications? Yes, very serious ones.

    I got through it and even saying that I have no regrets. I've lost nearly 125 pounds. The surgery saved my life.

    Not everyone has complications and I don't know where you get that a lot of people have ongoing problems. Maybe a few but not the majority.
  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member
    When people have weight loss surgery done that is not reversible, even though they have complications they know they may have to live with for the rest of their lives, they often convince themselves not to regret it, because even if they did regret it, there's no way they can go back in time and not have the surgery done.

    I know people that did have the courage to say they regretted going through with WLS, and I am so proud of them for being able to be that honest with themself, as well as with others that are considering weight loss surgery.
  • I had a gastric sleeve in December. My only regret is that I waited so long in my life to do it.
    I have always been fat. Those of you who have suffered with the same thing know how difficult life is for those of us who are really heavy.
    I've lost 75 pounds. I love shopping for normal size clothes. I love the way people treat me. I love the way I can move around, up and down stairs without huffing and puffing.
    This surgery was the best thing I've ever done.
  • Fashionista012
    Fashionista012 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi I just had mine on 7/24 as well! So excited. Day of Surgery I was 267 and now I am 230. So happy! but I hear it's going to slow down now. I can't stand the shakes anymore and I have one more week with them. I am getting more pain now than I did right after surgery. But nothing I can;t handle. Just feels like I worked out a lot. what are you guys eating?
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    Bumping to see stories since this is something my mom is really considering.
  • 2ht2hand1e
    2ht2hand1e Posts: 116 Member
    My 48 year old father, a Sheriff's Deputy, had the sleeve put in dec 8th, 2012. The surgery caused three blood clots, including one in his intestines, which caused 6 feet of dead bowel. I watched him pray aloud to pass out from the pain in the hospital, then once his blood pressure was down to almost nothing, an emergency team of nurses and doctors were called in and he was rushed away to surgery. They removed 6 ft intestines. Then, his body went septic, and I watched my dad in a drug induced coma in the ICU, thinking he would die and praying he would live for 11 days. He was finally woken up on Christmas Day, and he is now out of the hospital. He has lost 120 pounds, and almost all of his strength. Do he and my entire family regret him having the surgery? Absolutely. Is this everyone's story? No. But I hope that my father's story can be inspiration for even one person to not give and give in to the appeal of surgery, unless absolutely medically necessary.
  • Kristopia
    Kristopia Posts: 9 Member
    When one is dying due to multiple medical issues like Type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome, thyroid issues and other things that keep them from being able to lose weight no matter how hard they work...then one will opt for surgery. While I'm sorry for those who have experienced complications, they are the exception, not the rule, as with ANY other surgery.

    I had VSG in July, 2009. Can't believe it's been four years. My only regret is that I waited until I was 43 to realize this was NOT the "easy way out" and was a necessary step in my life to get BACK some of my life. I weighed 320 lbs. I now weigh 220 - I lost 120, but over two years have regained 20. New relationship, stressful job, NO know the score. So I'm here, looking for support and comeraderie, to get back on the downward track.

    Meanwhile, do I regret it now? Not for one minute - I've lost 100 lbs - slowly, due to the metabolic stuff. And even with the regain...I've still lost 100 lbs! Holy cow! Now, I need to get back on track.

    Original poster, if you despise protein shakes and they make you gag, either try different shakes or stop using them and get to the basics - three bites lean protein (eggs, lean meat like fish, chicken, even lean steak, and eggs - eggs are awesome - broccoli, mushrooms), to any one bite of other stuff. If you graze, graze on that and leafy green stuff not covered in crap. I'm getting back to that - lean protein, green veggies should be at least 75% of your diet.

    Hang in - that's what I'm doing ;)
  • Pam7021
    Pam7021 Posts: 1
    Hi I'm having my gastric sleev done on 11th sep I'm really scared but love reading all you that had it done and you how or having it done can anyone tell me wich protein shakes or good for you for befo the opp and after
  • racingsuze
    racingsuze Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I had my gastric sleeve surgery done on July 17th and have found you have to try several protein drinks to find one you like. Good luck with your surgery in September. It was one of the best decisions I ever made...
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    Getting the Sleeve done this Thursday the 29th.... just finished my breakfast protein 5 of pre-op liquids... trully can't wait until the pureed and soft foods! LOL....

    I lost quite a bit on my own...and then have been stuck in neutral for about 25 months... it took a lot to get me to this point...a big step into God giving me peace about this was finally letting go of my pride. I've used every other * tool* out there that was non-surgical, super clean eating, vegatarian, ridding allergans from the diet, intermittent fasting etc. etc. etttttttccccccccc.... the bottom line is i want to be healthy and at peace with my body. I've been at war with it my whole life..... I am going to miss my Les Mills Combat this month for sure, but once I am cleared I am going to use this TOOL in conjunction with my newfound love of working out I've gained the past few years to it's greatest ability!!! Congrats to all who have done so well :).

    As to grazing, I would say find a snack that satisfies the need to chew, with low cals. My favorite snack the past year has been cauliflower and sugar snap peas... no need for any salad dressing, though somtimes i will dip in hummus. That's actually going to be one of the hardest things to NOT have for a few months for me until i am cleared to consume the fibrous veggies... LOL. If sweet is your thing, have some grapes, or if your tummy can handle small bits of sugar, get the darkest chocolate you can stand but still enjoy and have a PORTION of a serving broken up through the day. I have found a nibble of something usually satisfies the craving just as much as a regular portion might. It's about savoring the taste... Also, I like dry roasted edamame ( soy beans) walmart has them... mix with unsalted pepitas and a few almonds ( more of the edamame then anything else or fat gets too high) and then there is a crunchy snack! Will miss that too for awhile. LOL
  • Hi my name is Kelly. I had the gastric sleeve on March 20,2013. I've lost 91 pounds. I feel great and would do it again in a heart beat. I exercise 3-4 times a week. Cardio and weights. Weights are very good to tighten skin and burn fat. My life has totally changed. My personality is so much better. I'm more outgoing and make eye contact with everyone now. It's nice to see there are others making great strides with their surgery too.
  • Thank you so much for responding to my post! I didn't even realize that people had been posting until literally today!!! I guess it would have been wise for me to really figure out MFP works LOL! I am going to send you a friend request because I can definitately use all the support and love to be support for others! How are you doing now? I am doing MUCH better! I am down 51lbs and am feeling a million bucks! I am getting much better about 'grazing' and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that i have started going to the gym, for over a month now. I figure, I am working hard burning calories at the gym why would I want to eat crap and just make my time at the gym worthless! I don't! I eat @ 6 times a day now and love the fact that I eat whatever I want for the most part, just much much smaller portions! Hope to hear from you soon!
  • Are there any Gastric Sleeve patients that are 55+? I am 60 and will have the sleeve on Sept. 17th.
    I have degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. I am on so
    many meds and want so badly to get off of many of them. Like many others I have lost 100's of pounds
    in my life on so many diets. This is my last ditch effort. I am so tired of people trying to talk me out
    of it. I am tired of people telling me you will just gain it all back.
    I too am looking for high protein ideas. I have been going to the gym 3 days a week for the past 2
    months and plan to continue when I am allowed to return.
  • Hello, I am 58 all most 59 and was sleeved on May 7. I am very happy I did and have no problems ei vomiting, pain eating. In fact I haven't thrown up once which seems to be a common problem

    As a tool, it has helped me reduce the volume of food I consume and stick with it. I have only lost 49 pounds which is much less than some in my younger May Sleevers peers but I AM LOSING! and that is what is important.

    I have used a few brands and keep going back to Premier Protein ( Sams and Costco) low carbs , 160 cal 30 g protein. Premixed easily carried with you. Sugar free syrups can be used to change flavor if you like.

    the first month was hard, I was tired and was not able to get in the required water and protein, but you have to do the best you can.
  • Thanks for the Premier Protein idea. I have a Sam's membership I will look for it. What part of Sam's would it be in
    the pharmacy area?
    My daughter in law had the sleeve done. She had problems with vomiting that required a second surgery. She now
    looks like a model ;o) I know getting all the required protein was a problem for her.

    Have you had any problem with hair loss? Or has anyone else? Stacy
  • Hello Kelly.....I was sleeved on August 21st. Starting weight 278 January 31st. Pre surgery weight 245.Current weight 232, a lossof 13 pounds. Tomorrow is my 2wk mark. So far I have had no problems....vomiting ect. And boy am I thankful for that. Wasnt looking foward to any of that. I feel for those who have issues after surgery. I am however having horrible heartburn. I can control it with gaviscon, small sips. No grazen issues so far but I also am still on full liquids. Ugh Premier Protein is also the shakes I drink.

    I to am having a hard time getting all my fluids in. And am getting within 5 grams of protein to my required amount. Anyone have an ache in there left side still? I also now have a massive cough and cold my 2 1/2 year old gifited me with. ;). Coughing is a sharp pain on the side.

    I worked up to walking 1.7 miles a day. Hoping to get the ok to add some other workout options to this big body!!!

    Congrats to everyone here for the life changing choices made.
  • RAEQ127
    RAEQ127 Posts: 106 Member
    Get yourself in check NOW. Grazing is exactly how people gain every pound back. It is good you recognize it now.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    I'll join the chorus of successful fairly recent sleevers. There are two groups available on MFP. Look for Sleevers and VSG'ers. They are not heavily active at least right now, but if enough of us start using them, that will change.

    I was sleeved, along with my wife on May 1st of this year. I had gained back 110+ of the 152 lbs I had lost in 2006-2007 on WW. I was on 24 hour a day oxygen, biPap machine for sleep apnea, borderline type II diabetic, had blood clots in my legs and a range of other problems, at least some of which I will deal with for the rest of my life, all caused by extreme morbid obesity. When I started with this process last Thanksgiving, I was 430 lbs. I have lost just over 100 at this point. At my three month exam, I was off daytime Oxygen, had joined and am religiously using the membership to a gym, have had my pressures reduced on the BiPap machine for apnea, and in recent blood tests my blood readings have all gone to NORMAL levels.

    I still have 155 lbs to lose, so will be at this for quite some time. But OP, as many have said, you HAVE to get your head in this game. I've started seeing a therapist to deal with my food issues. I started gaining weight when I was six years old and have been out of control most of the last 50 years. Maybe I can find those emotional triggers and really come up with good ways to deal with them.

    Part of my "training" before the surgery included required meetings with a nutritionist and a "social worker" who worked with us on developing plans before the surgery for things to do when we started getting mentally hungry. Many take a walk, that as another poster stated, works for me when I have a break at work. If I really need distraction, my daughter got me playing Plants vs. Zombies. I can completely waste two hours playing a level of that and it pulls my mind away from even wanting to eat. There has to be something you enjoy doing that you can really sink into mentally that keeps you busy. That is what you need to find to get away from the grazing issue.

    Best wishes to all my fellow VSGers who have posted. I think we have a tool to finally help us win this battle. For the small percentage of people who had problems, I'm sorry and I hope the doctors got everything straightened out for you.