Aleysia87 Member


  • Don't listen to the people telling you that fasting is bad or "why would you do that?". There's actually an Intermittent Fasting group on MFP ( where I've seen a few of these threads floating around, and more generally, I would suggest doing more research,…
  • There's a thread with several pages of replies from BC peeps! :)
  • It's actually pretty normal to have a higher calorie refeed/cheat/whatever-else-people-call-it day to boost metabolism, preserve your sanity, and refill muscle glycogen.
  • Look into Lyle McDonald's Ultimate Diet 2.0.
  • At about 5'6" and 112 lbs or so, my maintenance seems to be around the 1700-1800 mark. That's with a sedentary job, but ~1 hr walking and 2-3 very short, intense strength workouts per week.
  • Try mixing almond butter in with your yogurt or cottage cheese -- it's a pretty delicious, calorie-dense combination.
  • Hm, can you elaborate? There's a lot of different types of protein out there! Do you just not like animal protein, etc.?
  • Some people (myself included) actually do this on purpose. It goes by a lot of different names/variations: refeed days, cheat days, calorie cycling, Lyle McDonald's UD2.0, Russell Branjord's spike diet, etc. The most popular reasons for doing this include - minimizing metabolic damage by having some high calorie days…
  • I do body weight exercises at home, yes, usually either 5 x 12 reps or 5 x 5 reps depending on the exercise. While I look a bit skinny-fat, I can do pistols (single-leg squats), full push-ups, walk up 500-step staircases, hold a plank for 2 minutes, whatever. Not amazing, but not terrible either, I hope. Maybe I'll work…
  • I'm just under 5'6" and small-framed, but bottom-heavy. My natural waist isn't noticeably narrower than my rib cage (regardless of angle of viewing), unless I haven't eaten in a while. I'm also far from gifted genetically when it comes to breasts/butt (I blame Asian genes...), so when I was up at a "normal" weight of ~135…
  • One possible explanation (depending on your TDEE) is that your body is just stressed out. Stress = cortisol = water retention. Sometimes, a good solid refeed day (i.e. eat your maintenance + couple hundred kcal extra) can cause your body to release the extra water. I've experienced this myself -- though granted, I do…
  • IMHO, any sort of brain-rewiring takes time, and more importantly, non-reinforcement. In this case, it means disassociating food with comfort, but also disassociating food with guilt (which then makes you want to feel comforted). I have no doubts that there are a multitude of ways to accomplish this, but I'll share my…
  • Many people who do intense workouts find that they have more energy if they take ~10g of BCAAs pre-workout... but afaik, it's only if they exercise fasted to begin with. If you ate a meal 3-4 hours before hand already, I don't see how they would do anything for you.
  • A consistent weight gain over so many weeks suggests it isn't water weight. I would check to make sure you really are eating 2200 cals a day, because gaining 3 lbs in 2 weeks while eating 2200 cals would mean that your body is only burning about 1450 cals a day! I doubt that is the case, especially after months of reverse…