Daily Chat Thread



  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    good morning ladies - in hot st louis today. No workout for me and business breakfast and lunch...dinner will be a protein bar so I dont go overboard eating at the airport.

    I do cardio so that I can eat more, but I also do cardio because I want to be in good cardiovascular shape...

    manic - I had breast cancer, diagnosed @ stage 2. Wow...stage 3. I am so glad you are doing so well!! Sue, you mentioned you were a survivor, too...
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    Beeps, I am so glad to see you commenting on the cardio reports. I started lifting last week and gave up all my favorite cardio. It is so hard on my non lifting days to not do anything. I had read one of your comments previously about how you lost fat after you stopped cardio so I am trying to go by that. I just read 2 really good articles against cardio that was a real eye opener. I no longer feel guilty about not doing the cardio! Since I am in stage one I am trying to limit any exercise to just lifting (3 days a week) and nothing else.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    @rsharper---I am doing the same! It's been weird not squeezing in a run every now and again. And pretty hard to keep my daily steps up, but I think I"m doing okay. I am a grad student so my day is A LOT of sitting, reading, typing, looking at a microscope. But I've been making conscious efforts to get up and move and study elsewhere (far, far, away).
    I'm anxious to see how it goes for you!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Well.....I *do* cardio once per week. So, I, too, pay attention to "cardio-vascular" health - I'm severe asthmatic, so this isn't a "choice".

    But, I rarely, if EVER, put my cardio reports on strength-training threads.

    Having said that, my "no cardio reports" post was FIRMLY "tongue-in-cheek" and I am glad you (regular) posters read it that way.

    I do want to add MORE "unscheduled" cardio as I get outdoors more over the summer....but, that's just bonus stuff - counts for NOTHING towards my calorie ingestion!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    At first, it was VERY HARD not to schedule in my exercise 7 days per week....I had worked out 6- or 7- days per week for, oh, most of the last decade!!

    But, all of that "exercise" also kept me skinny-fat. Only when I TRULY modeled my exercise routine after someone who ALREADY HAD the body I wanted, did I actually start seeing my shape morph. But, that's MY story - everybody has their OWN story to tell!

    If you have the body you want - GREAT!

    But, if you DON'T, my advice is to find someone who HAS the body you want and simply say, "what do you do to get that body??" Listen to their every word. Do the work they suggest. Period. As soon as you start saying, "oh, I can't do that..." or "oh, but I want to do some of this...." then you should EXACTLY realize why you are stuck where you are at.

    "Definition of Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

    as soon as I did things differently, I got the "different" result I was seeking.

    The end.
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    @chuckles-I have a desk job so I know what you mean about sitting all day!
    I used to do Zumba, Zumba toning, Piloxing, Pilates, Zumba Sentao at least 5-6 days a week. On Thursdays, I used to do what they called the Trifecta, which was Walk fit, Pilates, then Zumba toning. Its crazy how easy it was to get addicted to these classes. I had been doing them almost religiously since January and not seeing the results I wanted. Once I started to do Tabata bootcamp and personal training, I started to see some results. That is when I really started to look into strength training. So glad I did.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    good morning ladies - in hot st louis today. No workout for me and business breakfast and lunch...dinner will be a protein bar so I dont go overboard eating at the airport.

    I do cardio so that I can eat more, but I also do cardio because I want to be in good cardiovascular shape...

    manic - I had breast cancer, diagnosed @ stage 2. Wow...stage 3. I am so glad you are doing so well!! Sue, you mentioned you were a survivor, too...

    I am very fortunate, I was pre-cancerous, suspicious cells showed on a mammo, they did a stereotactic biopsy and then removed all suspects with a lumpectomy. I never had to have any follow up treatment and have been clear since 1999.

    Beeps, I truly hate cardio, except for spinning which I've only just discovered. I hate jogging, get bored to tears on the elliptical, and forget doing those cardio DVDs or Zumba - I really just hate them all! I have not even gotten into any regular spinning classes though I keep saying I'm going to. My recent schedule has been so screwed up. The ony thing I can honestly say I love is lifting and I religiously do it 2-3x wk.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I actually quite "love" cardio....except that HIIT and me don't really get along too well - it just shoots up my heart-rate to some UNACCEPTABLE levels.

    Congrats to all you "cancer-free" chickadees!! NOW THAT IS NEWS WORTH POSTING HERE!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yes, congrats to all you ladies who have kicked cancer in the butt!

    Great advice as usual, Beeps!

    I have to admit, my "no cardio" is actually 7500-10000 steps a day. I get light cardio in 20 minute spurts throughout the day everyday. What I made myself quit was the extra cardio (jogging or bike riding for 30-45 mins) just so I can eat more. It tends to mess me up diet wise.

    I am set-up to meet with a personal trainer on Monday to make sure my form on my DLs, squats, etc is correct. I just really worry that I am going to hurt myself as I up my weights. I can tell my DL form is a little off, but I don't know *how* to make it better. However, this girl is not into heavy lifting and I am concerned she won't really know either. She seemed very open-minded, but I don't know....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    have you watched youtube videos from Rippetoe on deadlifts, chubby??

    That's as good a place to start, as any.

    I think meeting with a personal trainer is an AWESOME idea....but, yes, the frailty is that the session you "receive" will only be as good as the person giving it.

    For me, PUSHING BUTT BACK is job #1. SUCKING IN GUT (to stabilize spine) is job #2. KEEPING SHOULDERS SQUARE is job #3.

    Once I got the hang of "pushing butt back" (instead of "dropping butt down"), I was FINALLY able to feel my hamstrings....before, I was really "squatting" too much and not doing enough of a "deadlift" move.
  • celticmyss
    celticmyss Posts: 10

    I have to admit, my "no cardio" is actually 7500-10000 steps a day. I get light cardio in 20 minute spurts throughout the day everyday. What I made myself quit was the extra cardio (jogging or bike riding for 30-45 mins) just so I can eat more. It tends to mess me up diet wise.

    I'm in a similar boat. I've sworn of most "intentional" cardio for now but since walking is my primary mode of transportation I still get 8-12k steps a day. At this point I feel like my body is so used to it that it doesn't really do much anyway.

    I've also been doing about 10 minutes of high incline walking after lifting, if I have the energy. There is a hike we do every year and I want to be able to conquer the hills.
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Cardio wise- I have a fitbit and can get anywhere between 10,000 and 16,000 steps a day (usually somewhere in the middle). I walk everywhere and between walking to work, the gym, lunchtime errands/food shopping and etc I rack up steps without even thinking about it. I work a desk job that's totally sedentary and I'm conscious of how much time I spend on my bum, haha. I'm not sure if I'd even consider it cardio as it's not at a pace that'd raise my heart rate (unless I'm late).

    I also do a 45 minute spin class usually once a week, and a boot camp class that mixes HIIT and bodyweight stuff. They both kick my *kitten* and I enjoy them but occasionally I do wonder if they're actually of benefit to me or not.

    I've tried running, numerous times- ugh. I just hate it! When we do running as part of bootcamp I'm always dead last and I'd love to be better but I just don't enjoy it. I could bike for hours but running just doesn't do it for me and I won't stick to it. And I agree, the elliptical is boring to me!
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    I have officially hit the sore time. I was worried after the first workout because I wasn't sore, but now that I have completed 3 workouts, I am feeling all of my muscles. :smile:
    Congrats to all the cancer free ladies on here. It is great to hear there are people out there who have won the fight!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    I generally do cardio on my "off" days. I usually run since I still want to do a half this year, I've just put training on the back burner until the middle of next month.

    I finished Stage 3 last night... FINALLY. Man, I've only been working on getting that done forever between injuries, and races, etc. I'm excited for Stage 4. I'm liking what I see in the mirror so far so it's keeping me motivated to complete this thing.
  • wbfd22
    wbfd22 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey ladies. I posted this question in a new thread, but I figured I'd post it here as well, since it's such an active thread. Hoping for some advice :)

    I'm new to the program I have some questions for the veteran's out there. Since reading all the posts about lifting and seeing amazing results, I decided to stop my cardio routine and ordered NROF4W. I have finished 2 workouts (I will do 3 weekly) and I also play baseball, soccer and hockey (each once a week).

    My question is about losing weight. I know my body with lose inches and start to get leaner, but at my height, I still weigh too much. I want to get my BMI lower. I am 5'4 (and 3/4)". I started on MFP at 160 and am down to 153. I have claculated my BMR at 1606 and my TDEE at 2209 (-20% at 1767). I have my calories on MFP set at 1500 daily and my macros at 40/30/30. I usually eat back some of my calories, but not all. So will I still be able to lose weight while lifting and doing my sports? Should I adjust my calories?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Yep, wbdf22, you've got the right idea!

    Your calories in v. calories out is what controls the scale.

    Your weight-lifting is what controls your shape.

    2 different things - not to be confused one with the other.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Right on Beeps!!
    Do NOT judge your success by the scale alone. Your results may or may not shock you. "Wait how come I'm smaller but I haven'y lost hat much weight" is a common reaction in these parts.

    Rest day for me. And a NOT hungry day. Weird day of the month for that.
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Impromptu rest day for me :( For ONCE I woke up at 5.45am in a fantastic mood... full of energy and ready to go kick *kitten*... knowing it was my last workout for Stage 4... got out of bed and my knee was KILLING me. I think I did something to it on Wednesday- we had a fitness challenge in my boot camp class that was fairly intense and I might have pulled something. I'm really annoyed! I was so excited to complete Stage 4 today. I tried a few lunges and split squats and it hurt too much to do even one rep of each. I'm going on holiday next week so if I don't get that workout done between now and then, I won't be back in the gym until part way through June. If that happens, this will be the longest stage ever!

    Does anyone else get this way if they have to miss a session? I'm angry, p1ssed off and antsy, haha! I know I should rest my knee but I feel like I need to go and take a long walk or something just to do something with all this extra energy.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    feelgoodnic, that was how Stage 3 was for me... a few injuries, time constraints, and other things clogging up my workout time! It was terrible! I just finished it on Wednesday after wayyy too long. I also get antsy on days I miss a workout. I don't think it's because "OMG everything will be for nothing if I skip!" but more just breaking routine. I hate breaking routine.

    I'm looking to start Stage 4 this evening. I'm pretty excited! I have some stuff coming up in the near future that might seriously diminish the time I have at the gym. I really hope that isn't the case or I will be sad!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I say, if walking DOESN'T hurt your knee - yep, give that a whirl, feelgoodnic!

    I totally understand about "energy inside" and wanting to use it UP - feels better, de-stresses, etc, etc.

    It's totally fine that you are taking a lifting break and you can get right back at it when you're holiday is over and your knee has recovered.