rocky503 Member


  • Hey Nancy Rose thanks for sharing! Nice results Sunshine if you just want to start whipping off 20 pounds to start with do something six days a week that gets your HR 65 to 70% of your max for 45mins to an hour and eat at a deficiet to start with (10 to 20% below maintence and don't eat your exercise caloires back). Once…
  • Oak Grove! I went to kindergartern at Oak Grove elementary, many moons ago.
  • Okay here's half my report promise: After my two week fitness camp I lost three inches off my hips and low waist (below my belly button) and 2 pounds! I had a good 4 mile run yesterday. Last night ate a little high and drank some. Today i did plan on lifting but life got in the way. Sometime this week I will to try to post…
  • Too many challenges to track right now... I am down for at least 12 miles this month. I am in fitness camp for two weeks so can't really track mileage with that, but I doing something everday six days a week. Camp ends this Thursday so then I'll track more miles. Enjoy spring get outside....
  • Manic Congrats! I understand if some have special circumstances but just wondering about those who eat a normal omnivore diet and sitll have difficulty with this. Also I am still settling what a good protien intake is generally and when making muscle gains. I've read really 15% of calories is adequate to make muscle....…
  • I'm doing the RUM run in tulatin the end of this month with a friend. What side of town are on you on?
  • Thanks for sharing, congrats!
  • my kid lives on carbs and air mostly. She never ate baby food and didn't like pureed foods either. I;ve always cooked from scratch and offer a variety of foods. She's picky and left to her own devices will eat junk and sugar. It's really impossible sometimes since I offer loads of good food and I don't really eat much junk…
  • At 47 I have come to the realization I have an S curve. 15 years ago I pulled my righ s-i joint and had to get manipulation for the first time. After my pregnancy 11 years ago I saw my first Chiropractor who menitoned in passing almost I may have scolosis in my uppper back. Then about a month or so ago I went to see a new…
  • use the Life edition and follow the RANGE for warm up and it takes about 12 minutes. I really cool down but in the eveing I do range movement and rolling.
  • Plan your lifts and write them out on the sheet before you get to the gym, that should help with some of the akwardness as you won't be making stuff up as you go along. Do the warm up (RANGE). Good luck and have fun!
  • I'm wondering a little why getting enough protein is a chore for some. I put in my intake for today, partially ingested so far and I'm getting 114g from a serving of greek yogurt, a serving of cottage cheese, a serving of beef meatballs, 6oz of chicken thighs and then misc grams from other foods. My goal is 111grams not…
  • :laugh: That's a Mother's day gift!
  • Still in the mist of my fitness camp during which we are instructed not to do anything else so I didn't lift last week and won't again till this next Friday. Took a 4 mile walk today then had pizza, light beer, salad bar and two ice creams. i ate like a wolf but I only had a omelette and fruit in the morning. I can…
  • Nice, maybe you can wear the shoes if you post a pic!
  • Hi gals Great pictures! I'm in the middle of a two week fitness camp now and sure feeling it the 16 hours! I took measurements before I started and will take them again and a picture or two. This camp is called "Break thru Camp" and the goal is to take you to the next fitness level. So far just tearing up a lot of muscle…
  • [/quote] I have a friend doing the same stuff for her scoliosis. My gym LA FItness has everything you're looking for and a hot tub for those stiff sore days. Perhaps you have one in your area. BEst of luck with your therapy. I only pay $20 for single location. [/quote] Actually I am considering LA fitness in my area, right…
  • I think I naturally like a lot of protein so don't really worry about getting enough. My go to breakfast most days of the week is quck cooking steel cut oats, almond milk, cinniamon, frozen blueberries, 1/4 of a banana and Tbls of sliced almonds. Mid moring snack is either 6 oz of lowfat greek yogurt with a little bit of…
  • Manic the life edition lists 5 to 10minutes of HIIT at the end. Just start with what you can do with consistency. I am reading "Younger Next Year" although I'm not quite the targert age aduience yet and what they say is you should have low level aerobic actvity incoorporated into you fitness schdule. Meaning you should be…
  • 2.5/3 and somehow I lost a pound. :happy: DNAmouse: I have to tell you for some reason when you first described your husband getting you a custom bedroom wardrobe that would benefit him too I thought you meant he got you lingerie! :blushing: Cowgirl: I am seeing a VERY good chiropractor, a leader in his field who has…
  • So I am seeing the other side of a ****ty week which is good. My back has finally turned a corner and has "released", which is the best way I can describe it. I can go 2 or 3 years without issue so I hope thats whats in store for me now with that concern. Based on my back issue it has been suggested I add pilates and…
  • Manic make an oath of NO MORE DONUTs!... If yu are using a well balanced low sugar shake it's not drinking calories like a milk shake or a soda. I suggest hemp powder if whey is a problem with berries, greek yogurt if that works for you and use stevia for a little sweetness.
  • If this guy proceeds to be a D*i*c*k, I hope you report him immediately and get his *kitten* kicked out of the gym. :angry: Especially if he acting unkind to you for no apparent reason.
  • runzalot: I can totally see a change in your new profile pic, sleeker and more definition. today DH and DD are out together goofing off for a change. DH gave me a look when I suggested they go off together so I cold get my excercise done. He wanted all of us to go rummage sale shopping and I was not interested and that is…
  • Beeps I'm not looking at the top I'm admiring your ARMS! Nice.:wink:
  • I don't think you want your back to stay straight. If you feel like you are falling backwards you are doing it right. The trainer I saw showed me how to use the weight goblet style to stay upright.
  • In like Flynn!
  • I almost forgot: I give myself a 2.5/3 this week all things being considered. Skipped TABATA as my back was a bit tight and working on something else at the time. plan a big walk this afternoon. I porked out on protein today. I don't think I can look at another chicken thigh for awhile....
  • Disease investigator for a local health dept. Wash your hands people.....