

  • no problem guys =) it was nice doing this with you! thanks to everyone who participated!
  • hey everyone! so originally when this was started, i was planning on doing it for 8 weeks, and this was the eight week! if people want to continue, we definitely can, but i'm kinda getting the feeling that people dont want to because so few people are checking in, which is totally fine. let me know what you guys think the…
  • @okieworkout, yep i did and they are on the charts. can you not see them? i may have messed up
  • hey everyone! im back! sorry about that last week!! and sorry this is delayed a day! anyway, i think we are doing a sugar challenge this week. since peoples sugar consumptions should be different, if you could send me the amount MFP says ur supposed to eat also, that would be great! thanks!! on to the results! for the…
  • ^Letty_c THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUUCCHHH!!!! i'm a senior in high school, and college applications are due in 4 days so im kinda freaking out that my essay is still pretty awful and i havent done the supplements yet. In addition, my dads been having health issues so iv been meeting with some of my family more often. AND im a…
  • yea this week has been insane for me too. it was my birthday (finally 17 hehe), and i went out for dinner twice (once with my mom, once with my dad), and they were both quite high in calories, and my friends made me a cake and stuff, so il be lucky not to gain more than five pounds or something crazy like that. im sorry to…
  • AH IM SO SORRY! i totally thought that link thing would work! im gonna try again with it though, i changed some of the settings on the document so anyone who has the link can see it now... lets try this again. if it doesnt work, il just give it up though haha…
  • also, how do you guys feel about counting carbs for this weeks challenge? any other ideas?
  • hey everyone! instead of posting a picture of the chart this week, i thought id give you the link to see it because you cant see the whole thing in here anyway. if you like the pic anyway, let me know and il go back to doing that. this is the challenge chart:…
  • firedragon064, yep its ok, just make sure you still send me your weight. ty for letting me know! sarahkova, i didnt think of that, thank you sooo much for suggesting that to me. in response, can people please send me what mfp says their fat consumption is supposed to be at the same time? now about that charts. as you can…
  • how do you guys feel about counting grams of fat for next weeks challenge?
  • yep, cups. this site has useful info on how much of certain fruits and veggies is a cup deadline for the weigh ins is going to be 5 pm today!
  • same as your weights, private message please. it makes things so much easier. thank you!
  • ahh that was me last week... barely lost anything.... hopefully il be better this week too! =)
  • cant wait to see peoples incredible weight losses tmrw!
  • to me it sounds like people would prefer a nutrition challenge. i'm kinda in that boat too because i play on my schools varsity tennis team and after practice and games im just too exhausted to do anything more really. so, i love the idea of counting fruits and veggie servings. so that will be our challenge for the week!…
  • Congrats to the RED TEAM!! you win the weigh in! sarahkova is this weeks individual winner!! congrats on losing 6 lbs! the BLUE TEAM wins the challenge! great job!! about next week, i'm not really sure what to do about the people that just arent being consistent and giving me their numbers each week. it makes it hard to…
  • bekkadillon, i wont be able to tell you your team until the weigh in and i see whose numbers I receive. to sarahkova, i decided to let bekkadillon on when she asked after last weeks weigh in because so many people are not sending me their numbers (purple team only had one person send me theirs), and she told me she had all…
  • when i rearrange the teams, i might just delete the people from the list who havent checked in yet. theyr probably just not interested anymore. i might transfer one person to the purple team too, because they only have three members, and only one of them checked in this week. for the sodium count, if people could email me…
  • Here are this weeks results! As you can see, we have quite a few blanks. Depending on whose results I get next week, I'm going to rearrange the teams. One person from the purple team also PMed me saying they had to drop out for medical reasons. This weeks winning team is the PURPLE TEAM! Congrats! (I realize there was only…
  • i currently only have about half the peoples numbers. this whole deadline thing didnt work haha. so, FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, i will be extending the deadline until 9 am EST. i'm doing this because people may not have come on in time to see the deadline. next week, the deadline will be 9pm saturday night. thanks everyone!
  • thanks so much to everyone who has already sent me their numbers! so far i have 8 peoples. remember, deadline is 9pm tonight (EST)! otherwise, you will not be counted this week. if you miss more than two weeks in a row, you will be removed from the chart. i'm sorry to be so rude and stern. thanks everyone! also, i was…
  • thanks guys =) most of the schools i have been looking at dont reward merit based scholarships because they say "all the students that get in are qualified for a merit based scholarship" (as a middlebury admissions officer said). my family will be applying for financial aid, but its not like because my step dad makes a lot…
  • so im gonna have to apologize to everyone on my team in advance. iv had a really really bad week. i found out that my dads cancer has come back for the forth time, and to pay for chemo, he has to either spend my college fund or we have to move to a less expensive house. plus, my mom and horrible step dad took off for…
  • hey guys! so here are the charts! this week the BLUE TEAM wins the challenge! congratulations and awesome job guys!! the YELLOW TEAM wins the weigh in! combined they lost a total of 1.311%! great job!! this weeks individual biggest loser is opalmel, who lost 2.11%! great job everyone! here is the challenge chart: and here…
  • so people seem to have like the water idea, so i think thats what we are going to do as a challenge this week. at the end of the week, please send me your ounces for each day (or cups if you do that, i can convert it) and il make a chart! concerning the weigh in, i will just find the totals for each team and not include…
  • i havent posted the results yet because i'm still waiting for a few peoples numbers
  • thank you abjedi! and i love organizing this because it gives me a break from all my horrible school work
  • no problem! =) i love the suggestion, only problem is there isnt a real way to measure it, as in we cant exactly have a winning team and winning person. i'm sure there will be more than one person who stays under their goals for each day, so we wouldnt have a real winner. we could have a winning team i guess by seeing…
  • ah doveskf, im really sorry, but we'v already started. we have already had our second weigh in and our first challenge, so its too late to join. i'm really sorry.