Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh, I could totally tweak those to be healthy. Yum!

    Please tell me how! use granulated splenda?
    Yes or the stevia or maybe more banana with less sugar. Also, I like to grind up oats in a food processors and substitute it for some of the flour. I also add protein powder to everything. I do a lot of experimenting with baking stuff. Sometimes it's great, other times I have to tweak it a lot, LOL.
    Sue, you killed the protein today!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    cowgirl, you are manna from heaven. Baked goods are my nemesis. If I could make them full of protein and "healthy" I would be the happiest woman alive as I could have my cake and literally eat it too.

    I've looks at the Zumba in network site. I just have to work out when and where classes fill up fast :( But you're right that people don't understand that aerobics alone WILL NOT give them the bodies of their dreams. All of my instructors are also trainers or have been fitness competitors so lifting is a very big part of their lives. I hope that if I can become an instructor I can introduce more women to weight room as well :)

    I didn't get to the gym yesterday, but I had an awesome eating day!! Not sure how today is going to pan out. I don't even know why I bother trying to go on the weekend. I will be signing up for child care at the gym for the summer and making my schedule far more flexible so no more missed days :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Oh, as an aside. I tried taking the fake sugar out of the house by making fresh brewed iced tea to replace the "crystal light". Didn't go over well. hubby switched back to diet soda. Nobody will touch it but me :( Even with real sugar added SMH
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Fake sugar makes me toot :embarassed:

    Last summer, I discovered banana ice cream. You can freeze chunks of banana and then put them in a kick azz food processor (key is kick azz, not a wimpy blender) and let it go until it's nice and creamy. You can add anything to it and the base is just bananas! Strawberries, mangos, chocolate, protein powder, peanut butter...

    I love baked goods. I have some cookie dough in the freezer... I think I'll wait a few more days and then DS and I will have ourselves a cookie party.

    I'm gonna lift weights and run today. Only a couple miles. :ohwell:

    Sunday is my cook-for-the-week day. I've got corned beef in the crock pot. I will also be cooking up a package of bacon, baking my favorite oatmeal muffins, a simple chicken dish, and some things for DS- like pb&j, ham and cheese rolls etc.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I love to bake. I love to eat it. :embarassed:

    Sam, your family doesn't like iced tea! That's our supper drink made fresh every night. Mallory is type 1 diabetic so we use splenda. I can't stand the real sugar tea now.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    That's the things, they will drink the Powdered teas no problem, but not the fresh brewed. WTH!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'll just go ahead and wrap up my week. I made it to the gym four days this week, Sunday through Wednesday, but still four days. I was under by 500 cals for the week. I'm already feeling better and my belly is already less bloated and laying flatter :)

    Plan for this week three lifting days, that's it. I'm half way through life, but I think I need to move to something like Stronglifts next since heavy is my goal. I think my progress has peaked with Alwyn's programs. thoughts
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Quick check in before I head to work - I nailed my macros and cals yesterday, even being out all day AND going to a BBQ ribs cook off AND having ice cream. I drank too much soda, but I only do it once in a while - and switched to clear seltzer mid afternoon.

    ..and I've done my lifting for today. Stage 7 #2. Dang those step ups like to kill me. Bodyweight only and I really struggled to do 20. Happy with my OHP - 15# which is only a slight drop, tho the last 5 in each rep was UGLY!

    I don't have time to read right now, will do that at work.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Down .8, bonus!

    Way to go getting it done Sue!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    The batteries in my scale died and I've decided not to replace them until the end of June. That's one way to cure obsessive weighing!

    samntha14, those are great questions but I'm too inexperienced to give you input. Hopefully, wiser folks will check in today!

    I'm still twitching over the increase in calories. Especially now that school is out and I'm less active. At least, I'll have wiggle room to experiment!

    suelegal, WTG on the macros! I'm still struggling to hit my protein goals. I really need to get some powder.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Protein saturday - 41g (it was a "fasting" day - so I'm cool with that)

    Protein sunday - 110 g - YAY!! (Getting over 100 g is my goal for a "non-fasting" day).

    Today, I lift!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend, will check back in with the 'chatter' later.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I didn't track over the weekend - bad bad bad me. But it wasn't a HORRID weekend of eating.

    On Saturday I ran the Lawyers Have Heart 10k - I finished the race and didn't die! I think that is going to be my last race for awhile, running is just SO hard on my body, I get so many injuries. Also my running buddy (my doggy) was diagnosed with cancer over the weekend so this week is going to be a lot of vet appointments and staying home with her while she recoups (if she can't run it doesn't seem fair that I run without her!). So this week will be a little hectic but ill get some workouts in at home.

    Back to tracking and counting and being so good today! 100+ grams of protein here I come!
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    So sorry to hear that, emgel.

    Yay for hitting your protein target, Beeps!

    runzalot, I kind of wish mine would die, so I didn't have to face the 3+ that I had today. Weekend of indulgence. And I was going to bike down to the gym at lunch but it's pouring out. I'll have to see if DH will be cool with me slipping out to lift later. I was away all weekend, so I feel like I have to put in my time...

    I hit my protein macro but only because I supplement with protein powder 2x/day. 3 on lifting days. Maybe too much, but it's working for me.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Happy Monday all!

    Last week was a great week workout wise, but blew it over the weekend with some overindulgence. Really happy with the NROL4W though, the first 3 workouts were great (squated 60lbs and could have done more!) and I can't wait to get back into the gym to do it all again this week. Scale didn't budge, but that's ok - usually when I start heavy weights I gain, so I'll be happy with the number unless it goes up. Finally measured yesterday too, so I'm interested to see what the weights will do to those numbers. It was interesting to find out my right thigh is a full inch bigger than my left haha, so weird!

    Kept my goal of walking the dog all 5 days last week, hoping to do the same this week, all though rain is in the forecast. This week I'm going to focus on no booze during the week, limited during the weekend and getting 3 lift days/2 cardio days in.

    Have a great Monday!!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    It appears I get a lot of fat in my diet. I love red meat, nuts, peanut butter, and avocados. I average 70 g of fat per day. Should I worry about it? Tomorrow, I'm doing chicken so that should help...

    I ordered protein powder today so that should help me hit my protein macro more often.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    pearl - I only hit my protein macros because of protein shakes....even when I don't hit my macros, whatever protein I have, likely includes a shake! It's good protein - no worries!!

    ramalem - keep getting those lifting days in - it'll ALL work out in the end!

    runzalot - nothing wrong with good healthy fats - I'm trying to incorporate MORE of them into my diet to help with the "feeling satiated" thing.

    I got my lifting in-and-done. Going to do a cardio-step class with my daughter after work - she might last 20 minutes, so it isn't anything to write home about.

    Oh, yes, I dropped off my car and have my loaner....I am a TOTAL FRAUD DRIVING A PRIUS! (But, it is nice and quiet - I just am not an environmentalist in any way-shape-form!)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I love that folks here are so mellow. The FB page is getting a little intense.

    Emgel, sorry about your dog, I hope the prognosis is good..

    Runz, great idea with the scale. I'm heading for my first lifting of the week.

    Beeps, I thought you'd be eating way over 100g protein. 100 is a low day for me. I thought I was doing bad lol

    Sue is the macro queen though. You rock Sue!!

    Ramelem, my landlord complained so now I HAVE to walk the dog everyday. The kids and husband weren't cleaning up properly.

    I will also be "home" for the summer. I switch my settings to sedentary because unlike when I work full-time, some days I go go go and others days I sleep, sit, sleep. I log all activity in the summer including walking the dog. It's 50-100 cals extra a day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    lol, samntha....nope, I don't eat a ton of protein (right now) - although I try and make my protein my highest macro. But, I don't eat a lot of calories (right now), either....so, there's that.

    Believe me, if you're only eating 1,100 calories per day, it's pretty hard to get >100g of protein in - well, at least for me.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I hear that I have NO IDEA how you do it. I'd be in a comma.:flowerforyou:

    I just had a crap-a** workout. Couple factors: totally stressed about work and talking to a colleague for an hour didn't help, didn't eat dinner BEFORE going to the gym=low energy, or I'm too close to my cycle and energy reserves are low. take your pick.

    On the bright side I hit 150g protein today Boom Baby!! New post workout whey isolate. 30g per scoop plus my milk. So at least I shouldn't feel my bad workout tomorrow.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh, gosh, Beeps, I know you've found that works for you, but there's no way I'd make any progress if I had to eat that way. Gives me even more respect for all the progress you've made!

    Great job, Sam!

    I haven't had time to read through all the posts, but hopefully everyone had a great weekend. Macros weren't great over the weekend, but not horrible. Today I got my lifting in, hit 180 grams of protein and had 200 grams carbs, so I am happy and very full right now:)