lorilwayne2 Member


  • Hey fellow night worker here. I have always struggled with my weight. I too work 12 hour nights. One thing that I learned about a year ago is to track midnight to midnight. That helps with watching the food intake consistently. For me its about portion control and avoiding high carbs and sweets. There is a fasting…
  • Everyone needs all the help they can get add as a friend
  • Starting over last week with paleo/ primal eating. It is a lifestyle modification versus a diet or thats what Im telling myself
  • I use gum sometimes but it is more of a situation when I want to chew on something but know I shouldn't be hungry but I just want to have something in my mouth.
  • I am also not at 25 lbs yet but I have been doing this consistently about 6 weeks and am down 14 lbs- so a little over 1/2 way there. At this rate I should have 25 lbs down by the middle of June.
  • Name- lorilwayne2 Goal weight on April 30:: 5 lbs down would be 246.9- real goal is 240 4/1: 251.9 4/8: 251.1 4/15: 250.5- down 1.4 lbs... 4/22: 247.2- down another 3.3 lbs total lost this month- 4.7 lbs. 4/30: 245.3 Yay down 6.6 lbs this month.... I was a little surprised when I stepped on the scales last night at work. I…
  • Definately have had my history of emotional eating. Chocolate and I are buds and have been for a long time. I like the sweet and salty stuff when I'm tired and during my night shifts. What do I do now? 1. I watch my calories and log my food. The days that I go over I don't beat myself over the head and give up I just keep…
  • Name- lorilwayne2 Goal weight on April 30:: 5 lbs down would be 246.9- real goal is 240 4/1: 251.9 4/8: 251.1 4/15: 250.5- down 1.4 lbs... 4/22: 247.2- down another 3.3 lbs total lost this month- 4.7 lbs. 4/30: must have gone over the crunch mark. Havent been exercising a whole bunch but have been working a lot this week.…
  • Name- lorilwayne2 Goal weight on April 30:: 5 lbs down would be 246.9- real goal is 240 4/1: 251.9 4/8: 251.1 4/15: 250.5- down 1.4 lbs... 4/22: 4/30: This week I will weigh early since it is my weekend to work. On the good side I work a lot so not a lot of time for extra eating. On the bad side also not a lot of time for…
  • I was doing this and adding twists of seasoning- dried minced onion, parsley, sage, salt, pepper, dried red pepper. Today I tried a new twist I added some cottage cheese to it. It was REALLY good- got added protein- more filling and didn't add a bunch of calories to the meal... Will DEFINATELY do that again.
  • Name- lorilwayne2 Goal weight on April 30:: 5 lbs down would be 246.9- real goal is 240 4/1: 251.9 4/8: 251.1 4/15: 4/22: 4/30: Since I weigh myself on the work scales some weights will be taken on Sunday nights and some Monday nights or Tuesday depending on the work schedule. It will be as close to Monday as possible. I…
  • Make sure you are drinking your water and sleeping enough. That is one thing I've heard.
  • Soxgirl- sent you a friend request. I too have a hard time exercising. I bounce back and forth as to what I'm doing but I find that riding my sons stationary bike to be one of the most consistent here. I have tried some zumba and that isn't too bad kind of fun. Also have done the 30 day shred part 1- that is a killer and I…
  • I have a dress I'm hoping to get into for my sil wedding in late May. Time will tell but I don't know if I have it in me or not.
  • Anyone can feel free to send me a friend request. I have started a blog earlier this week and would love to have people view it from time to time.
  • I'm not quite 50 but I did have a hysterectomy in October so face some of the same challenges that other menopausal women face. I can tell already that I definately will have to work a little harder at the diet control to get the lbs off.
  • Maybe try some circulatory socks for the legs- that helps me when I work long stretches of 12 hour shifts and notice fluid retention in my legs. Just a thought. If they are too much you can use ACE wraps up the legs it will help the same way. Ask your doctor about this and see what his take is.
  • What things did your doctor tell you to do? Prednisone unfortunately is one of those drugs that adds weight just by looking at it. Kind of like me with Chocolate cake. We all face challenges with weight loss and things that mess with our metabolism. For me it is working nights and switching back and forth from the night…
  • I'm on everyday and have started a blog. Please add me. I definately could use more friends. I'm sending you all a friend request.
  • If an overweight largely endowed woman like myself can do this so can you.... Oh I say a lot now during the workout how much Jillian Michaels is NOT my friend but I have to say 3 weeks in I can feel some changes in my body. You can do this. Today I am resting from workouts. It is a must after super doing things yesterday.…
  • I have done 30 day shred about the last week. I like and hate it. We walked 9 holes of gold yesterday too and I biked another 20 minutes on a stationary bike. Today is a rest day for me- recovery. Considering about 3 weeks ago I did no forms of exercise (Too cold to golf.) I have built myself up to the point that I love to…
  • Check out You tube they have all sorts of programs on there for exercise... zumba, etc. Instead of weights use cans of food... just a suggestion to start out with. There is also walking which is free and if you have a bike you could go bike riding. Good luck
  • I DID IT!!!! I did make it through the whole video without turning it off. :bigsmile: I did have to take breaks during some of the cardio to catch my breath amazing how hard a simple exercise like jumping jacks can be for a person. My goal for tomorrow- no breaks and kick it in the butt... if I don't succeed at this…
  • Anyone else pregnant?! Not right now- thankfully. I have had 4 pregnancies though. Does anyone have good tips? My best suggestions is to eat healthy and continue with exercise. Quit smoking if you do and talk to your doctor about these concerns. The doctor will be able to give you the best advice on the right amount of…
  • Name- lorilwayne2 Goal weight on April 30:: 5 lbs down would be 246.9- real goal is 240 4/1: 251.9 4/8: 4/15: 4/22: 4/30: Since I weigh myself on the work scales some weights will be taken on Sunday nights and some Monday nights or Tuesday depending on the work schedule. It will be as close to Monday as possible. I hope…
  • I have yet to make it through the whole thing 1 time and I think that will be a goal of mine before I really start going. I'm just so out of shape it isn't even funny. I can get about half way through though the level 1 program on you tube. I did a portion of it two days in a row- Sunday and Monday and wow- my knees are…
  • Lexapro, Calcium, Multivitamin, Acid reducer (Zantac), Allegra (allergies- only in the spring and fall), Estrogen patch (menopause) is changed weekly but on all the time.
  • I would like in as well...
  • Having been awhile since Ihad babies I will say that I know the thinking has changed somewhat. I agree it is best to talk to your doctor. A lot of how little weight he/she will be ok with you gaining depends on your starting point. Instead of thinking about loosing weight think maybe about eating healthier and trying to…
  • I looked at this on You tube and I will give it a go. I tried a little today and boy it is quite the workout. I think I could do this for 30 days and it isn't all that costly either.