

  • If I don't work out, I eat 1560 calories per day. On days that I work out and do only cardio, I burn about 400 calories and eat those as well. On days I do 20 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training, I burn about 350 caories and eat those. I began my diet on January 4th and was at 17 lbs lost about March…
  • I'm with you on the food thing. I look at diet plans but it always has foods I hate, and absolutely can't stomach, like oatmeal, yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna and salmon. Yuck...lol.
  • I'm guessing you work and go to school? Or do you just have a full school load? It may help to just do some small things. I am allowed to eat at my desk at work, so I'll eat my food while I'm working, and take a walk on my lunch break. Or, because my night classes are so long, they usually give us 2 10 - 15 minute breaks,…
    in BLEH!! Comment by rajekred March 2010
  • Have you been taking measurements? You may be losing fat weight and replacing it with muscle weight. Which is why your not losing.
    in BLEH!! Comment by rajekred March 2010
  • Like the others have said, you may need to eat more. If your a little active,your body may not be getting all the calories it needs so its saving any access. Also, what type of work out do you do? Make sure its something that brings your heart rate up to a cardio level. If you breathe easy when you work out, you need to…
  • I can totally relate. I'm done with work by 5 but my husband doesn't get done until 7:30, so I don't eat until then. Its usually a good idea not to eat 3 hour before you go to bed, but I think you're okay if its only 2. Occaisionally, I have to put in a long day and am work until 8 so I take my supper with me and eat it…
  • You could eat more, just watch what you eat. If your hungry, I would eat a little something. Remember, fruit and protein are filling and keep you fuller longer. This will help keep you from binging. Good luck!
  • It can be if you are dehydrated. Your body isn't able to cool itself quickly enough because you haven't had enough liquids, or you had enough liquid but too much sodium.
  • If you are doing the same routine every weekend and the scale goes down, you most likely are losing regular weight not associated with your water intake. Although, be careful because you could dehydrate yourself by redusing your water and then submitting your body to exercise and sweating it out in the Sauna. You drink…
  • Wow...that is a great idea. While I used to love the look of my back, I'm not there yet, but I know I will be. Right now, after staring in the mirror I realize I love my neck as well. It seems to be the only part of me that hasn't expanded, it remains lean. And I love my feet. Most people don't, but I do because they are…
  • Good for you on quitting smoking. Remember, one of the biggest reasons people smoked was because they were bored. Fill up your time doing something that will keep your hands busy and keep you away from the fridge! Good luck~
  • Wow, that's awesome! And hey, we're all still John Denver Fans. Take Me Home...Country Roads...
  • Ya- I agree its tough, but if it weren't tough, everyone would be a supermodel. Just remember, its worth it every time you step on the scale and you lose a pound or each time you measure yourself and lose 1/2 an inch!!!
  • I think having a cheat day is a great idea within reason. If you do this everyweek, you should still maintain a record of your calories, and I think it would be wise to still do a small workout that morning. Remember, when you started, they automatically knocked off the number of calories you needed to cut down to meet…
  • Yes, its possible to lose weight while only watching calories, but you lose weight faster and tone your body if you excersice. Working out doesn't mean you have to go lift weights and stuff, you could go for a 1/2 hour walk at a brisk pace everyday and it will help. If you are looking to lose quite a bit of weight, say 25…
  • I'm just like you. If I weigh myself everyday, I get mad because the scale doesn't move. Plus, you have to remember that your weight fluctuates a little daily. I would say don't weigh yourself daily, if you want to do twice a week that's acceptable, but I would only record the entries from what you weigh in on Friday…
  • Turbo Jam! It is a DVD system that does cardio plus toning, and I think its a lot of fun. I just started it last Sunday and did it everyday except Saturday (one day rest). My goal is to lose weight, but tone as I do it and I can already see the difference. I've lost 3 lbs this week, plus an inch on my hips, 1/2 inch on my…
  • When you first signed up they gave you a total calorie defecit you needed to stay below to lose the amount you wanted at the pace you wanted. This amount would be if you didn't do anything all day other than you're normal activities. This is for those who just want to diet. If you exercise, you earn extra calories you can…
  • A life change can be a bit overwhelming in itself, then add to it a website that has all these useful tools and it just goes up. I am pretty new to the site myself, only a week old so far. My suggestion is concentrate on yourself first for at least 2 weeks. Those are the toughest 2 weeks and when you need some…
  • Wow 57 pounds in one year? That's a lot, I'm not sure that's safe. But you are young yet and that will help you out a lot. If your looking for a friend, feel free to add me. I also just started and I'm highly motivated. I've been at it for a week and have been kicking but with working out. No weight loss yet, but I'm not…
  • My favorite thing to eat is cereal! I can usually have a full bowl (2 cups cereal 1 cup 1% milk or skim) and its 300 calories or less. If you just want it for a snack, cut that in half! Also, plan your meals and food ahead. You can look up the calories so you know what you can eat, then you won't eat too many at one time…
  • I'm right with you girls. I started Monday as well and have been really good with eating and excersizing. Haven't lost anything yet, but I feel great. It makes you think before you eat. I like that I can even log on at work and record what I eat there to help me plan ahead a little on my work outs. Well good luck girls!
  • Well, if you're interested in a fun excersize program, I bought and love Turbo Jam. Its kind of an on your own pace thing so its nice. Plus it comes with several DVD's to use as you progress. I've just recently got back to having only 1 job so now I have time for it and I look forward to doing it every night, which isn't…
  • Hey Cathy, I'm having the same issue, but I think it may be normal. Our bodies need to get used to it and if you weren't a big water drinker you might have added some water weight too. Once your body realizes it doesn't have to hold onto it you should shed the weight. Good Luck!
  • Hey Honey - Just remember this - Cravings only last a couple minutes. So find something to keep yourself busy when you get that craving. My big thing when I diet is snacking at night. Its hard for me not to. Last night I got a chip craving, my big down fall. So I grabbed my Pilates book and did some stretches for about 15…