Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    chuckles - you'll get a different response form every woman you ask, re: calories.

    So, my $0.02 is that the calories in NROL4W are TOO HIGH. I gained 5 lbs on the program and it was FAT - pure and simple....it wasn't muscle. I was, for sure, eating TOO MUCH.

    When I dropped my calories down, while continuing to lift heavy, the fat came off....that 5 lbs plus more.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    STAR CHALLENGE REPORT for Monday, May 6 - Sunday, May 12, 2013:

    Date: Reporting in on May 13, 2013
    Handle of Participant Week 2

    Beeps 2011 PLAT*
    lcuconley SILV*
    chubbycowgirl PLAT*

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps I'm PLAT on the start challenge - 11,529 which is a couple hundred under my challenge goal! Also, I think you are probably right about the OHP in all forms. I broke my collarbone 10+ years ago - it healed a bit wonky, so that might be my issue. But I'm going to keep trying!!

    I upped weights on the other 6B exercises and added side flexions mainly because I want to keep it all balanced. I felt exhausted after I was done, but it was the first time I worked out since last Wednesday! Not bad though. I said on the Stage 6 thread, I would really rather be doing DLs Squats Bench presses and pullups. But it's a short stage and then I'm off to finish it all up.

    Mary I'm so so happy for you! I know the anxiousness waiting for results. I always cry when it's clear, can't help it.

    LB, I took forever on Stage 1 because vacation came right at that same time. I repeated a couple of the last workouts just to have something to do before the time off. It does seem like forever when you get stuck in the same place!

    Sam SLDL are my new favo! I love that glute workout, always always feel it and I think its

    We have lots of new ladies!! Welcome each of you!!

    Happy Mothers Day to you all!! I couldn't post on Sunday - no computer and you know MFP mobile app and forums don't work yet.

    Oh yea my fav veggies are spinach, kale, mustard greens and collards, plus broccoli and cauliflower - any and all
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi All!

    Ended up working out twice yesterday! Did some nice cardio in the am and then took the puppy for a run after work - she made it 2.15 miles (she has had 3 knee surgeries!), I was a proud mama!

    No workout today, but will be at the gym getting my lift on tmw!! I am aiming to lift Friday as well, and then Saturday am I am doing warrior dash for my birthday (3rd year in a row...i love the mud).

    Vaca to California next week so I am REALLY trying to focus on my food and making good choices.

    I am gonna try SLDL - thanks for the rec!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Emgel, I've always wanted to do a mud run. There's one near me in June so I'm thinking about doing it. It's only 4 miles so it shouldn't be that bad.

    Yesterday was CRAZY stressful so I didn't lift. I didn't have the energy or focus to and I wanted to finish out Stage 3 on a positive note... and not be positively STRUGGLING the whole time ;). I ended up walking for a bit and that cleared my head. I'm hoping to get in a run tonight if time allows.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    lb2ll - hope your day today is better!

    emgel - I am doing the warrior dash in July. Can't wait!

    beeps - maybe we need to start a new challenge since everyone is fading.

    on my last post, I said I was ready to take a nap. I actually did get back into bed and snuggled with my 9 year old. It was awesome and just what I needed to get ready for the day!

    QUESTION of the Day: what is your favorite restaurant chain? for a cheat meal: wendy's. on a regular basis: freshii or chipotle.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member

    Lcu - this is my third year doing it! SUCH a great race! My advice to u is this: wear either vibram five fingers or duct tape your shoes on. My first year my shoes got stuck in the mud and i lost them (the mud acts like quick sand) and i ran the whole thing barefoot...OWIE!

    LB - you should DEF do the mud run! They are not bad at all because there are always back ups on the obstacles so you really can't even run the whole thing...but they are SO fun! and a great upper body work out. Even more fun if you can put a team of fun people together

    Beeps - I thought the star challenge was just for April so I totally stopped tracking. sorry =(

    It's been almost a week since I've lifted and I am itching for some hack squats...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Yep, probably time for a "new" challenge....and, time for someone else to do the reporting/posting!

    My *challenge* days are, officially, DONE come end-of-May. I need a break from 'em and I want to spend June focusing on "maintenance" and all that tricky stuff, for myself.

    Anyone else trying/doing "Strong Curves"?? Comments, please?? (I'll also post this on the 'women strength training" group....)
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks all for the comments.

    My favorite restaurant cheat? Chinese. definitely favorite cheat. Salt makes me so bloated my watch doesn't fit but totally worth every. bite.
    Favorite regular basis? I'm a sucker for grocery store food lol. I mean the salad bar and deli stuff. There's a grocery store that has the best salad bar ever here. I eat it 4 times a week for lunch. so good.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    okay. how long do I wait to start cutting calories if I am gaining weight steadily while on this program? I am about 5 lbs up and I just finished workout B5. I'm starting to feel a little frustrated. I'm been pretty good with my calories (going over some days, but really under others). I've been going by the book. But not I think I'm going to rely on my fitbit and do a 1/2lb deficit. Or...should I just stick it out for the next 3 weeks until I finish stage one and do my measurements?

    What were some of your experiences? Thanks in advance :) you are all amazing.

    If you have a fitbit, it's probably more accurate than a simple calculator. I would definitely try going by it versus the book. I have a BodyMedia and it is nowhere close to what the books calculations say.

    Good luck with your mud runs ladies! It sounds so fun!

    Had a hard day at work today, didnt get to eat anything until after 2 pm, now it's 5 pm and I've had 800 cals and will burn 2700 today. Not complaining at all, but TOM has made me not hungry and I will be drained tomorrow if I don't get more food in. Blah.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    okay. how long do I wait to start cutting calories if I am gaining weight steadily while on this program? I am about 5 lbs up and I just finished workout B5. I'm starting to feel a little frustrated. I'm been pretty good with my calories (going over some days, but really under others). I've been going by the book. But not I think I'm going to rely on my fitbit and do a 1/2lb deficit. Or...should I just stick it out for the next 3 weeks until I finish stage one and do my measurements?

    What were some of your experiences? Thanks in advance :) you are all amazing.
    I'd give it until you finish stage 1 at least. Your body is under-going metabolic changes. Give it time. Though that being said I was able to maintaining the 300cal deficit in the beginning but by stage 2 I was STARVING. I dropped 10% BF throughout the program. No really noticeable difference until after stage 2.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Yesterday was CRAZY stressful so I didn't lift. I didn't have the energy or focus to and I wanted to finish out Stage 3 on a positive note... and not be positively STRUGGLING the whole time ;). I ended up walking for a bit and that cleared my head. I'm hoping to get in a run tonight if time allows.
    I do this too. When I 'm stressed out and too tired to lift, I go with mindless cardio. Hope you got your run in :)

    My favorite fast food is a toss up between all of them. I like them all. But whatever I get is usually under 400 cals and I skip fries. I love the new McD's wraps. Loaded with protein and only 360 cals. It really is a meal on a tortilla. AT BK I get the apple cranberry grilled chicken salad, or a veggie burger without mayo. Yummy. When I'm being Really bad I'll get a cinnabon. I HATE that BK has them now. I used to only get them twice a year. Now they are available all the time. Taco bell is really naughty. Dorito bean tacos or the Cantina chicken burrito (no guac or sour cream.) And Now I LOVE the Wendy's flatbread. At Sonic I get the grilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat chibata no mayo. I know fast food is supposed to be evil, but it's actually better than something I'd make for myself, except breakfast. My egg sandwich and mini-quiches are way better than what I can get anywhere else. THough the DD turkey sausage is pretty good. I'm learning how to make all of this stuff myself though :)

    My weakness is baked goods. Cookies and donuts are my kryptonite.

    Now off to the gym for my step class. An easy way to burn 500cals. I am under already today though and have been almost all week (except Mom's Day he he)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    What's with all the CARDIO REPORTS???!!!??

    Stop it. Just stop it.

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I had my fav fast food for dinner tonight - McD's Southwest salad with grilled chicken! Love it!!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    What's with all the CARDIO REPORTS???!!!??

    Stop it. Just stop it.


    Aw beeps, you're just jealous! ;-). I promise my next report will be NR 5A1!!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    What's with all the CARDIO REPORTS???!!!??

    Stop it. Just stop it.

    Because we can't lift everyday and we need to keep ourselves occupied :)
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    Beeps ---My day was very anti-cardio. I've only taken 2500 steps and I'm probably not moving much for the rest of the night. I'm also about to go wayy over calories with some wine while I grade papers.

    Bet you're wishing I had a cardio post ;)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    What's with all the CARDIO REPORTS???!!!??

    Stop it. Just stop it.


    Beeps, you would be so proud of me. I've been doing my best the past week not do any cardio other than what I get cleaning, chasing kids, doing chores, and the 10 mins of HIIT after each lifting session. Cardio (as you've mentioned many times before) make me hungrier and I rationalize over eating. Hopefully I can keep it up.

    QOTD: favorite chain is probably Taco Bueno(a regional chain with amazing fast food tex mex) and PF Changs. I haven't eaten at Bueno in several months-their food is just so dang unhealthy!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    okay. how long do I wait to start cutting calories if I am gaining weight steadily while on this program? I am about 5 lbs up and I just finished workout B5. I'm starting to feel a little frustrated. I'm been pretty good with my calories (going over some days, but really under others). I've been going by the book. But not I think I'm going to rely on my fitbit and do a 1/2lb deficit. Or...should I just stick it out for the next 3 weeks until I finish stage one and do my measurements?

    What were some of your experiences? Thanks in advance :) you are all amazing.
    I'd give it until you finish stage 1 at least. Your body is under-going metabolic changes. Give it time. Though that being said I was able to maintaining the 300cal deficit in the beginning but by stage 2 I was STARVING. I dropped 10% BF throughout the program. No really noticeable difference until after stage 2.

    ^^^samntha knows what she's talking about.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks ladies :happy: I like to spread the good news to whomever will listen. My doctors like to use me as their teaching. I was 6 months pregnant nonsmoker nondrinker and had the throat cancer. I think my radiation oncologist has me back yearly just to tell his new residents about me LOL They all think I am doing great and don't suspect I will have a reoccurence.

    LCU, remind me , that as if you did and don't mind sharing, what cancer you had. I had stage 3 tonsillar cancer.

    I am hormonal right now so overlook the rant. I am so freaking tired of being fat and never doing anything about it. I know what i need to do but I hate cardio and hate starving!

    beeps, you won't see Cardio for me anytime soon. :tongue: