Daily Chat Thread



  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Too early for TOM. I think. I'm feeling paranoid and insecure :sick: hmmm

    My protein powder can in today so maybe I'll hit my protein goals! Does anyone make those goals without powder? I find it impossible.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    It's taken me a long time to realize that I can't successfully eat carbs with impunity. I over-eat them. Rice and beans, sweet potatos, those I can eat and not go overboard, but put pasta in front of me and I eat 5x more than I should be eating. And it always knocks my sugar/insulin out of wack. I have borderline low blood sugar (hence the issue with insulin load). If I eat something too carb-y in the morning I get light-headed and shaky. Whole oats don't bother me as much as sugar, but most of the time I eat them with at least 1 egg for balance.

    Runz, I bet it's just water retention. Push more water and see if it helps.

    Cowgirl, I'm going away this weekend with my high school gfs. Most are quite svelte and seem to eat whatever they want all the time. It'll be a real struggle for me not to go overboard. I will look for a farm stand and pick up some veggies for munching. I plan to have some snacks but I'm going to resist the stuff I can't control.

    Beeps, I agree - you can get grilled chicken at most fast food places - certainly at McDs and BK and I'm pretty sure Arby's has a healthy alternative too.

    Ok, I have to go pack and then hit the bed. Catch you all tomorrow!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    You might be right, Sue. I run outside in this godforsaken heat (Houston) and probably underestimate my water needs... Let's hope.

    I love McD's grilled chicken :blushing:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Ohhhh, the heat will do it for me too. My whole entire body gets swollen by the end of the day in this heat (just north of you in Oklahoma).
    Sue, enjoy your weekend! Sounds so fun!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    hi all!

    I love a big ole hot roll SLATHERED in butter. But I don't make rolls and I keep stick butter in the fridge because it doesn't spread :laugh: I try to keep fats in the 20-30 category which is easy to do I guess when I don't eat much protein. I guess I need to find a protein powder that I can drink but I don't like drinking my calories. I want TO EAT!

    I am so sick of logging and watching what I eat. Wish I could have the gastric bypass and be done. I don't fit the criteria though. 25 pounds of fat is not part of it.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Sorry you're feeling frustrated, manic4titans :flowerforyou: I haven't been here as long as you have but logging is like part of my daily hygiene :laugh:

    Need to get my workout in before a playdate this morning.

    Have a great day, Everyone!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member

    Breeze, I'm amazed at the difference in my body between now and last time I weighed this much. I wear the same size I wore when I was 10lbs lighter. You're doing something right if your shape is changing even if the scale isn't!

    My friends have already seen it, but my profile pic is my 1 year comparison.
    Last year I was the same weight in July that I am now. I had taken some photos as I was trying to slim down. At that point I was not lifting as my kids were home from school so I started doing Insanity at home. So these are my before insanity photos but after losing weight with mostly cardio and a tad of strength plus a trainer...what I am noticing is this...I have more shape now and less flab hanging over stuff even though I weigh the same, my body is "smoother" and at 46(then) I expected to have a certain amount of gravitational droop...I have been lifting now for..six weeks? Dropped the cardio except for 20 minutes HIIT after lifting and my walking/bike riding for amusement and the dog etc. It's a completely different looking body...but it weighs the same....I took photos today...in 4 weeks(after staqe 7) I will post comparisons here from the same angles in the same suit..I have a feeling it'll be interesting...here is the thing...while I'm nowhere near bikini model at all...I actually love the shape of my body..broader shoulders, narrower waist, rounder lifted butt...defined arms and legs...and my tummy pooch...from 4 kids is shrinking as well..it's like muscles fills out the skin..nicely..
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I quoted you to say that your photos show an amazing improvement! Not to go on and on about my own self...geesh
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I personally think you should change your username to nolongerchubbycowgirl:wink:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    That dinner sounds AWESOME, samntha - 3 eggs and turkey bacon HAS to up your protein quotient somewhat?!?!?!? Awesome!!

    I haven't had my supper, but it will have to be pure protein, I guess. And, it has to be a "to go" meal. Maybe just chicken mcnuggets? I can fit 6 of them into my alotted calories. Maybe 7. 10 and I'd be over calories for the day, lol.

    Off to son's baseball game....although it's raining just now. Sky looks clear beyond and game is supposed to start in 1 hour, so we shall see!

    Get the premium wrap! Almost as many carbs as the nuggets and it's more protein and just plain healthier. Ok I'm biased. I'm addicted, but they're under 400 cals. just for future reference ha ha.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I personally think you should change your username to nolongerchubbycowgirl:wink:
    100% agree!!

    Breeze your assessment is so true for so many of us. It is about body recomposition more than weight loss. The scale barely phases me any more. I know I'm all loud and proud with my bikini and all, but a year ago that bikini would have been hiding under a surfer shirt, and some shorts. We were watching a movie last night and there was this woman that looked a lot like me before the body recomp. Brown hair, little boobies, and this huge butt and thighs. Now big can be beautiful. Just look at Jennifer Lopez or Serena Williams. They have back ends to be proud of for sure, but this was a a big FAT celulite rippled behind. I freaked! I said, "OMG! is that what my *kitten* used to look like." My huband being the smart man he is said, "Baby you have a great butt." Yeah, NOW! lol.

    Sue, Like you I had to learn to avoid too many early morning carbs. That blood sugar will get you. teh Doctor said I'm self-medicating with protein :) You do such a phenomenal job with your diet.

    Doing a pretty good job today avoid all of the goodies at work. Only one donut so far. Pray for me.
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    I will post comparisons here from the same angles in the same suit..I have a feeling it'll be interesting...here is the thing...while I'm nowhere near bikini model at all...I actually love the shape of my body..broader shoulders, narrower waist, rounder lifted butt...defined arms and legs...and my tummy pooch...from 4 kids is shrinking as well..it's like muscles fills out the skin..nicely..
    Looking forward to this! breeze, your tummy pooch shrinkage is giving me hope. The sag is so depressing, and I only have 2!

    It's been a bad week for lifting - too many lunch meetings, too much going on in the evenings. I *really* should have gone and lifted one morning when DH was home. Oh well. Going to try to make it up with half at lunch and half tomorrow (though I'll probably just do a full tomorrow.)
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I did lots of lifting in the past...but never really paid attention to results...I also at that time didn't have excess body fat like I have now...and yes..my body is totally changing and I am dropping fat that's for sure but it's like..the fat is going but the skin is being filled in at the same time by muscle..also..my skin looks better which I think is due to my diet for this(lots of protein and I added fish back in after years of not eating it as it would make me sick. I live near the ocean and get fresh seafood which doesn't make me ill.)

    But overall...I feel straighter and taller and rounder in the right places...let's see what the next 4 weeks brings.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I didn't go to mcd's after all - but if I had, would have ordered the mcnuggets. (I feel more satiated with some fat along with my protein - so "grilled chicken" doesn't cut it, for me.) Baseball was canceled, so I just went home where nanny had prepared a solid meal (chicken breast, roasted veggies).

    Today, I lift! It's also "hop on the scale" time - I've had a low-calorie week, so I'm actually expecting a decent number.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I worked out like a fiend..felt sick after...holy moly...stage 7 is HARD but such a feeling of satisfaction now that it's done....I do actually enjoy it in a weird masochistic way...

    I was so wiped that I only did a fast 20 minute walk on the treadmill at a 3.0 incline...my heart beat was way high and I just felt it was for the best.

    Tonight I'm going to a show...gonna be omelette and toast for supper...but I love breakfast for dinner :)

    Have a great weekend :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Happy Friday all! I think I may have overdid it a little on Wednesdays workout. My legs are still wrecked today, and I'm not sure my scheduled workout tonight will be all that fruitful. With that being said, do you guys usually push through and get it done, or give it an extra day to recover?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    breezedaze - I really like 'breakfast for dinner', too - I've been having many cheese, ham omelettes!

    ramalem - I do try to push-through "soreness" and get another work-out in. Pain - NO. But, "soreness" - YES!

    There is just SO much LOWER-BODY work in these circuits....makes sense, since "circuits" is supposed to mean "heart-rate up". But, I have to keep taking all these extra "rests" to get my heart-rate back DOWN, lol.

    I dumped the bulgarian split squats from the work-out, today (with all the other lower body work, I just didn't think I needed 'em, particularly since my quads would just take over, anyway!), and I also dumped side planks - my left shoulder still doesn't like 'em.

    I'm pooped. Going to try for zero calories this afternoon, getting ready for a gf's birthday supper out and I want to make sure I can have some drinks!
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Happy Friday all! I think I may have overdid it a little on Wednesdays workout. My legs are still wrecked today, and I'm not sure my scheduled workout tonight will be all that fruitful. With that being said, do you guys usually push through and get it done, or give it an extra day to recover?
    This is how I was last Friday for S1 WO3, I was sooo sore from Wed I wasn't sure I should do WO3, but I decided to do a good warm-up and push through and midway through set 1 of squats, I was feeling awesome, and had increases on almost every lift! As one of the gals told me last Friday, push through and you will probably feel better, plus you'll have the whole weekend to recover! I just finished S1 WO6 (my second week) and I am feeling great, can't wait for Monday to start week 3!

    and yes, like beeps said: Pain = NO! Soresness = YES! :happy:

    Go get 'em girl! :wink:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Thanks guys! I'll give it a go :)

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Ram, I'd say it depends. are you really painfully sore? Do you think you could do damage if you workout, is it that kind of sore? If it's just DOMs, then I push through, it actually helps ease the stiffness and soreness.

    Beeps, hope you have a fun evening. I went out to lunch with a friend, former attorney here - sushi/sashimi. That's nearly my favorite of all lunches.

    So I tried on my older bath suits last night, since I know we'll be swimming tomorrow and Beeps totally right about recomposition. No, it's not where I want it to be but wow is it better! I fit all the size 12s and I'm not embarrassed or uncomfortable to put on the 1 piece suits. No skirts this year. Yes my legs are still large and I still have cellulite, but there's some serious muscle tone underneath all the fat and they are definetly less jiggly! I'm such the happy camper!!

    Brreeze, I know what you're saying!! My body is really changing, and finally I am seeing it myself.

    Mary, I'm like Breeze, I don't look at logging as diet punishment, it's just a way of life. I like it because I see where i need to improve and what are my triggers etc.

    Pearl, we all have weeks like that. Better not to sweat about it and just get back to it when you can!

    I'm leaving a few minutes early today and I won't be back here on the boards until Monday, since I won't have a l;aptop. Hope you all have a great weekend!