tjsusong Member


  • I am 38 years old, have never wanted children and had my tubes tied 3 years ago to be sure it doesnt happen. I think kids are great for other people, but I'm not equipped with the patience for children!! I commend your choice!!
  • I'm really particular about eating at certain times of the day to make sure I'm not getting off track, so if its too close to those times, then I say I can't work out... Also, I cant work out for like an hour after or I'll get cramps. Of course, there's always the good ole "I just dont feel like it!!", "I'm on my period",…
  • You need to eat more!! I realize that you're being medically supervised, but if they want you eating 1100 calories, I'm sure they mean NET 1100 calories. You need to eat back any calories that you are burning through exercise. So if you are burning 500 calories through one Zumba class, then be sure that you eat an…
  • TOM? I'm sure you lost weight then! You're retaining water weight, so don't worry. Next week will be better! Congrats on the inches!!!
  • Gooooo Tribe! I just froze my *kitten* off at our home opener! Went 16 innings. Even though we lost, I think we have a decent season in front of us!!
  • Thanks everyone for your input! And you're right... some people just like to be negative or contradictory about healthy things and their benefits!!
  • Seeeeeee, I didn't think so! Ignorant people really irritate me. People hear something through a grapevine so it must be true? But Herbal Teas? Come on!!!! LOL
  • THANK YOU!!!!!
  • Me too, and will not be having them by design. I had a tubal ligation when I was 35 as my method of birth control!!!
  • ^^^ This ^^^^ I have a Body Bugg which I love, but I dont think I really use it to its full capacity. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that it has a phone App so I can get an up to minute review of steps and daily calories viewed without having to get on the computer and up load, but I guess if the FitBit syncs to MFP, I could see that…
  • DO IT!!!! You've got 6 months to train! It'll take hard work and dedication but you can do it.
  • I'm on day 11 and I'm down 8.4 lbs. The cleanse was incredibly difficult for me. I just wanted to eat, but I'm also going through some personal things too. Its a lot less carbs than I'm used to, but I made it through. I've only had 2 meals so far, but I'm looking forward to further results. My only fear is that I go off it…
  • Oh, I drink about a gallon of water a day... LITERALLY, I really do:)
  • I dont know that I can possibly eat more veggies. I eat about 3 servings for lunch and about 3 more for dinner. Salad with both meals and then another veggie like brussel sprouts or asparagus. Today is day 11 so I'm out of the cleanse now. I'm sure things will be a little better. I'm down 8.4 lbs now so things are looking…
  • I mash them with a little brown sugar, cinnamon and cloves! Yummy:)
  • Try a cleanse? I dont want to recommend any one in particular, but look for a good 3 -7 day cleanse that could detoxify your body and reset your ability to lose weight.
  • The best gauge is to be sure you're eating back all your exercise calories back. Most people dont and that is why you see so many people increasing their intake. You want to try to NET the recommended calories from MFP. I hope that helps:)
  • Eat the fruit. I was just reading an article last week in either Prevention or Fitness magazine that was talking about the difference in sugar. Its not processed sugar so your body will digest and metabolize it differently. If you can pick that over chocolate then I'd say you're doing alright!!!
  • I love this quote and the original poster's quote! I really need to hear this. Lately I'm working myself back into running after dealing with a few years worth of injuries and its not going to quickly. I'm not trying to set any records, but now I know I can still say... I AM A RUNNER!!!!
  • Are you eating back your exercise calories? You probably need to raise your caloric intake. There are several forums on here regarding this. Check them out. You'll be glad you did!! It changed the way I lost weight last year (my ticker isnt correct right now so pay no attention! LOL)
  • Thank you!! I get so caught up with worrying about how I'm going to sustain my new lifestyle that I forget to think just about the day at hand! This is what this site is all about, the support and help that you can get from your fellow MFP'ers!! Thanks again!
  • You need to eat more. At least your BMR. Remember that your BMR is the BASE amount of calories your body needs just to function by just laying in bed all day. Try adding about 200-300 calories to your diet daily. Also, if your only working out 3x a week, try adding another day. I know it can be very difficult, but I think…
  • As you get stronger you'll have to work harder to elevate your heart rate. That's a really low resting heart rate, where are you when your just walking around the house doing mundane tasks?
  • I just got it too and I'm getting eager to try it. I just haven't had time yet. I'd love to hear some more responses too!
  • When I start working out more or even harder, I have been known to miss my period. Have you increased your exercise or changed your diet at all in the last month to 6 weeks?
  • Yes, I can be up as much at 4 lbs some months. But I just keep doing what I do the rest of the month and try and increase my water intake. This usually helps a little with the bloat. (And I do mean just a little! LOL)
  • If money is a concern for you, then go to the running shoe store and have them recommend a few pairs for you, or at least tell you if you should be looking for a stability shoe, or a performance shoe, etc. (My guess is you're going to need a stability shoe), then do some online shopping! There are several sites online that…
  • I was going to say the SAME thing!!!! :tongue:
  • Shoes and Stretching! Go to a running shoe store and let them look at your gait. They will get you into the best pair. Are you talking the front of your calves or the back? I mean, you don't think shin splints do you?
  • GOOD FOR YOU!!!! That is a GREAT attitude!!!!