

  • Thanx adw5215....thats what database on here says too......:sad: .....guess I betta hang my head in shame n just take my punishment.
  • I stay around the 1200 cals because I have a serious neurological problem which means I am unable to exercise and do things most folk do in a mobility is very restricted because of my condition..I have to watch my blood pressure doesn't rise too much because that raises my intercranial pressure and then I'm in real…
  • Thanx..that's what I thought because their "as served" seems so different to raw chicken in the database on here.
  • I don't think site lets you go below 1200...I am 5'6 and wanted to lose 2 lbs per week but it gave me 1200 too and estimated weight loss on that at 1.3lbs...unfortunately I can't add exercise calories cos I can't exercise due to medical problems so its 1200 for me :cry:
  • Thanks for answering my question...can I now ask many g sat fats should I be aimin for?
  • Hi Diane and'll find some fab folk on here...very supportive....just ask if you get stuck and someone will come to the rescue.:smile:
  • HI..welcome....My tips would be...measure all food and maybe for the first couple of weeks plan carefully before you go shopping what you are going to buy. Try not to have very naughty food in the house so clear out as much as you can. The amount of tea you are drinking is by no means excessive and if you enjoy it I would…
  • I weigh first thing in the morning before eating or drinking..simply because I feel this is the best time . If I weighed at lunchtime etc, the amount of food and drink I consumed could be variable and the type of clothes worn could be different its mornings for me.
  • I'm starting weight today is 181.6lbs.............would be great to hit 175...:happy: Good Luck everyone
  • Yep...I think I have it too...will know for sure in a few weeks when I go to London to see Professor Grahame...I also have Chiari 1...there is a strong link between the two conditions...did you know?
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