Daily Chat Thread



  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member

    I figured out why and how I herniated the discs! Deadlifting 120 pounds and using your back! Previously, I told yall I am really focusing on form and working the correct muscles. I googled, read, etc about a correct form and my 18 year old boy helped me today. I could barely lift 55 pounds for 12 reps!! When using the correct muscles it killed me.

    I worry about this. I regularly watch youtube videos so I can keep thinking about form and working the right stuff. I would love links to your favorite deadlifts how-tos!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    As Beeps has always said form beats weight everytime. My trainer keeps me honest about it! Mary I'm glad you're focused on form - no more back injuries allowed!!

    New PR Squats = 90# I've only ever done 85 (Stage 1) Felt good to get to feel that burn! Didn't do a Stage 7, but prepped for it.

    Sam I will have to come take one of your classes, as long as you promise not to laugh at my spazzy Zumba. I'm not a fan but I'd have fun in your class I'm sure!

    Beeps hope you have a fun weekend!!!

    I'm off for a day trip with my club. Kill it ladies!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Funny how we are having this conversation about DLs. I did mine last night. I ate like crap so I lifted like crap. I only 3x10@95. I can do better but my first set I felt in my back and neck so I know I was doing something wrong. I set up on the floor instead of using the rack. I got my feet under that bar and pushed through my heels like a good girls. Needless to say, my hips and buns are a we big sore and I haven't even hot the 24hr mark yet. I will be hurting later for sure.

    So I did the math and to be up 4 actual pounds over four months, means being over less than 1000 cals a week, less than 200 a day. My clothes are tighter, and my BF actually went up 1%. Yup it's fat. I thought I learned this lesson already, but even my doctor said that given my health history and dietary needs to really need to keep tracking and stay vigilant. CAdio is fun but it won't give me the results I want. When I become an instructor, I will have to limit the number of classes I do per week, eat back every single calorie burned, and focus on getting in my three sessions with the weights per week.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Mary, at least you're discovering how to do things right. With lunges, I always push down through my heel and squeeze my glute. It will work your quads, but it will get those glutes too. I'm finding that my form wasn't great on some of the exercises when I did NROL4W too. Keep watching videos and reading. I don't think Lou dida great job of describing the moves to beginners like me.
    Sam, so glad you're doing Zumba cert!! I hear the trainers at my gym talking about creating their routines. It sounds fun and tough at the same time.
    Sue, congrats on the PR!
    Beeps, good thoughts about the extra glute work.

    Hoping to lift today. My sons bday party was last night and I ate too much junk...blah.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    good morning ladies...hope everyone is enjoying their saturday. Unplanned rest day for me. I pulled my hamstring last night playing soccer. Not very badly, so I hope that a day off will have me set for lifting tomorrow. It is so frustrating to get injured, as I am in pretty good shape.
    mary - I agree with the advice on the lunges. My only additional advice is to really work the front leg and push off with you front foot, rather than pulling back with your straight leg.

    cowgirl - kids are such a bad influence and the parties are the worst! I have one coming up in a couple of weeks. The good news is that my daughter has chosen "make your own sundaes", which I am confident I can forgo...I hate all that junk on my ice cream!

    sam - good job listening to your body and focusing on form to challenge yourself! We are going to roadtrip to NJ to do your class once you are certified!!

    sue - every time you mention your trainer, I say "oh, I want to do that!" I am pretty sure I am going to move onto Nia Shanks after NROLFW, but maybe I will do an interlude with a personal trainer...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Feel better LCU make sure you heal properly before you over tax it. enjoy the rest of your day.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    lc, I hope you feel better tomorrow!

    Got my lifting in today. I also got some nice cardio in chasing the kids' pony this afternoon and then wrestling with him to trim his feet. That little bugger is such a pain. He's now in "isolation" for his rotten attitude.
    I've been reading some of Brett Cs(http://bretcontreras.com/) stuff and I'm going to check out the Strong Curves program to possibly do after Supercharged. It sounds very interesting. I know Beeps has mentioned it before, but I finally got around to looking up his website and reading the sample book on Amazon. I think I struggle with the glute activation more than I realized.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Taking an impromptu trip to six flags to validate my free parking and hop some rides. Hoping to be back in time to hit the gym.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    hey everyone! A trip to the gym did not fit in the schedule today (at least it has not yet!) as we had kids over for a sleepover and hubby is out of town. I made AWESOME whole wheat scones for breakfast. With butter and heavy cream in them, I thought they would be a million calories, but I put the recipe into the calculator and they were not that bad.

    I did take the kids on a nice 80 minute hike. Pretty muddy, but very nice to get out! I hope we can do more of that this summer as there are lots of trails around.

    sam - hope your trip to six flags was fun!

    cowgirl - man, working with that pony sounds HARD, as do most of the things you describe around the farm. I was checking out BC's stuff this week, too, when searching for nia shanks. I agree it looks interesting, but is "mr glutes" too focused on one area?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    lc, I wondered the same thing. So I'm going to buy the book and give y'all my review. I think it interesting stuff.

    Sam, hope you enjoyed yourself!!!

    NSVs for this week: First: earlier this week while I was doing 135lb Sumo DLs, a little girl and her mother passed by on their way to the play room. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the little girl stop and stare at me. Then she said, "Wow, mom! She's really strong!" Totally made my day!
    Second, earlier this evening I out-planked my fit, skinny husband! To be fair he had never done a plank before, but he can do push-ups, sit-ups, and run until the cows come home. I think even be was surprised.

    So QOTD: What NSVs have you claimed lately?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member

    Vegas was fun, but WAY too short! I just spent the entire time OVER-tired! We didn't arrive until, I don't know, maybe 9:30 pm on thursday night....and were at the airport by 8:00 am yesterday morning. So, really only had Friday and Saturday. Got ZERO pool time because the place was packed.

    Came home to valet park where they crunched my car into a POLE.


    So, after a 10-hour travel day, yesterday, STILL couldn't go home before filling out a police report....

    Was missing my husband TERRIBLY (because he'd been in Mexico the week before I went to Vegas!) and it just was a gong show.

    Anyway, today I'm going to get back into the swing of things - will do a lifting session, but not expect too much to come of it.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Do I have to go to the gym?
  • lizaiza79
    lizaiza79 Posts: 45 Member
    I am excited to say I am officially doing NROLFW! I have been on the Facebook group for awhile, and have the book for almost a year. I did Crossfit 3-4 times a week until about 2 months ago, and now am just doing it 2 days a week (will be my off days).

    I am pretty strong already. Yesterday as day 1, I started with back squats at 95# and was ok for the 15 reps. My PR for 1 rep deadlift is #265. Not sure what I will start at for tomorrow for 15 reps! Any suggestions?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Liza - have fun with NROL4W! My suggestion is to start at 95 where you did your squats. There are lots of opportunities to add weight, so do it when you can.

    Manic - Yes, dear, please go to the gym.

    beeps - sounds like the old "long walk for a short drink". Sorry about your car!! Have fun lifting today.

    cowgirl - LOVE your NSVs! What I love about NROL4W is that NSVs abound. Each lifting session is better than the last, inches are being lost and...when you post a picture of your bicep on MFP, people cheer you on!!
    This am I did 5B3...only 2 stage 5 workouts to go! My pulled hamstring did not bother me at all on my hike yesterday, so I though it was behind me, but as soon as I got on the treadmill to do my 1 mile warm up it said "ouch". So, I only did two sets of the partial squats instead of 3 and did not do the back extensions...sigh!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I started Stage 7 today. Love it, right up until I squished my pinky between a 60# DB and the rack. Ouch! No broken anything but man did that thing bleed. I was 1/2 done with the 2nd set so I decided better to stop and let it heal (and not bleed all over the weights). I'll repeat on Wednesday!

    Mary, yes you have to go to the gym! You know once you get there you'll be psyched. Hardest part is making that first effort!

    Beeps, so sorry about the car but glad you enjoyed Vegas! Those compressed weekends really wear me out but they're so much fun. I have one coming up the 14-17 with HS friends up in New Hampshire! We have way too many things planned in the short amount time we have, but we all also said we'll do what we want.

    LC sorry your hammie is complaining. Foam roller? That always helps me out.

    Cowgirl, I'm with you and LC! Love lifting, just the fact that I can pick up heavy stuff is a HUGE NSV for me. I was seriously a weakinling when I first started! I never thought I would be able to deadlift 50# never mind 150! My fav NSV is being able to wear smaller clothes, and being able to see the muscle!

    Liz, welcome to the funny farm!

    Ok, back to work for me. Catch y'all later!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    manic - YES, you have to go to the gym....I managed it....

    lizaiza - to be perfectly frank, it p*sses me off, HUGE, that as a "beginner" to NROL4W, you're already 10 x stronger than I am. There's a WORD for chicks like you, ya know. [j/k] Alright, welcome aboard! If you can do 95 lb back squats, I'd say that you can do 15 reps of 135 lb deadlifts - that's where you should start.

    lcuconley - "long walk for a short drink" - NEVER heard that saying, but YES, that's EXACTLY WHAT VEGAS WAS. Booooooooooooo.

    sue - OUCH! I ran into Mia at the gym, today - she's in Stage 7 of NROL4W - she came over to ask me, given "all those reps" in Stage 7, if she was supposed to drop down her weights....I said "yes"....she said, "omg - I tried doing it with the heavy weights I did in Stage 4/5". I said, "OMG - HOW DID YOU EVEN GET THROUGH 1 SET??" Anyway, I LOVED STAGE 7. Did it twice. However, I ALWAYS had to take MUCH longer rests than recommended. Always.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Got my lifting in-and-done. Am FINALLY just going to have to switch out of Phase 2 of the Venus program....I only have 5 work-outs left, but the work-outs are just WAY TOO LONG. Mostly 90 minutes....they aren't DESIGNED that way, but I have to take all these extended rest-breaks because I'm just huffing-puffing dizzy!! anyway, I'm going to switch to the "circuits" that Venus has and make sure I stick to 60 minutes. Period. Might bump up to 4- or 5- times per week with circuits - might not. And, even though some of the circuits call for 10-12 reps, through summer, I'm just going to keep it at 8- reps.
  • wbfd22
    wbfd22 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Ladies. I pulled my groin playing baseball last Sunday (I didn't warm up enough), so I rested it until I knew it was good again. I've managed to play hockey, soccer and another ball game since Thursday, so I'd say I'm good to start lifting again. My question is, where do I go from here?? I was on workout B4 of Stage 1. Do I go back to where I left off and adjust the weights accordingly or do I start back at the beginning after a week and a half off??
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    wbf, OUCH! as for you question , I would start where you left off and adjust weights. You'll be fine, imho.

    Beeps, I did go and glad it's over with :bigsmile: I feel good lifting weights.

    As for those hated step ups, I did use bench height no weights. My leg is bent slightly more than 90 degrees. Until i finish this stage, I will continue to use this height and no weights or very low (5-10 lbs) so I can "practice" . I realized on 3 set I started bending more so I cut my reps down. NO more back injuries for me .
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    wbf - it's totally normal, even healthy, to have "weight-lifting breaks" throughout program/life....so, just pick-up where you left off and make sure you warm-up a bit before getting started and that you S-T-R-E-T-C-H at the end when your muscles are nice and warm.

    manic - great to get your work-out in. Step-ups remain a T-O-U-G-H workout for me....glad to read you've dumped the weight back, are focused on form. You're right, you'll prevent injuries this way.

    I usually sub- in hip thrusts or glute bridges where there are step-ups or squats for the time-being. Sometimes i'll sub in one-legged get-ups - now THOSE work my buttocks!