goldstargeek Member


  • thank you! i swear it is so weird....i feel like i can accomplish anything now! :laugh: i really feel blessed!
  • another Polar HRM user here. I have the bluetooth one and use the iphone app Digifit which syncs with myfitnesspal
  • Ive eaten Paleo for 3 months now and allow myself 3 cheat meals a week if needed. Not sure why but have had a rough 2 days :) Anyhow. I will say this. The first week or so was kind of freak out with no I made some! Use almond or coconut flour and prepare yourself some little bread loaves or muffins. Having a…
  • I agree with a face being what I am most attracted to. Id take average body with cute face happily... ripped body with cute face would just be an exciting treat :)
  • I too eat the Quest bars if Im in a pinch. I only like the flavor of the Coconut or Banana Muffin one. 20gProtein to 24gCarbs and 170 calories. I try to eat clean/paleo and found this 'bar' to have the least garbage ingredients. I still prefer to get my food in the form of real food but these are great in a bind. If Im…
  • Im currently reading New Rules of Lifting for Women...its enlightening and I would encourage reading that over me trying to explain it. :) LOL
  • I wear a fitbit pedometer and will eat more or less depending on how active i am. On days I crossfit I also wear a heartrate monitor and eat back all the calories from that exercise. So quite often Ill end up eating 500 calories more on days I work out vs days where I sit at my desk job 12.5 hours.
  • Ive done it. It is suppose to have several great old time health benefits. I would say that the last time I went to do a cycle of it it certainly cleaned me out because it caused me to pass a kidney stone! I literally drank it and woke up needing to go to the hospital that morning. Now...I knew I had 6 kidney stones in…
  • Just bought mine today! Its on the charger now. Going to retire my pink Zip that I usually wear on my bra. I initially had the one and loved it but it didnt sync to the phone back when I bought it. I want to track my sleep because Ive noticed I have my biggest losses after Ive had a solid 8 hours. I think this is just one…
  • could be that you didnt have a good contact. it requires a bit of moisture to work best...walking might not have generated enough sweat. its gross but i typically lick mine before i put it on. :) if thats too much for you, you could take a damp rag and run it over the contact area of the strap before putting it on.
  • Same as this...
  • I love mine. I weigh the same time every morning. More importantly it uploads the information to fitbit and to myfitnesspal automatically. This shows long term graphs and charts. I can look at my caloric intake vs my activity levels and see what happens over the course of a week or month or year. Puts things into long term…
  • I cant remember where I mentioned it before but.....I rarely lose weight the day after intense work outs. It usually takes a day off, lots of water and a nights sleep.. I do crossfit mon-thursday each week. I always see my biggest losses fri-sunday when I rest. Try to look at the results over a week instead of just a day…
  • I take my dogs to the barn and they get the run of 40 acres. They run around in the barn while Im getting my horse ready and then they follow me around while I ride. Kills the me, dogs and horse exercise needs with one stone :) Plus it is the best fun ever. Love my dogs and horse
  • I was tested and m current BMR is 1450....I eat 1300 calories/day when I want to lose. I eat back exercise calories when I do crossfit because I do not want to lose muscle. The more muscle you have the higher your BMR will is possible that some people's BMR would be really low if they werent very active and had…
  • My first day at elements I puked! It was a trifecta of things that ended up in heartburn, out of breath then got really hot and puked. Afterwards I had to stop on my drive home and get out of my truck and sit on the curb a minute. I havent puked or come close since even though I continue to put in considerable time in my…
  • Yup I did too. Deleted it.
  • Listen to your body...Paleo diet might not be right for you. whatever "diet" you choose treat it more like an eating "plan". i like to have a plan each day. find a 'plan' that makes you feel good. you will need carbs and calories to work out. Dont try to make things happen too fast....thats when people get into unhealthy…
  • I started March 4th of last month and love it. I love that it will remain a hard challenge no matter what level of fitness a person is at. After a couple of weeks the comradery really starts to kick in and make it so much more than a work out. Ive also started eating Paleo about 95% of the time... Im just going to go all…
  • I just started crossfit March 4th, 2013. It is is is is confidence building. It is a little intimidating walking into the Crossfit Box (gym) for the first time but "Fear is a poor advisor". Our box makes you do a one week 'elements' class where they show you moves you will need. Then in…
  • It does in fact use the chest strap...I am a woman and it sits just below the bottom of my bra. To be honest I do not feel it. It must be snug but not cut-you-in-half tight to work. I use it with ....that app will also allow you to use your phone's GPS to track distance and map your jogging/hiking routes.…
  • I have the Polar H7 bluetooth Heartrate Monitor and use it with the app. I use my heartrate monitor when doing activities like crossfit, swimming, weight lifting, etc. The digifit app shows how long you work in each of your heartrate zones and gives a fairly accurate calorie burn for the activity. It can also…
  • I use my HRM while doing crossfit or other exercise that may or may not include "steps"...weight lifting, swimming, etc. I have had two Fitbits...get one that will sync wireless. I'll probably upgrade to the wristband when it comes out because Im a gadget nut and think it would be interesting to accurately measure how much…