Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    wow, lots going on here!!

    Welcome all you new lifters, or new to the thread veteran lifters! Chelled, the ladies are right, it's AWESOME that you are out in the big boys area, and how cool that a guy recognized you! AND how totally cool to be using the bar!

    Sam I wondered if you'd be able to sleep after lifting that late!! I have to be in bed and relaxed by 10 or my next day is just zombie mode, so I know better than to try and lift after I get home from work.

    lc how cool that you could take your to lift! Hope you are enjoying your vacation!

    ethie, my fav protein supplement is Eat the Bear - "supposed" to be the best quality protein on the market - is it? ah who knows, but it mixes really well and tastes great, especially the cinammon bun! i also take creatine, CLA, D3, fish oil and glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM

    Beeps so glad you didn't have DOMS!

    Mary and Kathy where are you??

    I had a really lousy workout today - I couldn't wake up this morning and nearly excused my way out of going. But I went. I did my last A workout on Stage 6 and it really wasn't great or I guess just didn't feel great. I did the reverse chinups and struggled to hold myself up but I did get a few pounds off the assist machine so it's adefinite improvement. I was really disappointed with my pulldowns especially after pulling `100 for all reps in the previous workout - today I could only pull 100 4xs, so I dropped back to 86 and pulled another 5. All the squat racks were in use today so I used the fixed weight short bars at 35 and pushed thru those and just did crap on pushups - 10 on 2 risers and struggled at that too.

    Hate when things feel so out of sorts! I spin tomorrow and then I'm off for the weekend - back to Ohio for Mike's b'day celebration with his family.

    Hope you all have a great Memorial weekend! .
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    My workout today sucked! I ran out of eggs and had to resort to egg white oatmeal. I jazzed it up a lot with coconut, butter, almond butter, heavy cream.....just couldn't cut it. Did stage 2 B3 today and couldn't finish the HIIT. Ugh! Lesson learned!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Oh yes, that's right, it's a long weekend (upcoming) in the States....we had ours last weekend.

    Enjoy, Sue!

    What's with all the abysmal work-outs???????????????


    Now I'm afraid to do mine, lol!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sam I wondered if you'd be able to sleep after lifting that late!! I have to be in bed and relaxed by 10 or my next day is just zombie mode, so I know better than to try and lift after I get home from work.
    I had a quiet house, so I stayed up until about 11 reading. I did wake up a little late.

    Today is a rest day. It would be my cardio day, but we are doing a zumbathon at school tomorrow. got out of work early and tookt he kids to the park in an absolutely beautiful May afternoon. Heaven.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we are having some financial difficulty right now, and My food budget was wiped out this week. It's like the old saying goes, calories are cheap, nutrition is expensive. I'm trying to go farther in less and less quality and it's a struggle. Trying to keep the protein up so the hunger stays down. I was under by 400 yesterday. Ideas? I managed to feed a family of 4 on $80 this week. Go me.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Another reason not to exercise today is I can't afford to burn the calories because I can't replace them.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    sam - sorry to hear about your money issues! Here is a filling cheap dish: sautee hamburger, then mix with black beans, frozen corn and mexican spices.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    Stage 2 hiit? Whats the exercises?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    colling - you can pick any exercise you want: treadmill, bike, rower, etc. Then follow the really hard/easy pattern they lay out.

    I was up super late last night trying to get caught up on some work after my vacation, so no workout this am. I can't wait to continue stage 5 tomorrow am. I was really lucky to get two great lifting workouts done on vacation! I drank enough on my long weekend to hold me over for the ENTIRE month of June!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    samntha - I bet you if you google "meals on a budget" or something like that, you'll end up on a recipe site that has TONS of info that can help! (Maybe even the GROCERY LISTS to go with the MENU PLAN - awesome!!)

    lcuconley - I'm just heading into my "drinking" period....Saturday of this weekend (meeting up with old gf's in OLDcity for one night!) and then I'm in Vegas Thurs - Sunday next week.

    I'm up 2 lbs - blech....this "make it happen in May" has turned more into "Maintenance May".


    TRX this evening!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, boo for no food budget. You rock for being able to stretch a dollar like that. I agree with what Beeps said. Google it and maybe see what you can find.

    lc, you must have been at a great hotel. I've only come across two of the many I've stayed in during the past year that actually have dumbbells or weight equipment.

    Beeps, surely it's just normal fluctuations. As you well know, the scale doesn't tell the whole story. Maybe your measurements are still going down.

    I've got puking kids today, so we're stuck at home today. Hopefully they will be better by tomorrow and I can get my first B workout of Basic Training IV finished. On a positive note, yesterday I tried on a 5/6 denim skirt that I had bought several months ago as a "goal" skirt- it fit! It's a little snug in the waist (probably as snug as the sz 12 I was wearing a year ago), but I'd definitely wear it. It's the very definition of "vanity sizing" but I'll take it!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey gang, here's to an early weekend! I am off tomorrow. I opted not to spin this morning because I was totally burned out and knew I needed the extra sleep. It's amazing how just 1.5 more hours of sleep can help revitalize you!! I'll try to get some kind of workout in over the wewekend, if nothign else, a bunch of walkign while we shop.

    Sam, I HATE when that happens!! I always have extra rice and beans AND I buy the Costco frozen chicken just fo rthose kinds of emergencies.

    Cowgirl, there's a whole lot to be said for vanity sizing though!! Yea on 5/6

    Beeps I really enjoy TRX, I actually asked my gym if they'd consider a 5:30 AM class.

    Colling, as LC has said, any exercise can be HIIT, I think Cowgirl does box jumps sometimes, and I do elliptical, dreadmill and bike on varying rotations.

    Missing you Mary and Kathy!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    chubby - alright, if you're in a 5/6, it is TOTALLY TIME to change your handle! i mean REALLY!!!!!!!!!!

    Enjoy your weekend, suelegal - I'm TOTALLY with you that zzzzzzzzzzzzz's change EVERYTHING!

    My sleep is always my first love/devotion, lol.

    Ummmmmmmmm, 5:30 am TRX??? Good gawd, "no". Just "no". Sue, YOU ARE A BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    But it's the only time I can workout Beeps. I get home after 7PM. I have a tough enough time sleeping without a workout just before bed. Beast? Hardly, just judicious use of available time!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Sue - you COMPLETELY win the "dedicated to the task" medal....TOTALLY.

    I just cannot do early morning work-outs....and, frankly, I pretty-much suck at after-work work-outs, too (although I'm doing one tonight).

    I TOTALLY miss the 9:00 am work-outs I used to do when I had a different job (than I currently have). But, for now, lunch-time work-outs are also working out okay.

    Glad you get your zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's....always #1 in my book!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps I can do early morning either. I would rather sleep until 6:00 and stay up until 11:00. It works better for my family schedule too. In the Summer I will pay for the childcare at the gym to make my schedule more flexible. The kids are in special summer programs so I won't be working this Summer.

    Cowgirl, I hope the kidos feel better :(

    I didn't go the gym last night because I knew I would be doing zumba at work today. Wrong choice. The class was TERRIBLE!! I'm going to try her class again next Wednesday. I've taken her class before and it was so so, but this was really bad. I was on;y sweating because of the humidity and temperature. I don't think my heart rate got much above resting. No DOMS for me though from my new lifting routine Tuesday YAY!!

    So I will be here for the holiday weekend. Please remember to check in and keep me company.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, I agree- you are amazing! No way I could stick with it if I had to be up that early 3X week.

    Sam, sorry the Zumba was disappointing. Your enthusiasm for it always makes me want to try it.

    Beeps, I've already changed my name once so I can't change it again. Plus, I will always be "chubby" no matter what size I am. I always have been (since I was 5 years old) and probably always will be. Are you ready for your photo shoot?! Enjoy your time with your friends!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I am the same as Sue - early workouts most days of the week. evenings are kid time and my job is generally too busy to get away from for an hour+. I agree with Beeps though, 9am workouts are perfect...I try to do those on the weekends! I did 5A2 this am. It was really great. I am toying with extending this phase because its so challenging...love the 4 reps. I am using 50 and 25 pound dumbbells for the single arm OH squat! This is a phase where a spotter would REALLY help with upping the weights!

    Sam - don't you hate that when the instructor just doesn't do it for you? Generally, one can adjust the moves/intensity, but if you don't know the instructor, its tough.

    cowgirl - be on the watch out for body dysmorphia...with your dedication to weightlifting, there WILL come a day that you are not chubby! are the kids on the mend?

    beeps - have an awesome weekend and have FUN with your photo shoot. sorry about your "maintenance may" given how hard you have been working...but you forget: we've seen the pics!...we don't feel that bad about it and NEITHER SHOULD YOU!
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    I love working out at night! Before I moved here, I was going to 7 pm classes. Ate dinner after and never had issue falling asleep. Though, I think I've always been like that. :) There is no way I can just wake up and workout. I tend to do my workouts around 9 am now and it works.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    chubby - I soooooooooooooooo disagree that you will always be "chubby"! you can create a shape with zero chub - really. However, if they won't let you change your name, than that is it, I guess.

    TRX was kind of brutal last night. I gave it my all. Too much huffing-puffing on my part - my cardio endurance really is very sucky.

    Did my photos/measurements. Ugh. I did work hard in May, but it is NOT showing on measurements - I'm actually measuring what I did at end of February, 2013.


    anyway, yes, it's a good thing I'm taking photos because I still can see some changes in the photos.

    Not even going to try and "kill it" in June. Will promise to get all my work-outs in and keep my calories at "maintenance"....I swear - I'd better not gain even an OUNCE!!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yep, late morning workouts are the best! I normally go at 10 or 11 since that's the least busy time at the gym and it gives me plenty of time to have the kids fed and dressed. It's going to be weird once my oldest starts school in the fall-I'll have to tweak our "routine" a little.

    lc, you are OWNING those OH squats! Wow! I'll remember your advice. I know I am going to have a problem figuring out when I'm ready for "maintenance". And I worry that I'll be lost once I don't have that "goal" to work towards. And yes, the kids seem to be all better today.

    Beeps, TRX sounds like torture. Sorry about the disappointing measurements. But I think you look AMAZING as you are and you're so incredibly lean. Pictures are the best indicator of progress anyway, right? One of my MFP friends is constantly reminding us that sometimes measurements lie too. What we see in the mirror is what matters. :flowerforyou:

    Speaking of progress, when I started NROL4W nearly a year ago, my only "goal" was to lose 25lbs in a year. Well, I've got 2.5 weeks to lose another lb to meet that goal. I really never thought I'd get this close, much less lose 10% BF and find myself in single digit US sizes. I'll be ecstatic if I've lost 25lbs by June 11th, but it's not a huge deal if I don't. There's so many other positive things that have come about from lifting. And I couldn't have done it without all of you for support!!!:flowerforyou: