Gaining muscle but not losing weight

Hello MFP's!

I just have a quick question and I'm not sure if this topic has already been discussed or not. Currently I am on a medically supervised weight loss program and initially I was doing extremely well. However, the last few weeks (6-8 weeks) have been constant heartbreak when I step on the body analyzer to get weighed in weekly.

Even though I've dropped about 26 pounds since December, I have struggled to get my weight down. I am gaining muscle and losing body fat.

Some FYI...
-I exercise daily (6-7 times a week), I mainly do Zumba, les mills body combat and body pump, boot camp, muscle conditioning and I try to run at least 1 mile (2-3 times a week)
-I am taking in about 1000-1100 calories, mainly protein and low carbs
-Recently I've been having dizziness and severe cramping
-On Monday, I will begin 2 sessions/week with a personal trainer.

My question is what types of exercises can I do that will help me get leaner first and then tone up once the numbers on the scale drop?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



  • mrskellyray
    mrskellyray Posts: 114
    you aren't eating enough! I get dizziness and cramping on days where I don't eat as much as I should!

    You should be netting at LEAST 1200 calories, and eating back all those exercise calories you are burning! You're body is probably beginning to hold on to that fat because it needs it's energy!
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    as just said ... your main problem is you are not eating enough. definitely need to increase calories to at least (and probably more) 1200 calories.
    LANIECE1 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm in the same position. I have been doing Zumba and I love it,and I have not lost any weight, but I have lost incessant and 1 pant size. I can fit in my q size 10 pants, I lost 22pounds in 2010 doing a protein diet , but was very strick no sugar no carbs no exercise. I need help too!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,904 Member
    You're probably not building as much muscle as you think. First it takes a surplus to normally do it. Second you need OVERLOAD for muscle to hypertrophy and the lifting you describe doesn't offer much overload of muscle.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    It's great that your plan is medically supervised. My personal opinion is that you're not taking in enough calories for that much exercise, but check with your doctor. The cardio exercises will definitely help you burn fat.

    I think it's great that you're gaining muscle and losing body fat - this IS making you leaner. The weight will come off. Keep up the great work!
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    You need to eat more!! I realize that you're being medically supervised, but if they want you eating 1100 calories, I'm sure they mean NET 1100 calories. You need to eat back any calories that you are burning through exercise. So if you are burning 500 calories through one Zumba class, then be sure that you eat an additional 500 calories for that day. Does this make sense?
  • Thanks for all of the responses!! I really appreciate all of the feedback from everyone!!! I see my primary doctor next week and will discuss the calorie issue with her. I will also talk to my trainer again about types of exercises that will help in my weight loss journey.

    I wasn't sure how to respond to everyone individually but I am really grateful that people were willing to respond and off suggestions.

    My first action is to research caloric intake for myself as well. My trainer mentioned finding my BMR and researching the Harris Benedict equation. For the certified trainer that responded, have you heard of this and is this equation accurate?
  • You need to eat more!! I realize that you're being medically supervised, but if they want you eating 1100 calories, I'm sure they mean NET 1100 calories. You need to eat back any calories that you are burning through exercise. So if you are burning 500 calories through one Zumba class, then be sure that you eat an additional 500 calories for that day. Does this make sense?

    Yes that makes sense and MFP makes it easy to see how many net calories I'm taking in on my exercise days!
  • It's great that your plan is medically supervised. My personal opinion is that you're not taking in enough calories for that much exercise, but check with your doctor. The cardio exercises will definitely help you burn fat.

    I think it's great that you're gaining muscle and losing body fat - this IS making you leaner. The weight will come off. Keep up the great work!


    I can see results in my clothes, I'm down 2 dress pants sizes (depending on the brand). I just thought that I would see more weightloss by now.
  • I'm in the same position. I have been doing Zumba and I love it,and I have not lost any weight, but I have lost incessant and 1 pant size. I can fit in my q size 10 pants, I lost 22pounds in 2010 doing a protein diet , but was very strick no sugar no carbs no exercise. I need help too!


    I love Zumba thing I that I have been doing is before or after zumba, I do 1 mile on the treadmill. I think I've mastered my zumba instructors workouts, so I'm not getting as much of a workout as before. The protein diet that I am on is the same way except that exercising is highly encouraged. Keep up the good work, we'll both reach our goals!!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    it's more than likely water weight. your body will use water as a placeholder in your fat cells in case you replace that fat. after awhile it'll give yup and will flush out that water which will result in a loss in the scale.

    if you're noticing changes in how your clothes fit then you're on the right track. the changes in the scale will come.

    for instance, the main part of my weight loss plan (besides eating at 20-30% below my maintenance calories) is a strength training program with a little cardio. i've only lost 20 pounds so far but have lost 2 sizes. eventually the scale catches up. maybe only weight yourself once every 2 weeks?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,904 Member
    My first action is to research caloric intake for myself as well. My trainer mentioned finding my BMR and researching the Harris Benedict equation. For the certified trainer that responded, have you heard of this and is this equation accurate?
    Yes that's a basic way to find out caloric need.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member

    I can see results in my clothes, I'm down 2 dress pants sizes (depending on the brand). I just thought that I would see more weightloss by now.

    Don't be discouraged!! Going down two sizes is SUCH an accomplishment! Don't just look at the number on the scale! It's working.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I agree with the others - waaaayyy too much exercising for how little you're consuming! Honestly if I were eating that little I wouldn't be able to lift the Barbie weights!

    Glad you're losing the clothes sizes, but I would be willing to bet if you upped your calorie intake slightly, you'd see better results all around!
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    You are not eating enough dear..your body is holding on to every calorie it gets! Up your intake, switch up your routines, weigh yourself only once a week..u should see a big difference