Daily Chat Thread



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi everyone! At the encouragement of Beeps I came over to join this group. I am starting NROL4W today after doing a month or two (very off and on) of Jamie Eason's bodybuilder.com workouts. I'm really excited to start and learn and get stronger.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    welcome, ramalem....you'll LOVE it here!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome ramalem and lizaliz!! I hope you love the program as much as we have. Many here have finished NROL4W already and have moved to other NROL programs or just other things in general. We love to stay in touch and encourage each other.

    wbfd22, yes proceed, you only have to worry about repeating a stage or section if you've been off for more than a month or so. Rest weeks are necessary, but they don't necessarily have to be scheduled. I almost predictably take off the week of my cycle. Wherever that week lands in my program, so be it.

    Mary, great job getting to the gym. I know that even when I don't feel like going, I'm always glad I did. Great job with the step-ups

    Beeps, welcome back. Sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation, but very glad to see you back at the gym already. you're a better woman than I. Sounds like you have a good plan for finishing your program.

    Cowgirl, my most recent nsv was someone saying I looked fit and solid. However, today I had an anti-nsv, I couldn't get my size six pants past my thighs and over my butt. I've been wearing them alot over the last six weeks, even during my cycle, so I can't blame water retention. I noticed they were a little snug last week. Even my doctor said I may need to be vigilant about tracking my food FOREVER AND EVER.Great! I'm trying to be good today, as I watch my stomach I haven't seen in a while roll over the top of my jeans. I always said I wasn't going to be "that chick". Get it off, keep it off, how hard can that be. Harder than I thought.

    I had crappy instant oatmeal today because I woke up late. NEVER AGAIN!!. It left me hungry and screwed me up the rest of the day. Right now I'm having a monster grilled chicken salad. Today was lame zumba day for exercise. Good thing because I don't think I could have lifted today, but I least I got in some kind of workout.

    Any other ideas for re-loosing five pounds?
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    Uggh, I can't get a break. My last workout was Friday. I couldn't get a workout in on Sunday because my daughter hurt her elbow Saturday night and I wound up spending most of Sunday morning at Urgent Care. Monday I took off from work to take her to the orthopedic and found out she has a chip fracture on her elbow. I planned out lifting Monday night but Saturday night I started with congestion and now here I sit wide awake in the middle of the night because I can't breathe.
    Samntha- sorry to hear about the anti NSV. But its great you are realizing the problem and are willing to do something about it. You sound determined and I think its great!
    Beeps- sounds like you had a great time in Vegas. Hope you get some rest sometime soon though!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps, I love Stage 7 too! Back to basics, but squats and lunges AND RDLS in the same workout? Holy aching glutes batman! Even with only 1/2 workout I have some serious DOMS!!!! But I know I'm going to do this 2x, these are my favorite lifts!

    RS, sorry to hear about your daughter and your own yuck. The office manager's daughter did the same thing and at the same time, several years ago with no residual effects though she didn't much like being in that cast for all that time over the summer! Hope you are feeling better soon!

    Ramalen, welcome! This program has been great for me! I was a 60 yo 180 pound weakling, and now I'm strong. I still have quite a ways to go to lose the BF that I have but this program has seriously made me strong. It's so adaptable, you can make it work no matter what.

    Sam, my trainer swears by carb cycling. He lost an incredible amount of weight without really cutting cals - his plan goes like this

    Mon - less than 30; Tues. 50-75; Wed 75-150; Thurs less than 30; Fri 50-75; Sat less than 30; Sun 75-150. When I am strict about diet and macros, I lose weight on this too but I've been less than stellar lately.

    Mary, I'm with ya on the stepups, they are hard!!

    wbf, the book even suggests taking a week off between the starges, so you're fine, just start up where you left off!

    ETA Off to spin class
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    oooh, all this talk about awesome stage 7 is making me question the "optional" stage 6 that I should start next week. I did hot yoga last night. Boy, my body media fit was NOT impressed by that workout! I assumed I had burned some good cals so I did not feel bad about a small piece of pizza with my smoothie...but I definitely should have skipped it.

    Sue - how is the pinky today?

    RS - sorry to hear about your daughter's elbow and your cold!

    sam - the key for re-losing weight is to do what worked for you in the first place: fewer cals/weightlifting/some extra cardio. agree that lame zumba is better than nothing!

    ramalem - welcome!!

    wbfd - you are one active lady!! agree with everyone who said, "just resume". you probably will not even have to adjust your weights because strength training loves rest periods.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    RS I hope your daughter heals quick, Life happens.

    Sue, Carbs are my enemy. I eat a limited amount of animal protein beyond dairy. I only get maybe one meat serving a day and it's usually lunch. All of my meat alternatives while also being high protein are also low fat and have carbs mixed in. I'm doing better getting rid of most starches. At least I don't have any starch with dinner any more (totally counter to how I was raised) My hubby still needs high starches but he's the only one in the house at this point who eats them.

    LCU I loved stage 6, I felt so bad-*kitten* afterwards. It really focusses on strength gains. I didn't get as much benefit from 7.

    Hoping to lift tonight. I got a great night's sleep for a change so I shouldn't be too tired later. I'll be under cals for the day after planning food. very small defitict. I just want to focus more on WHAT I'm eating and start getting my five servings fruits and veggies again.
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Hey all, can I join in? I started NROLFW a while back, just started the second half of Phase 1.

    sam - I hear you on the carb-cutting and veggies. I'm ok with fruit, but I'm hoping Salad in a Jar will save my life, veggie-wise. But I know I'm having a bad eating day when I'm carbing it up. (Example: yesterday.)

    RS - I'm with you on the having trouble fitting it in this week. I hope your daughter feels better and you can get back to the gym!

    Beeps - long walk for a short drink...not enough!

    So now that the workouts are getting longer, I'm hitting the point where I can't fit one in over lunch anymore. :( What do you do if you can't do a whole workout? Do part? fewer sets of each, or full sets of fewer exercises?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    sue - I don't get very much glute action from lunges or squats....but deadlifts ROCK!

    lcuconley - don't skip Stage 6 - the upper body work is C-R-A-Z-Y good, plus, it's summer time and you'll look GREAT in the summer-tops, etc. after this stage.

    samntha - how come you eat a "limited amount of animal protein beyond dairy"?? I think, if you really want to dump weight, HIGH protein, LOW (bad) carb is gonna be a better recipe then what you've been doing....

    pearlmullet - I work-out over lunch, too! (And, my work-outs have been getting crazy-long this last 8-9 weeks....).....you can always cut a work-out in half and do them everyday at lunch to fit them in. Shhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell people this! (they'll FREAK that you aren't taking "one day of rest" in between). If you NEED that day of rest, maybe only do 4 lunch hours - 2 on, 1 day rest, 2 on, etc. But, if you feel like you can push your body a bit, that's how I would get my work-outs in.
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Awesome Beeps! Thank you soooo much. That changes everything. Two little ones and a husband whose work starts early and runs late makes it *very* hard to work it in any other way.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Did my first workout last night and holy moly my arms are SOOOORE. I had to do it at home due to time constraints, and no surprise the legs were all too easy for me due to my lack of weights at home (highest I have is 15 lbs). Did make me feel good that I know I can lift more though. I have a feeling those pikes on the ball will be the death of me, as I fell off about 4 times during each set haha.

    Sue, very interested in the carb cycling and I think as I start to lift more, I will look into doing it. I don't have a huge carb craving (except fruit) so hoping that will work for me.

    Quick question. When you gals started the program, did you up your calories/day? Right now I'm at 1,300/day and am eating back exercise calories. I haven't experienced a huge amount of hunger, but based on my last weight training program, I will start to be famished by next week. Just curious how you guys dealt with that, or if you even did!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    LCU, I like Stage 6 too. Don't skip it. It's fast and you'll get a log out of it. But yea, Stage 7 rocks! You know what? I enjoyed all of the Stages except maybe 2 and that was because I was still so weak and unstable, I spent the entire stage building core strength, ankle strength and stability. Not a bad thing at all.

    and the pinky is doing just fine, tho' I'm keeping it covered at least for now. Thankfully it's not my dominant hand.

    Beeps, I do get more quad work on my lunges, but pushing up on that front leading foot also hits my glutes, and that plus squats, plus RDLs oy!

    Spinning was HARD today! Lots of sprinting, interspresed with "climbing" at level 10. I'm addicted, I swear!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello all!!

    After getting back from vaca, and letting that HORRID sunburn heal i finally made it to the gym last night!! This was after a run with the puppy - so I was BEAT! I barely had it in me to do squats, assisted pull ups (poss my new fav thing as it makes me feel like a total bada$$), bench, and shoulder presses - then i died.

    This is a heavy running week for me as I have a race on saturday i am not REMOTELY prepared for - but I am planning on lifting on Wednesday also!

    Sam - I am with the rest of em: up the animal protein!! I buy chicken breasts in bulk and then do tons of diff things with them (slice em and make fajitas, marinate and grill, chop and make a salad or stir fry).

    as of yesterday my eating is back on track and I'm running all this week! woohoo!

    Welcome ramalem! I DEF upped my cals when doing NROL or I would have starved!! I aim for 1800/day.
  • wbfd22
    wbfd22 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for the feedback yesterday ladies!! I got back into it today after a week and a half off, and I was able to increase ALL of my weights!! So pumped right now!!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    wbfd - way to kick it!!

    emgel - looks like you have a great week planned. remember to leave some gas in your tank for the actual race!

    beeps and sue - OK, OK, stage 6 next!!

    ramalem - yeah for sore arms!! Look around your house for heavy things to lift: kids, kitty litter, furniture, etc, so that you can tax your legs. I started NROLFW and my "diet" at the same time, so I actually eat less, but I eat back my exercise cals (I count lifting as about 300 cals). My sendentary base is 1450 cals.

    pearl - I don't think you want to randomly break up the NROLFW exercises. I would organize them into upper body and lower body, or something like that, if you want to lift every day. 48 hours for rest and repair...so you can get stronger! when I run short on time, I try to do the ab work later in the day.

    sam - agree on the protein. I eat canned tuna or salmon at least 2x/week.
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    pearl - I don't think you want to randomly break up the NROLFW exercises. I would organize them into upper body and lower body, or something like that, if you want to lift every day. 48 hours for rest and repair...so you can get stronger! when I run short on time, I try to do the ab work later in the day.

    This is a really good point. And duh! I could so easily get the abs in later. Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without interwebs advisors. :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    It's time
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    the thread!