Fantastic job!!!
Very nice!!
I applaud your bravery in posting pics that truly show how much different your body looks. Thank you! You look fantastic and not blob-ish at all!
Those are some very impressive pictures! Excellent job!
I did not/do not stay within my calorie limits. Initially I just watched what I ate and when, along with exercise. Then my trainer put together a sample eating plan for me which amounted to 1200 calories a day. I used that as a guideline. Some days I would meet it, some days I would exceed it and some days I would be under…
Your moving in the right direction! Congrats!
He's done a great job! But equally great is how proud you are! What an excellent wife!
Very, very nice!
What a touching story! My Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimers this years - I thank him!
Excellent! I've read an awful lot about power lifting lately, hmmm....I do free weights and love that but just never really thought about the bar. I always thought I would need to be a lot stronger to start.
Very nice!!
Good point! very well could have been my was big enough!
:cry: <--- My Husband He asks me that same question every day :laugh:
Thank you! 4 c-sections?? OMG! Only my last twin pregnancy was a c-section and I am not sure that area will end up flat. That's an area that still needs a lot of toning at this point. My abs were pretty shot. I think between many pregnancies and the c-section my abs will never be where I want them :-(
I promise you there is! My babies are almost 7 and I didn't get serious until around March. You can do it!! Congrats on your new baby!!
Good for you!! Keep it up!! Best of luck on your first 5k!!
I love this post! YES! YES! YES! Collar bones are something I notice on others...and I want mine to be showing for the whole darn world to see!! Crazy? Maybe, but I'll own it! As for hip bones...I can't see mine yet, but I can feel them! They are rightthere...just waiting to see the light of day!
Terrific! I want abs like yours when I'm done...don't think I can get quite to there due to pregnancies, but as close as I can without surgical intervention!
Endorphin rush - other than results, the best part of working out! I only get it with a good cardio workout. About the time I think I can't do more my endorphins start pumping and I think I can keep up the pace all day long! I can't. But I like to think, even for a few minutes, that I can. :tongue:
Three layers of Spanx made you look curvy rather than all-out heavy. Maybe you've stumbled on to something? How to get stick straigtht girls to look curvy? :laugh:
This was the best read. EVER. Congrats on kicking *kitten* and breaking records, especially at your first meet. if you ever start a blog I would definitely subscribe. I love your manner of writing!
WOW! I didn't think you looked very big in your December photo - but seeing you in your current photos you can certainly see an amazing transformation! You look fantastic! I would have guess you much taller than 5'5" based on my initial comment. You're beautiful and showing your daughter fantastic, life-long habits!
Crazy good! I love your hair the deeper shade....if you're going to be 40 next May, be prepared for people to be shocked! You look 30!
It really does help to see someone around the same size, doesn't it? I'm glad I can help in anyway :blushing:
WOW! You look fantastic! And so does the dress :wink:
Amazing job!!
Fantabulous!!! Keep it up! We all have our rough patches, accept it and move on and you see results such as yours! This is the type of inspiration that keeps the rest of us moving!
Congrats on 17 years of marriage and losing a ring size! Loose rings were a big sign to me that I was moving in the right direction! It's the simple things, right?
HA! My MIL gave me that's too big on me, which isn't the worst since animal prints aren't exactly my cup of tea :tongue: