Couple of Questioms?

Ok first of all I have started yet again :( weighed myself this morning and I am 12st 5lbs my heaviest weight ever!
I just get terrible cravings and I don't know how to control them, I know some of it is about will power as well, but do u have any tips? What do u do when u r craving something? Also is tea bad for u or what do u think? I drink around 3 cups of tea a day with only a little bit of milk. For exercise, I go to a tap, linedancing starting back to ballet and starting a zumba class next week, do u think that is enough?

Does anyone have any hints and tips for me? Do u weigh all you food? How often do you weigh and meausure yourselves?

Trudy x


  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi Trudy - good luck with staying on track honey. Persistence Persistence Persistence - results will follow when you don't give up.

    I'm no expert here, but I'd say stay away from the scales during the week and choose Monday as your weigh in day. This might help to keeping you on track over the weekend. Measuring should really only happen at the very most monthly, but realistically at 3 month intervals. You don't want to get disheartened with the tape measure....or scales for that matter. Sometimes it can take awhile before you see the results you're wanting....think of your changes as 'lifestyle' changes - not a 'diet' or quick fix.

    Your exercise sounds good - on the off days try to do a little of something if you can - even a 15 or 20 min walk will help keep things moving and get your metabolism going. If you think about it as a daily will happen.

    When a craving hits you - take a few minutes to evaluate where it's coming from and why - are you actually hungry? If you are, I always recommend having a glass of water - this will always give you at least another 1/2 hour which might get you to the next meal. If you're still hungry and craving s'thing, have a little of something healthy. It's all about choosing healthier options which are nutritious and not laden with kgs/fat.

    I don't weigh my food. I try to look at the portion amount and keep it realistic/moderate. I try not to become obsessed with it all and remind myself constantly that I want lifestyle changes that are doable and maintable in the long run.

    Think thin - tell yourself wonderful things to help make yourself believe in you and that you are beautiful. We need to come from an attitude of gratitude too so be grateful for being healthy/gorgeous - you ARE! - and look forward to becoming healthier. Positive affirmations are important to me.
    Be kind to yourself. x
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    hi trudy(another me )lol
    cravings should only last about 20 mins!! if you can hold out that long you should have it sorted,,,

    good luck from Trudy x
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    Hi and good luck

    A little tip from me only get weighed once a week or you will beat yourself up every day. Make sure you track EVERYTHING you eat...even if its bad. when you start to be truthful with yourself you start on the road.
    Dont skip meals ever! this is so bad its not true. I used to miss breakfast every day and ended up packing the weight on. Have a good meal first thing will stop you snacking.

    Most people snack cos they are bored..... find things to keep you busy and it will help.

    "Friend" me if you want some support etc!

    Good luck!

  • BlissgateClare
    HI..welcome....My tips would be...measure all food and maybe for the first couple of weeks plan carefully before you go shopping what you are going to buy. Try not to have very naughty food in the house so clear out as much as you can. The amount of tea you are drinking is by no means excessive and if you enjoy it I would carry on because at least its fluid and we all need plenty of that. As for cravings ...well try drink something lo cal when you feel hungry ..wait ten minutes and then if you must have something, keep a box of treats that you know the calorific value of ( maybe 100 cals) so you don't just grab that packet of biscuits to dunk in your tea or that big chocolate bar that falls out of the cupboard. Other thing I would say is ...when you know you are likely to wanna snack..get busy...plan little jobs to do...keepin busy seems to really help. I weigh in once a week at same time of day..early morning..and I keep scale in exact same never moves. As for measurin..I've only been on here 3 weeks but in the past I measued once a month and found that the best way. Hope this helps. Good Luck!
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    I can tell you my experience with cravings and what I have found most helpful. I find that when I take all sugars out of my diet except, fruit that my cravings are seriously reduced. I have also found that my appetite is greatly decreased. It is almost magical. So in order to do that you have to eat all whole foods.....not processed foods, so lots of vegetables, fruits, and so forth. When you eat more whole foods you are also getting more fibre which is more filling. As a part of this I will also eat only sprouted grains and no flours. So I will occasionally have Ezekial products. I notice that you posted your weight in stones so whether you are able to get Ezekial products where you live or not you are likely able to get sprouted grain products...made with no flour. Eating foods lower on the G.I. scale seems to be helpful for reducing cravings and over eating. Anyways that is my experience.....not that I always do it but when I do I certainly notice a difference.
  • trudy45
    thank you very much, I appreciate the input and I will take it on board and hopefully will be seeing a slimmer and healthier me soon :)