Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I think you have done an AMAZING job of meeting your goals, chubby....that is AMAZING!

    At some point, I, too, will get where I'm wanting to go - it's okay if it doesn't happen until sometime later then "end-of-May, 2012"....I did set that as a deadline, but it's not like I'm going to GIVE UP NOW and go back to what I was 16 months ago. nope.
  • kklou1985
    kklou1985 Posts: 9
    Random post.... I have just been down the pub and was proudly talking about lifting heavy, when one of my guy mates said that by lifting heavy with lower reps I was lifting for size and would get 'big' and suggested I should use lower reps and lower weights in order to tone??

    I'm not dismissing what he said, but welcome your views? Xxx
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Common misconception. Girls don't get "big" without chemical help. Growing muscles for strength will you give you the definition and "tone" you want. Low reps may burn fat to show what's underneath, I know some people who have had success with it; however, if you have nothing underneath the fat, then you'll just super skinny or "skinny fat" because high reps low weight is cardio NOT strength training. But that's just my opinion. THe only real way to show muscle definition, or tone, is to grow the muscle AND burn the fat.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I groaned when my zumba instructor started "gangnam style" so she made me lead the class with her. HATE The song, but loved the experience. time to get certified.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Sam - that sounds FUN! Agree with you regard getting big. Add to that the fact that most of us are in calorie deficit mode and there will be no getting big.

    Cowgirl - congrats on your progress!

    So, I am just chillin in the hotel room (we are away for the weekend at a soccer tourney). It looks like I may have lucked out two hotels in a row and I will be able to lift on Sunday. Tomorrow morning I am going to run a 10k.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Random post.... I have just been down the pub and was proudly talking about lifting heavy, when one of my guy mates said that by lifting heavy with lower reps I was lifting for size and would get 'big' and suggested I should use lower reps and lower weights in order to tone??

    I'm not dismissing what he said, but welcome your views? Xxx

    Everything Sam said. First off, the whole "Low Reps" for building muscle is not completely true. Building muscle is much, much more complex than lifting a certain rep range. Second, the word "tone" is used incorrectly. To look "toned", one typically needs to lose the fat covering their muscles- whilst retaining as much muscle as possible (i.e., perform resistance training while losing fat/weight). The "high reps" lower weights, are as Sam said, very similar to doing cardio. They really don't have much affect on retaining all those muscles when you're trying to lose fat. Third, like Sam said, women simply do not have the necessary hormones to gain huge amounts of "bulk" without many, many bulk/cut cycles and/or steroids.

    lc, that's great that you'll be able to lift at the hotel. Is the 10K for competition or just your weekend run?

    Sam, go get certified! Maybe you could make a little extra cash doing something you love.

    Beeps, you WILL get there. Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Dang, I just finished mowing our 1.5 acre (partially treed) yard with a walk behind mower. While I love the fact that I've burned about 600 extra cals today, I am really looking forward to my full rest day tomorrow. My arms are ready for a break.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Cowgirl - that is an awesome workout !
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Great burn chubby. I was hoping ti get in a hike today, but man, it is chilly.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi Ladies - just sunning myself by a creek while the kids play between soccer games. I did 5A2 this morning...it was awesome. I upped a lot of my weights.

    Sam - go for a hike! You will warm up once you get going! Will your kids go with?

    Cowgirl - my 10k was just a run. It was really nice. St Catherines is a town on the south shore of Lake Ontario.
    That mowing sounds like quite a workout!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I was lame today. We just hung around the house with a short walk to the park for good measure. Have to get to the gym tomorrow. On the bright side, after picking a fight with each other, hubby and I enjoyed a tandem nap. Too much stress, not enough rest.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    lc, sounds like you're having a great mini vacation!

    Sam, sounds like you needed the nap. Hopefully you caught up on some rest.

    We haven't had very many QOTDs lately. I'll have to think of one.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    good morning all...happy memorial day! I went to spin this am and I am headed to get a massage this morning! I was planning a bigger "me" day with yoga and a manicure, but my daughter looked so sad when I told her that I could not chaperone her class trip this afternoon, I caved.

    sam - wow, tandem nap sounds awesome!

    chubby, you are right...here isa QUESTION of the day from my spin teacher: breakfast patterns: do you eat before you workout? do you eat before you go to work? do you skip breakfast altogether?

    personally, I do not eat before I go to the gym 90% of the time. If I wake up hungry I will have something. Then, I often have two small breakfasts. My youngest needs to be out the door 1:15 before the other two.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member

    No exercise for me this past weekend. Today, I lift. Wednesday, I lift. Then have mini-vacation thur night - Sunday morn (in Vegas - with 3 gfs!).

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I HAVE to eat every morning. I eat about 1.5 hours after waking when I get to work. On the weekend I tend to eat too early or too late and it throws off my eating schedule for the rest of the day. I also eat before and after working out. Dinner about 1 hour before and a protein shake or snack after.

    Yeah I was totally lazy this weekend. Not sure what's up with that. Maybe it's TOM or something, but I was pretty much the same last weekend too. Not good. I'm sleeping like I do the first two weeks of summer and I still have four weeks of work left. I kid you not. The first two weeks of summer vacation all I do is sleep. Total decompression after being wound like a top for ten months straight. Drives everyone in the house nuts because they are ready to go go go. I did get to the gym four time last week though, and I 'm planning at least three this week.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Today is rest day and I need it. Had a stomach bug that knocked me flat for three days. I missed one day but pushed through the next one (stubborn) and I just felt awful the whole time, and could barely manage the weight I'd done last time, in spite of reduced reps. Today I just feel blah; I usually feel so great by rest day, like I could take on anything, so this is a little disheartening, even though I know it's my own doing.


    But tomorrow I another day. I hope all you amazing ladies had a great long weekend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    samntha - I actually admire ANYone's ability to be able to sleep....even when I do have a weekend off, I don't seem to be able to nap and I haven't "slept in" since I was 16 years old....my body wakes up when it does (I haven't used an alarm clock, that I can think of, in DECADES - unless we have a 2 am flight somewhere or whatever) and it just stays awake.

    ended up seeing my personal trainer today, as I was leaving the gym - turns out he has quit his job at my gym and is moving on. Booooo....but, he did remind me of ALL THE GOALS that I have met this past year - I am stronger, I've lost PLENTY o' body fat, my feet don't hurt (when I started NROL4W, I had plantar fasciaitis or a heel bruise, in my left foot) and my neck/back/shoulder injury corrected itself. So, even though I'm nursing some kind of shoulder/bicep/tricep injury (just now), it isn't like I haven't done a TON of stuff on the fitness front.


    Today's work-out was TREMENDOUS lower-body work....ouch-y wa-wa!!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Fabulous Beeps! You inspire me. YOu have a go get 'em attitude that doesn't quit. That is super NSV!!

    My workout today is housework and walking. hubby got home late from his ride and I missed the gym, limited holiday hours. I'll still get my planned three workouts though.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Way to go on all the progress, Beeps!

    samntha14, I got a crapton of laundry to deal with it :tongue:

    Bacon-for-the-week is in the oven right now. I did get my workout done today.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    unplanned rest day. My gym is closed for the holiday. lame. and I was going to get a day pass for the Y but that was closed too. So I'm going to do tues/thurs/saturday this week. and next week monday finish stage one!! and celebrate by going to australia on wednesday! yay.

    Beeps-- it's good to know your heel pain went away. I've been experiencing a weird pain in my heel. I don't think it's bone related because I can pinpoint the spot and it feels like 1000 needles stabbing when i stretch it. Thankfully I'm not running during stage one .

    QOTD: I eat breakfast EVERY morning. My favorite time of day. Sit with breakfast, a cup of coffee, sync my fitbit and catch up on some MFP. it's been pretty routine for the last 200 days or so haha.