Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello I had a good workout today but I need help with front squats. I know can lift more- just I get pain in my wrists or my throat. Any ideas??

    I am bending too far forward which hurts my wrists and when I bend less I get too much bar in my throat.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Pmang, same problems here. I've tried 100 different ways to hold the bar and no luck.

    Is it not ideal to do deadlifts one day and squats the next? My son tells me no.

    I am still tired from working out Friday! I forgot what heavy lifting was for a while....

    Saturday we went to a Prison rodeo. The inmates were the participators. It was interesting! Of course, they had to have good behavior over the course of years to earn the privilege. 100's of booths were set up like a flea market where they could sell their artwork, furniture, jewelry, etc. I did not feel in danger at all. I was brought back to reality when we went under a pavilion. Around 3 sides of the pavilion, inmates were behind a fence. They had yet to earn privileges to be mingling with the visitors. So that being said, I managed to eat pretty decent while there. I resisted beignets, ice cream, and pizza. I found a building selling salads! It was so hot that a cold salad hit the spot. Of course, I was over 500 cals for the day but well worth it. Back on track today.:smile:
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Prison rodeo? Very interesting. I've never heard of such a thing but I'm up in Canada.

    Beeps, love your attitude. Evening/mindless snacking after dinner is my number one problem. I always plan a before bed snack as we eat dinner at 5pm (with our kids) and so I am always hungry by 8 or 9, but have to try really hard not to eat more than planned. Sometimes drinking an herbal tea can help.

    I'm into the 3 sets of 10 reps part of stage 1. Still really enjoying it. Weights are consistently going up except for push ups, which I still suck at; I am still stuck at doing them on an incline and am working at getting my chest all the way down before I move on. Slooooow progress there. I think my ample chest and belly are making it hard.

    I weighed myself last week and was up five pounds from two weeks previous!!! I know I overdid the Easter chocolate a bit but man...I hope this week shows a loss for sure.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Evening all!

    I'm trying to cram some work in before bed, but my brain is still in holiday mode :glasses:

    Did the Nerd Fitness Angry Birds workout today, and that was fun (only on Level 2-3 though, taking it slow to start!). 50 body weight squats in a row to start... my legs may ache a little tomorrow :wink: :laugh:

    Pmagna, can't help with front squats as I'm still trying to work them out myself. I spent ages trying different ways to hold the bar and I still haven't found a way that is completely comfortable.

    Pudding, pushups are hard. Just keep going, it will get better and you'll find a way that works for you.

    Okay, I really will get some work in now. I've made all the school lunches for tomorrow as it's squad training at 5am, so an early start. It's beginning to get cold and it's been raining today, I'm really not looking forward to dark winter mornings at the pool in June... good thing it's heated!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    Pmagnan - so, even with LOW weight you can't seem to master the form in the front squat?!?!?!? There are a GAZILLION different squat forms, so if your BODY is fighting you on FORM, pick a squat that you can nail the form on and just carry on from there. (I am thinking that, with a low-enough weight, you likely CAN get the proper front squat form, but what the h*ll do I know?!?!??!)

    samntha - good luck being back in work environment! Maybe it will clear some cobwebs from your head just staring off into space?!?!?!?

    manic4titans - I always think of T-bends/weighted hip thrusts/weighted glute bridges as being the "opposite" of squats....because, for me (and maybe NOT for you!), squats work my quads while the other exercises I listed work my posterior chain. Deadlifts mostly work my back, frankly.

    Pudding - I am going to tackle this 25+ year "evening snacking" habit RIGHT NOW! I am on day 4 and doing well....I really feel my quality of life will improve TENfold if I can squish that (bad) habit into NON-existence!

    dnamouse - I have improved in my push-ups - about 14 months ago, I could do 3 sets of 3 from the floor, the odd time 4. I am now up to 3 sets of 8- from the floor, without much thought, and sometimes 3 sets of 10!!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, YES! That is my point exactly. It works different areas . Thanks for the confirmation.

    Look up Angola State prison rodeo. It has been going on for 50 years.

    gotta lift today but my body and mind are screaming NO. Body still hurts and the mind is fighting PMS irritability.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    Beeps, YES! That is my point exactly. It works different areas .

    For sure they work different areas....I guess, the part of your post that mixed me up was that you wanted to do them on "alternating days"....because they work different areas, why not do them on the same day (too?? It's an option!).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member

    gotta lift today but my body and mind are screaming NO. Body still hurts and the mind is fighting PMS irritability.

    Yes, go lift....your body will adapt during the work-out (lower your weights if you want! No problem!) and your PMS will THANK you for the work-out, later.

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I lifted this morning! YEA!! My bench was good, bent over pulls were up again, shoulder press still sucks but it's better than it has been, and I increased my skull crushers and curls. I am sore, but not in a bad way.

    So this week is going to be a bust for working out as I said before. I was hoping I could still get in 4 lifting sessions and not do any spin classes but I have to be in the office early Wednesday and Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday for the move. So that only leaves tomorrow and Thursday to lift.

    I've never been very good at front squats and even worse at FSPP from NROL4W. I like box squats and goblet squats in addition to BB back squats. Beeps, for me, I get great posterior chain activation with squats and deads. I squeeze my glutes, back and thighs and drive up really hard. I do the same with inverted leg presses and get good activation from those too. I haven't done any thrusts yet, I will have to make room some place in the gym to try them out.

    Pushups are hard for me, always. I have a difficult time getting all the way to the floor and back up. I improve so slowly!

    DNA I saw the Angry Birds workout. There's a new one now too called the Hobbit I think or maybe Lord of the Rings. I love how they try to make working out interesting and fun for everyone.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I did lift! I didn't drop weights and I increased my deadlift to 95 pounds from 85.

    I want to keep PMS away as much as possible. Lifting and eating better makes it tolerable.

    Beeps, for example,, DL MWF and squats TTHS. I don't think I could do them the same days. :noway: My knees and grip would give out early. Today was DL, shoulders, and back. Tomorrow will be legs and arms. Since I can't wrap my arm around to grab the bar for back squats, I generally do box squats, sumo squats, and front squats.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Hello Hello Hello lovely ladies! I've been creeping on the thread for a while now and I'm finally all caught up!
    Beeps: This do as you say challenge sounds awesome! I might have to give it a try! Have you found it difficult to stick with the things that you've said you're going to do?
    DNA: I love that nerd fitness has all these funny names for workouts. It really helps to catch and hold your interest.
    Pudding: You're really working your way through phase 1! Keep up the amazing work!

    It's interesting that Pudding is enjoying stage one. We're kind of in the same sections- or we were. I'm bored to tears with it so I'm skipping ahead to phase two. I printed out the log sheets and I'm getting started tonight. I'm ready to get more into the fat burning phases and do more ab work which it looks like these planks will definitely give me! Plus phase one is so LONG! I don't know how you guys stuck it out but kudos to you. I'm going to take pictures tonight to document the end of phase one and give me something to compare to when I end phase two. I make my bf take them on his phone so I don't go manically stare at them every five seconds as if that will me me fitter. I've also adjusted my calories. While my legs arms and upper back are looking awesome my abs and lower back look basically the same and according to my measuring tape might have gone up an inch. Definitely something to fix since I've promised myself a tattoo once I've lost 3 inches off my tummy. Here's to hoping phase two gets me moving in the right direction! For those of you that have already done phase two- was that when you started to really see changes in your body? Happy lifting tonight ladies!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Runzalot81: I just planted some dahlias yesterday during a rain break. I plant them almost every year about this time which results in a supply of cut flowers in the summer. Easy. If you try them make sure to use some slug bait when they start to sprout.
    How much sun do they need? We have lots of large shady trees in our yard. In fact, my raised planter doesn't get as much sun as I thought it would when I shopped yesterday :embarassed: I'm a wee bit worried that my flowers will die.

    I think they need a lot of direct or at least partial sunlight.....:flowerforyou:

    I kind of have the mediterrian sun exposure going on at my house so I lean toward sun loving plants.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    Suelegal - push-ups were my nemesis last year! NOT usually, anymore....i just kept doing them, FULL plank, with a bench to place my hands on. Then, when I was strong enough, with a step to place my hands on. Now, usually I just do them on the floor! Not always---some "tired" days, I'll go right back up to the bench and get 'em done!

    manic - I always forget you have KNEE problems! Good for you for keeping proper form and doing things on alternating days....makes TOTAL sense, now! Glad you lifted!!


    redlipstick - I chose 4 things for the "do what you say you will" challenge. 1 is easy. 2 and 3 are medium. 4 is HARD. So, I expect that i will conquer 1, 2 and 3, and the MOST important one for me to work on is the 4th - which is to eliminate ANY snacking after supper. Period. I am on Day 4 and I am very proud to report in that I have done what I said i would for all 4 days and for all 4 items!

  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    First, I would like to name myself Push-Up Queen. I can do them on the floor. I can do them 'til I'm sore. And then I'll do at least four more.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    I'm in Stage 2 and I just don't want to do all the weird ab exercises. So, for the pushups, I do as many as I can on the first set and stop at ten on the second set. I got up to 22 last week and I'm going for 30 this week. Balls to wall. I do the same concept with planks and reverse crunches.

    With that said, I'm sure everyone else lifts heavier than me :embarassed:

    I don't have a squat rack so I do front squats and I have to clean the weight. Last year, I found them weird and uncomfortable. I was all "my elbows go where?!" Now, I'm comfortable with the form. I like this video A LOT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyDbagKS7Rg&index=2&list=FL4SYV7iSoyGXkATUzYu6KXg

    Red, I think seeing changes is relative to how much weight you need to lose. I'm almost done with Stage 2 and I'm not seeing any changes (nor did I ever last year). But I feel darn good! :drinker:

    Somewhere between Stage 1 and 2, I swelled up an inch through my waist and hips :sick: I tried really hard not to obsess over it and wore lots of skirts and dresses. It's mostly gone now and my pants were comfortable today.

    Rocky, if they die, I'll be happy to go shopping and try again :bigsmile:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    runz!!! That is a DEEP squat. I'll never get that low :noway: :laugh: and something else concerns me. My back is not that straight. How does that happen?
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I almost forgot: I give myself a 2.5/3 this week all things being considered.

    Skipped TABATA as my back was a bit tight and working on something else at the time. plan a big walk this afternoon.

    I porked out on protein today. I don't think I can look at another chicken thigh for awhile....
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    It's been a busy day for me!
    How did everyone do on the challenge this week?!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You ladies are lifting like crazy!! Go you Go you <old school Cabage patch>!! Tomorrow will be my first day back in the gym. I bought Supercharged but haven't read it yet (Damn you mortal instruments) I must be feeling a little better because I'm reading again.

    Today was back to work which was harder than I expected. Not sure if it was the grief over-whelming me, or the pure outpouring of support from co-workers. I was really over whelmed by their kindness :) Hugs galore :flowerforyou:

    Beeps, I was staring at the wall because of state testing BOOOOO!!! So I got to stand in front of a room pretty much doing nothing all day while my eighth graders sat their exam. I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!! My proctor is a fitness instructor as her second job and she was impressed by my deep squats. (hey I gotta keep the mind and body moving or go stir crazy THREE HOURS A DAY FOR THREE WEEKS!!!!!. tomorrow we're bring our hand weights and pedometers :laugh:

    I hate front squats, they make me feel woosy. I enjoyed phase one because I never really lifted before and it allowed me to go from 0-60. I felt so accomplished by the end I was ready to take on the world. For many that bloat in the middle is water. Which is why I only weight myself one day a month.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Oh, I met all of my goals this week so I get a THREE :drinker:

    I need to do something about this Easter candy. Maybe I should replace that third goal. For the third time.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, I hope tomorrow is better for you!

    Way to go, Runz! I'm with you on the Easter candy. That was a good video. I think for me, front squats "clicked" when I learned to keep my elbows up and rest the bar in the groove on my shoulders.

    All you other ladies keep rockin'!

    No lifting for me today. It was a stressful day and I didn't have time. I will do it tomorrow.
    My weekend was fun. Got dressed up for a wedding Saturday and left the kids with a sitter. Of course I felt great about myself until I got there and saw all the other beautiful ladies. Then I suddenly felt like a fat, out of shape, mother of 3. Why do we do that to ourselves as women? I find myself paying more attention to how awesome everyone else looked than enjoying myself. So ridiculous!

    2/3 this week- cals were great, lifting was great, but I only hit 29% on the protein.