Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    holy crap I want glutes/posterior chain like this!!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I really would like to get my body media going again. I relied on it too much though. I love the sleep and physical graph. I like knowing how hard I'm exerting myself.

    Sam, you broke even, right? right! so no harm done.

    Ladies, give me ideas for protein. I can't eat much meat especially red meat. (the lack of saliva makes it hard to break down) I think I'll try the whey protein shakes again with water. Maybe that will help with my tummy issues.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Mary, maybe do some casein protein before bed too. It's slower absorbing. Can you drink soy milk? It has big protein numbers. I buy the regular plain - the fat free and flavored has too many added sugars for my liking, and the fat from soy is quite healthy. How about hard boiled eggs?

    ETA: DOMS are bad, especially glutes and quads. That #1 workout in Stage 7 kicks butt!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sue, I can eat regular dairy but adding milk with the whey protein makes me nauseated and bloated. I guess too much at one time is TOO much. What's caesin protein?

    I've got Doms too! My glutes are aching.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Soy milk isn't dairy, so you might can get away with it. I am guessing though that casein is probably not for you since it's nade from cow's milk. Casein mixes up very thickly and stays in your belly longer, so it's absorbed more slowly. If it's your tummy that is bothered by dairy then I think probably the casein would only irritate it more, but I guess finding a sample wouldn't hurt to try 1x

    Maybe a vegetable/plant protein would be better.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    What are you doing, mary, that your glutes are hurting - I want to do this!

    I got my lifting in-and-done.

    My boss has moved his office to the office right beside mine.


    (He used to be across the hall and down a little ways.)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    boo on the boss moving, yea on getting the lifting done!

    I lift tomorrow - I'm so sore right now, hope I'm better tomorrow before I lift!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    sue - I haven't been REALLY sore in a L-O-N-G time. Not saying that's a bad thing - I ease back into things when I've been away a bit. And, when I'm really watching my calories, I'm also not trying to hit any PR's.

    I did try a weighted glute-bridge this morning and cannot figure how to keep piling on the weight?? I have to go look at Bret C's "strong curves" book, again. I had 2 x 35 lb plates on me and could barely wrap my fingers around them (to keep them from sliding onto my face when in the "up" position).
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    What are you doing, mary, that your glutes are hurting - I want to do this!

    I am squeezing the fire out of my booty when I lunge, squat , deadlift, or step up. No new exercise. Just trying to work those muscles. my butt is the saggy flat grandma butt. I want it to lift :blushing:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I'm really glad to read this, mary....even when I SQUEEZE, in some of those moves, my glutes just don't fire....well, mostly my quads just STILL take over.

    That's why I had to move to some exercises that SOLELY single out the glutes.

    If you're feeling it, THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS! You go FIRM-BUTT-SOON-TO-BE!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I've read through this, but I've been too busy to comment on anything lately.
    On consistency: It is the difference between losing 4lbs a month or maintaining for me. If I track EVERY bite even on weekends, I stay on track. Otherwise, I end up eating more than I realize and I don't lose.

    Beeps, I bought Bret C's book for this purpose. I'm just now starting to realize I need to keep those glutes tight on all the lower body stuff. I carry a lot of fat there, but my booty isn't very shapely. I've started adding some glute bridges into my Supercharged workouts. Step-ups just don't have the same effect for me.

    I'm all for a macro/protein challenge. I'm normally pretty good about getting at least 130 grams of protein a day, but I feel like I get better results if I keep my carbs under 200 (less than 40%) and I'm struggling with that.

    Sue, Stage 7 is just brutal. I felt like I was just doing cardio the entire time. Not my cup of tea.

    I met my goal of losing 25lbs in a year- one week early. I'm very excited to have come this far, but I've still got so much work to do. I'm trying to evaluate if my goal of trying to reach 22% body fat by the end of November is at all possible. I currently sit right at 30%(down from 40% a year ago) according to calculators and calipers. According to the calculators, I need to lose 3.5 inches from my waist and 3" from my hips to meet that goal. I've been losing 1/2" per month the past 3 months, but I don't know if that may slow as I get leaner. Anyway, I've been obsessing about it and stressed that I'm setting the bar too high(especially after eating 4 cookies and an ice cream bar today, LOL). I think I just needed to type it all out for some sympathetic ears(eyes?).

    Sam are you around this weekend?
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I was over on everything but protein today :embarassed: Today was my last day of school. I have a cough. Wah wah. Tomorrow is a new day.

    My butt needs help, too.

    I did get my workout done today. Getting the lifting done but my running has been neglected. I used lighter weights on some of the reps today so I could focus on form and try to figure out the pinch in my neck/shoulder. It's all good!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member


    OH I HOPE SO! :bigsmile:

    I did manage to get in 54 g protein but over carbs . The cheerios sent me flying over that category and I'm under a few in calories!

    I envision us all having the Brazilian butt . Should that be our next workout. :tongue:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Looks like I'm doing pretty good with protein with my 120 average. Though I really need to hit 140 and my MINIMUM is 100. Otherwise my blood sugar goes crazy and I over eat to compensate.

    I skipped the gym to hang with my cousin who had all of her wisdom teeth yanked out at 36. Family first. I'll go today since I'm doing MWF this week. My vacation starts in two weeks and I already have 4 workshops scheduled. AM I nuts? The little one will be various reading programs all summer and the rest of the time we'll be off and running. I'm not much of a home body. "SAHM" does not describe me in the least the least even in the summer when I am home lol.

    Sounds like everyone is lifting like crazy and working those bodies. Way to go ladies!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sure ask where I am then disappear lol

    Bare with me here. you are about to enter the world of the "strange things Sam thinks about" world. I was at a work event the other night and two of my co-wokers were standing next me. In a line were Toni standing a 5'0'', me at 5'6'' and Cooper at 6'8''. Toni has a hard time maintaining her weight for good reason. I said, that's because Cooper needs 3-4k a day just to stay standing, let alone do all the physical activities he enjoys, like basketball of course he he. Where as Toni has a BMR of 1200. So NOT Fair!! Did I mention we were in line for free homemade, Italian bakery donuts lol One donut would have been Toni's caloric intake for the day but just a snack for Cooper. So we split it :)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, it's really NOT fair. But I know that each person has the ability to improve their body to it's fullest potential- they just may not be able to eat as much as they want while they do it. Sometimes I get mad because my 6'3" 180lb husband can inhale junk all day long and still look great. I have a constant battle going on in my mind to not overeat. And I don't always win. Today was definitely one of those days as TOM is around the corner and the cravings have kicked in big time. I'm always starving about a week before.

    Have you started the process to get certified to be an instructor? I thought of you today when I was at the gym and the Saturday morning Zumba class let out. I always wonder if the women doing it really think they'll look like the instructor from only doing Zumba? Like you, she does a lot of weights when she's not doing Zumba and she's got a really nice "look". No way that Zumba has much to do with it I don't think (other than the obvious fact that she's burning a ton of cals and helping keep the fat off).
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I made an awesome chocolate banana bread. I didn't enter it in the recipe calculator. It has to be somewhat healthy, right? Bananas? LOL I've had 4 pieces so far. It has helped with my cravings today plus I just had a cup of beans . Here's to hoping the TOM cravings stay away tonight.


    If anyone is interested. I only used half bag of choco chips. Next time I'll only use 3/4 c sugar. I don't think we'll miss the 1/4 cup .
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh, I could totally tweak those to be healthy. Yum!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Oh, I could totally tweak those to be healthy. Yum!

    Please tell me how! use granulated splenda?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Yea I had a great day, my eating was on track I hit all my macros and my cals! I really needed this challenge to get back in gear!

    Tomorrow the club & I are headed down to a charity event. I will eat only burgers and stay away from all the other "stuff" except maybe green salad if it's available!

    Mary I so love banana bread!

    And Sam I wouldn't have been able to share one of those donuts!

    Cowgirl you're so right about Stage 7! It KILLS!