

  • SW 332.4 PW 322.6 CW 320.0 Loss this week 2.6 Loss this phase 12.4 I'm still trying to hang in there. Take care everyone. We can do this :)
  • Hi everyone, I'm still around and hanging in there. I've had a bad two weeks, but I'm still committed. SW 332.4 PW 318.4 CW 322.6 Loss this phase 9.8
  • SW (for current phase): 332.4 PW (previous weight): 332.4 CW (current weight) 318.4 Loss (this week): 0 Loss Total (this phase): 14 I didn't loose any weight this week, stayed the same. That's okay because I had a large weight loss last week. I hope everyone is doing great this week :smile:
  • Checking in for week 2 weigh in. Didn't loose any weight this week, stayed the same. That's okay because I had a big weigh loss in week 1. I hope everyone is doing great this week.:smile: 90-day Phase Goals Highest Weight: 334 Starting Weight: 332.4 Current Weight: 318.4 Weight loss this week: 0 (9/16)
  • 90-day Phase Goals Highest Weight: 334 Starting Weight: 332.4 Current Weight: 318.4 Weight loss this week: 14 (9/9) Had a really good weigh-in this week. I hope everyone is doing well. We can do this !!!
  • SW (for current phase): 332.4 PW (previous weight): 332.4 CW (current weight) 318.4 Loss (this week): 14 Loss Total (this phase): 14 I had a really great first week weigh in. I lost 14 pounds !!! I hope everyone is doing well. We can do this !!!
  • Just started. My first weigh in was 9/2 SW (for current phase): 332.4 PW (previous weight): 334 CW (current weight) 332.4 Loss (this week): 0 Loss Total (this phase): 0
  • Hi everyone, my name is Therese. i'm a 58 yr old nurse from New Jersey. I've been overweight my entire adult life. I'm a late starter to the challenge so my first weigh in was Monday. i like doing this challenge in phases, 3 months at a time with set goals. I have a lot to lose, so hopefully my goals are realistic. I look…
  • I also would like to join. I'm starting on 9/1 and my weigh in day is Monday. **90-day Phase Goals** Highest Weight: 334 Starting Weight: 333 Current Weight: 333 Goal Weight in a year: 199 Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 Phase 1 (9/1/13-10/31/13): 40 lbs (333--->293) Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 34 lbs (293--->259) Phase 3…