

  • I had the most amazing lunch out with my sister earlier in the week. We went to Maggiano's. I left the bread alone...not a single bite. I had a salmon filet over sauted spinach, and instead of the new red potatoes, I had broccolini. Just the right amount of food and didn't feel one bit guilty!
  • I just started taking B Complex yesterday, too. I friend told me it really helped her, so I thought I'd give it a try. I also take Fish Oil and Red Yeast Rice (for cholesterol) and a probiotic.
  • Steamed/Sauted Broccoli Steam broccoli until almost done Saute steamed broccoli in a little olive oil (flavored oil is good) Sprinkle with just a bit of sesame seeds Simple. Easy. Yummy
  • I'm currently not eating sugar and grains. My breakfast this morning was a 2 egg mushroom/cheese omelet with 2 pieces of bacon. I will barely be hungry at lunch time. Protein REALLY fills me up.
  • Great Job in the last year!!! You can loose those last (hard!) 10 pounds!!
  • Yes. It's amazing how quickly the sugar craving disappear! Best wishes for your success, too!!
    in Hi! Comment by kay43026 January 2011
  • YES! I spent from Thanksgiving until almost Christmas getting my back feeling better. My bottom 2 discs are bulging. I've got a curvature of the spine (30%) from the waist down. However, it was probably due to an injury (I'm not aware of) when I was quite young since my hips/pelvis are aligned like they should be. I went…
  • I am SO in!! Personally, hope to loose a lot more than 30 lbs. by then:-)
  • I'm doing NO sugar or grains, lots of veggies and protein. So far...I'm doing GREAT!!
  • I avoid ALL fruits juices due to the high sugar content, along with most fruits. I do tons of veggies instead.