Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    LB2LL - good luck in Stage 4!! Boy, that seemed to swing along pretty quickly...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I got my TRX group class in-and-done last night. I really didn't push it, AT ALL. Wanted to save my DOMs for today's lifting session, lol. So, it really functioned more as a VERY HARD stretch than a weight-training session. Although, we did do LOTS of elevated planks (feet in stirrups) and I aced them all and I really pushed myself on the planks. Otherwise, the bicep work the instructor was doing was REALLY bothering my left bicep, and I tried it on the right bicep and still didn't feel too "comfy" in the move.

    I think I have some sort of "injury" on my left bicep (front) area - may even be rotator cuff. Unsure. But, if I hold my left arm out , bent at the elbow at 90 degrees, that does NOT feel good - a STRONG twinge is going on. This has been going on for at least 6 weeks....I should be putting ice on it, but I always forget.

    Means that I can't really "push" chest work - because that hurts it. Even lateral raises, I've had to back off the weight, otherwise it hurts.

    I think I need to take a "lifting" break, myself! So, I'm going to do that....next Friday, i won't lift, and then, the Friday after that, I'm in Las Vegas - might take a "rest" week the week I come back from Vegas.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Beeps be kind to your arm! :) Rest, ice, and ibuprofen if needed! Hopefully it's something that you can just "baby" and it will go away.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Right on Beeps!!
    Do NOT judge your success by the scale alone. Your results may or may not shock you. "Wait how come I'm smaller but I haven'y lost hat much weight" is a common reaction in these parts.

    Rest day for me. And a NOT hungry day. Weird day of the month for that.

    I'm a perfect example. I have not lost weight - I actually gain 5 lbs in the first stages and now have lost those 5-ish pounds BUT I am a full size smaller than I was when I started the program. Weight REALLY isn't a very good indicator of anything except weight and that doesn't mean you're fit!

    (I actually ate more calories because I didn't want to risk losing any muscle during the first part of this program - I'd not done any real exercse at all for too many years and I wanted to give myself a chance to really build some strength before I cut cals again.)

    Beeps, maybe have a doc check it out? It would be so not good if you caused more injury! Hope it heals quickly!
  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member
    Haters in the weight room today...My first bad experience since I began lifting (I'm on 5th workout in Phase 2), it was also my first day in the "Pump Room" which is totally designed for dudes, but is also the only place with real racks for squatting and deadlifting. Had run-ins with two separate guys, one just mean mugging me, apparently trying to glare me out of the weight room. The other was an employee of the rec center who yelled at me for having a barbell off of the rack in the girlie weight room as I was setting my weight to do dead lifts. He said, "Here, I'll help you get these weights off of here." (as if I couldn't...) He then directed me to the squat rack that has the assist and won't let the bar go all the way to the ground without first asking me what exercise I was trying to do

    The day was saved by a fellow lady lifter who is a BEAST!!! She's now my hero. She said, "Girl, you look like you can LIFT! Come downstairs with me!" Hoping to see her again sometime to thank her for her inspiration. Maybe one day I can help someone like that! #annoyed #ladylifterproblems
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    @ethieman- I am just appalled to hear you had such a rough time at the gym. I have been lucky because I have only encountered very nice people who are more than willing to answer any question I have or to help me in any way. I am glad to hear there was a woman who was not afraid to help you. I hope this was just a fluke and the rest of your experiences are better!.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Get 'em ethieman! Dudes sure can be jerks sometimes. Luckily I haven't had any run ins. other than guys trying to be "nice". "Here miss, let me help you with that." If I'm going to lift the bar at 45 lbs, I think I can handle the 45 lb weight plate. we have a growing number of lifter chicks, though nobody seems to talk to anybody else. It would be so nice to have a friend in the weight room. trying to get in a lifting session tonight. My last WOB for Phase one of life.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, my husband is trying to convinve me to move out of state by going and getting a job offer. Sadly, I'm the bread winner and insurance carrier, so we go no where unless I get a job FIRST! Hard to do as a teacher. Everybody is cutting teachers left and right, and don't even get me started about the pay cut. so much to mull over and worry about. I'm a first class worrier :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, you're hurt?

    Sam, would his job allow him to be the bread winner and ins carrier? I hate it that you have all that stress.

    the herniated discs are acting up. I can barely move. so that means no lifting. We go on vacation next week. It seems like everything is against me.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps, you're hurt?

    Sam, would his job allow him to be the bread winner and ins carrier? I hate it that you have all that stress.

    the herniated discs are acting up. I can barely move. so that means no lifting. We go on vacation next week. It seems like everything is against me.

    rest until vacation, take it easy, and I bet you're feeling better when you get back! So and steady girl, it's just telling you to slow down a bit
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    ethie! Yikes on "haters" - GO AWAY HATERS! Glad you got your lifting in, anyway.

    Sue - I'm glad to read that, a FULL year later, you're still down a size! Remember, THAT'S WHAT COUNTS!

    Nah, I'm not "injured"....there is something going on, and as soon as I up my weights in shoulders/chest flyes, etc, I can REALLY FEEL that "twinge". But, if I keep my weights lower, I can work through it.

    I try, as much as possible, NOT to use advil because it means I'll retain water - so then scale weight is wonky. But, I really SHOULD be icing it! I just forget - and, frankly, I"m home for like 10 minutes before I go to bed...

    Hubby wants me to go see dr. Um, no...dr will say, "here's some drugs and stop weight-lifting". But, I don't want the inflammation (which has been there 6- or 8- weeks at this point) to turn into scar tissue. So, I think I"ll just take a week off in the near future and try and rest my whole body.

    And drink alcohol!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    ethie, that is annoying! I used to get pushed around a little bit but I think since I've stuck it out there is some sort of unspoken respect. I'll take that. Plus my husband comes to the gym with me so that probably helps.

    manic, that sucks! I hope you can rest up and feel better quickly.

    sam, was the offer he had good?
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    ethie! Yikes on "haters" - GO AWAY HATERS! Glad you got your lifting in, anyway.

    Sue - I'm glad to read that, a FULL year later, you're still down a size! Remember, THAT'S WHAT COUNTS!

    Nah, I'm not "injured"....there is something going on, and as soon as I up my weights in shoulders/chest flyes, etc, I can REALLY FEEL that "twinge". But, if I keep my weights lower, I can work through it.

    I try, as much as possible, NOT to use advil because it means I'll retain water - so then scale weight is wonky. But, I really SHOULD be icing it! I just forget - and, frankly, I"m home for like 10 minutes before I go to bed...

    Hubby wants me to go see dr. Um, no...dr will say, "here's some drugs and stop weight-lifting". But, I don't want the inflammation (which has been there 6- or 8- weeks at this point) to turn into scar tissue. So, I think I"ll just take a week off in the near future and try and rest my whole body.

    And drink alcohol!

    I am with you on the drink alcohol part! I hope you do take a break soon because I would hate to see it turn into a major injury!
  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks for all the support ladies! I don't intend to let them scare me off. I'm actually more determined to go back on Monday and keep on keepin on with my bad self. I'm finally starting to see and feel the results from lifting, and I really look forward to getting my lifts in...I think I'm becoming a junkie :) This is honestly the first form of exercise that I truly enjoy.

    On another, slightly related, female power note: Has anyone here read "Women Who Run With The Wolves"? It's totally feeding my desire/need to lift along with really building up my "I am woman: Hear me roar!" attitude.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    rsharper - I'm all about "first do no harm"....so, I won't let this "twinge" go on much longer....I promise!

    But, in the meantime (meaning: before I take an intentional lifting break of 7- or 10- days), I LIFT!

    I likely don't lift nearly as heavy as all the rest y'all on here. <<---True story.
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    I think I'm becoming a junkie :) This is honestly the first form of exercise that I truly enjoy.

    im with you on that one! :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    sam, was the offer he had good?
    No details. No that I have more information it sounds more like, "Heck yeah we're hiring come on down." Sounds like a cool company though. Hubby understands that I have to have a job first. So he won't accept anything until that happens.

    I skipped the gym. Damn migraine. I'm hanging on the sofa in a pain reliever induced fog. On thebright side I'm almost 500 under today. I think I need to take Friday off my schedule.
    Ethieman, let me tell you, nothing has built my confidence and self-esteem like doing this program. Roar baby roar!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    hi ladies - trying to catch up on all of the posts! busy week last week and on a short vacation now.

    I am staying at a hotel with a GREAT gym. I did 5A1 last night and will do 5B1 tonight. Ran 4.5 miles yesterday. Atlanta is a beautiful place!

    beeps - a twinge when you up the weights makes me think "nerve related". do you ever foam roll your upper back?

    sam - sorry to hear about that migraine! In today's economy, you might want to consider him commuting for a while if its a great job and you are not ready to move yet.

    ethie - way to stay strong! boo to people at the gym with bad attitudes! no, haven't read that book, but i will check it out!

    manic - ouch to the herniated disk! MAJOR doses (800mg) of ibuprofen is what my husband's doctor said. where are you going on vacation?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I think he just wanted to prove how easy it would be for him to get a job in that area to get me to wrap my head around moving. It's nine hours away. No commuting. Not at his pay rate anyway.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Finally getting a chance to catch up with everyone! Hope you all are having a great weekend!

    Sam, I hope you guys can figure things out without too much stress!

    Ethie, just do your thing and prove to them how strong a woman can be.

    Beeps, I think "heavy" is a relative term. Whatever you're doing works!

    Mary, sorry about the pains :(

    lc, sounds like a great vacation.

    Meeting with the personal trainer tomorrow and I am nervous it will be a waste of time and money. Hopefully not.
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi all! I keep forgetting to check in here, because I'm in research mode... Stage 2 is going a bit rough! I feel like I'm doing everything wrong, and I'm EXHAUSTED all the time. These workouts are wiping me out! And it's almost done and I need to move onto Stage 3. This feels a bit nuts right now!

    Today, my husband decided to commit to working out regularly, and wants to do weight stuff... which means I get to buy weight stuff! I've been scouring Craigslist since I started NROL4W in February, but never doing any "real" shopping. Well, now I can! He can't get to the gym, and these workouts are taking too long for me (I run out of babysitting time). I'd like to start doing them at home. Also maybe if I do the workouts later in the day, it won't matter so much that I'm wiped out for hours afterward. He's doing the Nerd Fitness strength guide. He liked that one because part of it is just bodyweight with little or no equipment. Yay!