Any 50+ women out there?



  • ElaineRN100
    ElaineRN100 Posts: 201 Member
    Hello everyone - just when I thought I was the only one in the boat, I realize I'm not alone. I'm 57 yo female wanting to get healthy - and stay that way. I've been on MFP for about 2 weeks now - really like it.
  • gingerdebbie
    gingerdebbie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I also had gastric bypass in the mid 80,s and put on 40 pounds recently I am now 54 hope this will help me take it off
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I am 58. This is my second time around. The first one only lasted a month or so, then my father in law became ill and passed away. We were out of state for a long time supporting my mother in law through it, eating crap food and no exercise. Then when I got back home I couldn't find my motivation and gave up. When I looked like a stuffed sausage and had to use a rubber band to close my size 14 dress pants on Christmas day, I decided to change my ways after the holidays. I did suffer a rotator cuff injury last summer and I have been working hard to repair that as well. I think because I was so far out of shape and weak caused the injury. Add me if you wish.
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    friend request also 50 and looking to get fit. Not alot of weight to loose but some eating habits to correct and am in much need of accountability with an exercise(I prefer the term fitness) regime to support anyone who needs a kind word and a touch of tough love when needed
  • whitedove4
    whitedove4 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 57 and have been here since March of this year. My daughter is a member of MFP and got me interested in it. I log in daily and am extremely active. If you'd like a friend to encourage you along the way please feel free to add me. :)
  • lorilwayne2
    lorilwayne2 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm not quite 50 but I did have a hysterectomy in October so face some of the same challenges that other menopausal women face. I can tell already that I definately will have to work a little harder at the diet control to get the lbs off.
  • lorilwayne2
    lorilwayne2 Posts: 33 Member
    Anyone can feel free to send me a friend request. I have started a blog earlier this week and would love to have people view it from time to time.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Just a note of encouragement...I'm part of a First Place 4 Health group (some people call it a Christian Weight Watchers), and during our last 12 week session, our youngest member (27) and our oldest member (proudly announcing she's 60) pretty much tied for losing the most weight & body fat percentage. Whether you're young or old, whether you have to adjust your diet & exercise due to menopause, injury, family/job demands, can be done.

    "What one man (or woman :-) can do, another can do." --"The Edge"

    Don't give up.
  • I am 52 and going through peri menopause. This has kept me from losing weight. My periods are irregular and I'm crampy off and on. No energy. I just want to eat. But I am getting back into exercising more. I did however lose 20 pounds last year from exercising and eating better, then through the holidays put half back on. Oh I also got pink eye and that took me a month itself to get over. So now I'm trying again. I just find myself not wanting to take the time out to exercise. But I am pushing myself to do it. So far I've been on the treadmill 4 times this week. Hurray!
  • Hello 50+ : I am 51-I have been menopaused (or like my honi says"mental paused) lol for the last 5 yrs. I have been on wt watchers before and lost almost 25 lbs last yr; and than the winter season came and I got lazy and wasn't doing anything except housework; which isn't quit enough exercise. Today a co-worker told me of this site and I thought WOW it is free ;that is great! cuz I sure can't afford another $42/month for WW. Glad to be on board ..
  • I am 55 and am trying to get back to where I was, so feel free to add me. I have always struggled with weight, but over the course of several years I lost 50 lbs and kept it off for 4 years. I really thought I had finally gotten control of things, until I moved to help take care of my elderly parents. In the last 4 years, I have gained 25 lbs - ugh! After several false starts, I am determined to get rid of it plus 20 more! I find the success stories very inspiring and plan on being one of them! Good luck on your continued journey.
  • I am 54 and after years of working behind a computer and no exercise gained a lot of weight which brought on a lot of health issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.. For me exercise must be fun or I can't get motivated to do it. I started dieting and joined a zumba class. It is a great way to work off those calories and have fun doing it. MFP is a great tool for losing weight. Feel free to add me. Good luck on your journey.
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    I'm 50. I've turned by life around after a downward spiral. Among other things, I went off birth control about 3 years ago and instantly stopped getting my period. This wreaked havoc on my body. Sweating, gaining weight, fatigue, depression...the whole gamut. Seeing the light now. Eating better, exercising (fairly reasonably for an old broad) :smile: Feel free to add me for support. We can do it!! :drinker:
  • melwangerin
    melwangerin Posts: 6 Member
    I am 51 and began my weight loss journey in Aug 2012 following weight watchers. I successfully lost 38 lbs on the program but its so expensive that I decided on MFP to help me continue my weight loss. I haven't determined my goal weight yet, just concentrating on setting small goals, eating healthy and taking it slow & steady. It took a lifetime of bad habits to be where I'm at so I don't expect to lose the weight overnight. The journey s always better with a few friends, feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I remember in my 20's at the gym, watching 50+ workout so hard at times and basically they always looked the same, small changes. It seemed to take forever to see anything major. I was able to cut back and knock of desserts, kick up the cardio and see good results in a month or two. I wondered, (ashamed now) if they all at pints of icecream when they went home, how could they work so hard, not eat junk and still have so much trouble.

    Now, time has shown me goes off slow and on fast. I tell myself that no matter how slow, every step is helping my heart, every pound on the floor in aerobics is helping my bones, the discipline in eating is helping my energy.

    One day at a time.
  • I'm 54 and you can add me if you want. I have been a yo yo dieter and right now I am devoted to lose and have learned that for me anyway if I log things I tend to stick to it. I am even more determined now because my husband is going in for the gastric sleeve next month and I want to be healthy with him.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'm 64. Determined and motivated, because, after all, if not now, when? Feel free to add me.
  • threadlove
    threadlove Posts: 30 Member
    Hi I'm new to MFP, been doing it almost 3 weeks. I'm 50 and working on getting fit. I haven't been below 200 in over 20 years so I have a lot of work to do. I have been tracking my work outs with Endomondo for over a year. Last spring I went from 260 to 225. Over the winter I went back to 240.

    I've been working really hard the last 8 weeks at increasing exercise, but wasn't seeing any change in weight. I decided to start tracking my food intake to track and change my eating habits.

    I'm glad someone started this thread because I was looking for people like me.
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    You are welcome to add me too. :) I am 55 and am fortunate to have been gifted with pretty good health and high energy. Love the support system here. :)
  • purple_power61
    purple_power61 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 52 ( on the 20th) and have around 50-60 lbs to lose.... It's gonna be a long journey for me.... Anyone is free to add me