branched chain amino acids?

mkoff32 Posts: 88 Member
I'm currently doing couch to 5k and am coming into the longer runs with no breaks. I finished my first 20 minute run, but barely. It's not that I'm out of breath, it's that my legs started to crap out around the 15 minute mark. The runs only get longer from here. A friend suggested that I try taking an amino acid supplement. Does anyone think this would help? And if so, when should I take them in relation to my work out?



  • Aleysia87
    Aleysia87 Posts: 14 Member
    Many people who do intense workouts find that they have more energy if they take ~10g of BCAAs pre-workout... but afaik, it's only if they exercise fasted to begin with. If you ate a meal 3-4 hours before hand already, I don't see how they would do anything for you.