Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    LCU and Chubby, great gun shows!
    Emgel Welcome back get some aloe with eucalyptus on that burn works every time and can prevent peeling. (I'm a pasty white girl too)
    Beeps, enjoy your vacation way to rock out.
    Madame Tussauds was pretty darn cool. I really want to go back with my kids. Times square is one of my favorite places in the world and I almost never go there and my kids have never been. I'll have to go through my pics and pick my favorite.
    I did go to zumba with the girl at work. LAME! Frankly I was way too tired for my regular class anyway so I'll just consider it an extra 200 cals.
    rs- I agree with holding the DBs. It really does help with grip strength. I always found it weird that I can do weighted lunges no problem but doing 50 unweighted lunges in a cardio class destroys me lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I've never been to Madame T's, samntha, so am really excited to hear it's worth seeing! Next time I'm somewhere where it is, I'll go!

    I, too, can do weighted leg-work, but have trouble with the high repetitions in cardio class....I believe it's because my endurance conditioning SUCKS, samntha. Which is fine - I'm choosing strength over endurance (because I'm going for a particular "look" and not really interested in "performance").

    In cardio class, now, I struggle with BW squats, with BW lunges, etc., etc. It's C-R-A-Z-Y!

    So, I acknowledge to the chicks around me that "my endurance sucks" and they always come back with "don't you want to run around with your kids??" (they all have CRAPPY figures and, frankly, I'm 100% sure they are NOT running around with their kids!).

    Anyway, my response is always: "true, I can't run after my kids anymore, but I can pick up a 100 lb log and chuck it at them, so they still aren't getting too far...."

  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    I haven't been to a cardio class since I started lifting so now I am curious as to how I would fare with bw lunges and squats. I will take strength over endurance any day anyway.
    I also have never been to Madame T's. Sounds like a great place though
    I am going to break my own rule and do a cardio class on Friday. Its at the fitness studio I used to go to. They are having a Master Zumba Toning class. I used to love the toning class because of the toning sticks and feeling like I was getting something out of it. I know I have only been lifting heavy for about 3 weeks now but I am curious as to whether I will see a difference while doing this class.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    rsharper - lots of people claim that the strength-training DOES help with their cardio - so, give it a whirl! Why not?!?!?

    For me, I have only so many hours to devote to exercise (as in, not that many, lol) - so I use my time VERY WISELY! Lifting always comes first (now)....and I try and fit in one cardio class, per week, to keep my lungs pumping due to my severe asthma.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi Ladies - hope everyone is doing well! I did my run to track/sprint workout/run home today...ok, its definitely more like a jog home, but one heck of a HIIT workout!

    hubby is off to a conference, so I will be subject to fewer drinks being put in my hand for the next 4 days. He means well! I did so well on cutting weight while he was in Atlanta!

    Can't wait to lift Saturday...yesterday was so awesome!

    Beeps - kudos to you for figuring out what works for you and what you enjoy!!

    rsharper - have fun at the Zumba class! I have never done one, but they look like such fun! maybe you can do a combination of regular grip and shoulders...

    sam - two lame Zumba classes in a row...what's going on?
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    Icu- isn't it funny how we tend to drink more when our hubbies are around? It makes you wonder if you have to drink to enjoy them or you enjoy spending time with them and drinks are a by product....lol! I think they are just enablers..... :laugh: :laugh:
    Beeps- I will be lifting before I go to the cardio class so I will still get my workout in, one way or another :happy:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ok questions for you ladies. I fee like such a beginner but I was clueless the first time I did the program . I am determined to make the most of it the 2nd time around. The first time I was focused on how much I could lift and my form was so so. This time around I want those muscles to show. SO!

    1. When I perform every lift should all my muscles be tight and squeezed? or just the working muscle group?

    2. When I do step ups, if I try to use bench height I tend to bend slightly. Is that normal? I tend to wear out quicker with this height. I used half the height and squeezed my glutes yesterday. So I feel I got a good workout on them including the squats.

    3. Also, during the step up I made sure my entire body was tight during them the exercise. I squeezed my arms while holding the weights , tummy tight, and butt tight. That correct?

    thanks peeps :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    manic, I'm no expert, but here's what I think:

    1. Not "all" muscles should be tight and squeezed in every single "move". When doing a BIG lift, though (i.e. squats, lunges, deadlifts, etc.), I *do* make sure that my CORE is very, very tight. As well, for me, when doing moves that my quads take over on (i.e. my quads take over on MOST lower-body moves!), I also try and SQUEEZE my glutes. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. On push-ups, I make sure my CORE is SQUEEZED (it actually helps make this move a bit easier!).

    2. If the bench is the right height for your body height/shape, then there will be a SLIGHT bend forward just at the beginning because, of course, your body has to move from the down/central point, to the up/central point - and the up/central point is AHEAD (in space) of the down/central point. It's totally cool to go DOWN in height, so long as when you are ready, to go back UP to a higher height, that you DROP THE WEIGHT BACK DOWN, until your form is PERFECT at that new height!

    3. I don't squeeze ANYTHING, during a step-up, EXCEPT my glutes (and my CORE, therefore). I pay zero attention to my arms (in part because sometimes I have the DBs on my shoulders, rather than dangling down).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Step-ups are NOT my favourite exercise....I still find them very HARD to perform, my weights are NOT very heavy (at all), I have BAD form by the end of them, and, cardio-wise, I actually am pretty dizzy by the time they're done. I HATE the 'cardio-' part of that exercise, lol!

    Just for fun, this week, I tried to do step-ups from the top-down. NO weight. Could not do even ONE. Sucky. After ALL THIS TIME, it really means that I'm still:

    a) pushing off WAY TOO MUCH from the working foot; and
    b) my quads still dominate this exercise WAY TOO MUCH for me to feel my glutes from them, even with ALL that glute-squeezing!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Now, usually, when "step-ups" appear in my program, I sub- in "one-legged get-ups"....I want WAY more glute-work, in my program, than what most programs call for.

    Squats? I usually sub- in "hip thrusts" (a la Bret C.).
    Lunges? I usually sub- in "hip thrusts". (Except "curtsy lunges" - those I keep!)
    Step-ups? I usually sub- in "one-legged get-ups".
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    yea look at you all go!!

    I finished Stage 6. I actually did 3 sets instead of 2 so I got in a great workout.

    RSharper, I have crappy grip strength - I use VersaGripps or I wouldn't be lifting heavy at all, mine just never improves. I do walking lunges with a short bar, and I think when I was on Stage 1 I used the barbell then too.

    Mary, I watched a youtube video a while ago about leaning into your step ups to help keep you from pushing off with the hind foot. That's how I do them now. And Beeps, I am the same, I only squeeze my glutes when I"m doing them AND I haven't progressed very far with them - my weights are very low still. I doubt I could do them in reverse without falling off. I love how ou've found subs to work better for you.

    Stage 7 starts Saturday and I am loving how it looks!! Squats! Yea!! I know I'm gonna be sore Sunday & Monday. It's been a long while since I've done those basic moves!

    Tonight, I'm walking in the Wall St. Run/Walk for the Heart Association. It's a little one - 3 miles but my gf and I get to walk together.

    Sam, I did ride out on Friday and about froze my butt off! It was rainy early but cleared off and was nice the whole rest of the trip. I should have come down to Madame Tussauds when you were there!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks, Beeps! You are always here to help! love it girl!

    Just looked up hip thrust! :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I can see me doing those in a gym :laugh: I'm the conservative religious lady that comes in .......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    But I would prefer those over the lunges.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Ok questions for you ladies. I fee like such a beginner but I was clueless the first time I did the program . I am determined to make the most of it the 2nd time around. The first time I was focused on how much I could lift and my form was so so. This time around I want those muscles to show. SO!

    1. When I perform every lift should all my muscles be tight and squeezed? or just the working muscle group?

    2. When I do step ups, if I try to use bench height I tend to bend slightly. Is that normal? I tend to wear out quicker with this height. I used half the height and squeezed my glutes yesterday. So I feel I got a good workout on them including the squats.

    3. Also, during the step up I made sure my entire body was tight during them the exercise. I squeezed my arms while holding the weights , tummy tight, and butt tight. That correct?

    thanks peeps :flowerforyou:

    Agree that core should be squeezed for every lift, since we are doing full body moves. For most lifts, your hands should be tightly squeezed as well, in order to maximize your grip. Beyond that, I think it's hard to generalize. For example, when you squat, you should pull your shoulder blades together, but that's not generally true. If you are doing chest press, you don't squeeze your upper legs, but you do want your heels pushing on the floor.

    Agree that it's good to lean into the step ups. You should use the highest step you can use with good form. The goal is thigh parallel to the floor. Don't add weight instead of increasing height.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I've never been to Madame T's, samntha, so am really excited to hear it's worth seeing! Next time I'm somewhere where it is, I'll go!

    I, too, can do weighted leg-work, but have trouble with the high repetitions in cardio class....I believe it's because my endurance conditioning SUCKS, samntha. Which is fine - I'm choosing strength over endurance (because I'm going for a particular "look" and not really interested in "performance").

    In cardio class, now, I struggle with BW squats, with BW lunges, etc., etc. It's C-R-A-Z-Y!

    So, I acknowledge to the chicks around me that "my endurance sucks" and they always come back with "don't you want to run around with your kids??" (they all have CRAPPY figures and, frankly, I'm 100% sure they are NOT running around with their kids!).

    Anyway, my response is always: "true, I can't run after my kids anymore, but I can pick up a 100 lb log and chuck it at them, so they still aren't getting too far...."

    You are too funny!! I love it.

    So my friend at work, yes the one producing the terrible zumba classes, gave me the info to become a zumba instructor. Going for it! (The classes were lame because she is rebuilding her routine after six months off on maternity leave and she's really gearing it to the kids at school. She's usually much better. Not the best, but better than this. Besides most people at my work aren't at my level of fitness thanks to new rules :laugh: ) I'd like to do step too but only because the lady at my gym is just way to old school and I rather hate her class. She's the only one who teaches step there and step can be hard-fing-core if you have the right instructor.

    I didn't do any cardio or classes of any kind for stages 1-5 and I did notice a huge improvement when I went back to it. In the later books he says to get something in so I get in at least one class per week like beeps said. I'd like to do two but time and energy is a factor especially when I want to get back to lifting three times a week instead of twice.

    The wax museum was indeed a great experience (especially the 4D super hero movie) and Sue I would love to meet up in the City, maybe for lunch or something, once school lets out. I decided that I don't take advantage of my current location nearly often enough even when I proclaim to love its virtues so much. Central Jersey is the bomb because you are so close to anything and everything your heart desires.

    Ok last thing then I'll shut up. NSV: One of the secretaries at work came up to me this morning and says, "Wow, you are in great shape. You have a really great figure. You must really work out to be so solid." Why thank you, thank you very much.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    manic, I'm no expert, but here's what I think:

    1. Not "all" muscles should be tight and squeezed in every single "move". When doing a BIG lift, though (i.e. squats, lunges, deadlifts, etc.), I *do* make sure that my CORE is very, very tight. As well, for me, when doing moves that my quads take over on (i.e. my quads take over on MOST lower-body moves!), I also try and SQUEEZE my glutes. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. On push-ups, I make sure my CORE is SQUEEZED (it actually helps make this move a bit easier!).

    2. If the bench is the right height for your body height/shape, then there will be a SLIGHT bend forward just at the beginning because, of course, your body has to move from the down/central point, to the up/central point - and the up/central point is AHEAD (in space) of the down/central point. It's totally cool to go DOWN in height, so long as when you are ready, to go back UP to a higher height, that you DROP THE WEIGHT BACK DOWN, until your form is PERFECT at that new height!

    3. I don't squeeze ANYTHING, during a step-up, EXCEPT my glutes (and my CORE, therefore). I pay zero attention to my arms (in part because sometimes I have the DBs on my shoulders, rather than dangling down).
    What she said :bigsmile:
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    Since the topic of the step up has been brought up, I am confused about the process. While doing it I go through the whole range as far as stepping up but not letting my non working leg touch the step, but then I also step all the way off the step after each rep. Should my working leg just remain on the step the whole time?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    rsharper - you should not bring your working leg down.

    sam - that is so exciting about becoming a zumba instructor. Looking forward to the deets on how you do it!

    I did some easy yoga this am. I have soccer tonight, so I will get back to lifting tomorrow...that will make 3x for this week: yeah! What is everyone up to this weekend?
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    Thank you Icu for your response. I guess that is why I felt like it was more of a cardio workout then a strength one.
    As far as plans for the weekend, I am lifting tonight, then trying to get to a Zumba Toning Master Class. Tomorrow my daughter races her Jr dragster in the morning, then the rest of my weekend is free. Funny thing that happened is my son (who is 16) hasn't worn shorts in 2 years, let alone a bathing suit, now wants to go shopping for both. I guess his tastes are changing. He has also mentioned he wanted to go to the beach this year which was another shocker for me.
    Sam- I love Zumba. Good luck on getting certified. I have had an awesome Zumba instructor. She really gets you moving. I have also had a step instructor that had such a great class. She had some routines that were above and beyond but worked your whole body. Right now she is on maternity leave but I can't wait for her return. Hopefully I will have most of my sessions done with NROL4W. That way I can justify taking an intense cardio class :smile:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    sam! Zumba instructor? awesome. I would love to take your class just one time. You would probably would kill me. LOL

    Ok, question again . Lunges. Where do I squeeze? My upper thighs seem to be doing the work so how do I engage other muscles?

    I figured out why and how I herniated the discs! Deadlifting 120 pounds and using your back! Previously, I told yall I am really focusing on form and working the correct muscles. I googled, read, etc about a correct form and my 18 year old boy helped me today. I could barely lift 55 pounds for 12 reps!! When using the correct muscles it killed me.

    I am learning so much this time around. Where was I last year? :frown: It has taken me a full round of NroL4W , breaks, and now 2nd round to realize I want more out of it than "how much can I lift."

    Thanks for going through this with me. :flowerforyou:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm not likely to kill you Mary lol. I would e working at my max which is actually lower than some instructors I've had. I still get winded :( Glad to hear you are focusing on form. You'll get a lot more out of each exercise.

    RS, yes, keep the working foot on the step and good job not putting the non-working foot down. I see trainers telling people to do it wrong all the time.

    I'm a negative Nelly today so I'm going to throw things at the gym and them have dark chocolate frozen yogurt. I'm way under protein but i'll break about even on cals.